Using a weighted vest as a diaper bag?


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
I've thought of maybe using a weighted vest as a diaper bag, or using a backpack, that is used for the same purpose as a weighted vest. That way, nobody asks why I'm carrying them around.

Does anybody know of any weighted vests, or maybe backpacks that could do both?
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A weighted vest? Not sure how that actually works for carrying around diapers and wipes and such. But maybe I am misunderstanding what you are talking about. Tnhe weighted vests I am familiar with have slots for actual weights and no such larger compartments for inserting something such as a diaper.

My suggestion is simply caring around a gym bag. Seems like most everyone would just figure you have gym clothes in there and pretty darn discrete.
Probably any sort of backpack/knapsack will work as a diaper bag, and those are common enough.

If you're getting into rucking, you could do what I did when I started working up to backpacking: I started with an old knapsack and tossed a book in it (a paperback). Then I added another, and another, then a hardcover, .... until I was carrying as much as the knapsack would support (~8kg). Then I bought a Real Backpack :) and kept going until I had enough "useful load" for a full set of camping gear and supplies (~18kg).

If you don't have a lot of books around (I do, I'm old school ;)) fill some water bottles: water is pretty heavy.

My suggestion is simply caring around a gym bag. Seems like most everyone would just figure you have gym clothes in there and pretty darn discrete.
And probably no one is going to be tempted to look in there. 😧