Peeing more due to trauma?


Space demon baby
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Babyfur
  3. Little
  4. Incontinent
I have bladder issues to begin with and I'm nearly fully bladder ic. I had some very traumatic stuff happen recently and I've been having way more accidents and not even realizing I'm peeing or peeing a bit when I sneeze or cough(dealing with a minor sinus infection right now). Usually I only have a minute or so to make it to the bathroom but I haven't even had time until I'm just peeing myself now. I've had to be padded way more and hopefully my case of lil monsters gets here soon because I'm going to be having to change a lot. I'm probably going to have to go 24/7 for a few days until everything calms down but does anyone else have this problem?
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It’s a natural reaction to trauma.

It’s basically your body trying to eliminate everything that’s weighing you down so you can more easily escape whatever it is that’s putting you in danger.
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