Our first ABDL trip


German ABDL, 24/7 both diapered and locked up
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
Buckle up, this is gonna be a very long one.

As I mentioned in this post, in which I review my year of being diapered 24/7, my girlfriend and I decided that, to keep exploring our little/caregiver dynamic, we would take regular trips to places that will make me feel little. This week, we went on the first of these trips and I wanted to talk about it as well as recommend the place where we were to everyone living in Germany or planning to come here for one reason or another.
Both me and my girlfriend had a week off this week. On Tuesday, she woke me up early and surprised me by telling me that she would now get me ready as we would go on a surprise trip together. Once I was fully awake, she unlocked my onesie, changed me out of my wet nighttime diaper and into a Little Kings with a booster. Then she clipped the wireless bedwetting alarm I already talked about here to my diaper and put the receiver on her wrist. After she made sure that the diaper was taped up properly, as usual, she pulled plastic pants over them and then locked me back into my onesie. She told me to get up and get dressed while she prepared everything for the trip, which I did.
About twenty minutes later, we got in the car and my girlfriend started driving. No matter how much I asked her, she wouldn't reveal where we were going, insisting that it would be a surprise. After a couple of minutes on the road, she pointed to the receiver of the bedwetting alarm around her wrist and said: 'Why don't you try and be a big boy for the ride, honey? If you manage to keep your Pampers dry until we arrived, you'll get a nice reward in the evening. But remember, don't try to cheat or lie to me, the alarm will vibrate as soon as you pee.'
While it was hard for me to judge if I would manage to do so, as I didn't know how long the car ride would be, I still agreed to her offer. She then told me to grab the cooler she put behind my seat and take out the two sippy cups she put in there. Both of them contained iced tea and she said that, as part of her challenge for me to stay dry until we arrived, I would have to drink both of them. I agreed and started drinking, even though this would make the challenge far harder.
About an hour into the trip, having downed the iced tea rather quickly, I started to feel the need to pee.
I told my girlfriend: 'Can we please stop mommy? I need to pee.'
She responded: 'No honey, I want to arrive as early as possible. Part of learning to use the potty is learning to hold it. So do your best to hold your pee until we arrive. If you can't hold it any longer, just use your Pampers, okay? You're still my big boy, no matter if you use them or not.'
I nodded and asked how much longer it would take for us to arrive, but she just answered that it was a surprise where we were going so she wouldn't tell me.
For the next forty minutes I fought the urge to pee as hard as I could, but I felt like I would soon have no other choice but to use my diaper. I was about to give in when my girlfriend said that we were getting close to our destination. She told me to open the glove box and put on the blindfold she put there. While I did as she told me, I told her again that I had to pee really urgently and she reassured me that we would arrive very soon and that, if I couldn't manage to hold it, there was no shame in using my diaper.
We soon left the highway and I felt like I might actually manage to keep my diaper dry until we arrived at our destination, where she would that allow me to use the toilet. A couple of minutes later however, we drove over a speed bump that I didn't expect because I was blindfolded and thus couldn't see it coming. As soon as the car hit the speed bump, I flinched and for a moment couldn't concentrate on my bladder, which led to me completely flooding my diaper.
'Mommy, I just peed my Pampers.' I said and then realised that it wasn't necessary to tell her, as I could her the bedwetting alarm on her wrist vibrating.
She started stroking my knee and answered: 'I know honey, but that's okay. I know that you're not completely ready for potty training yet and that's okay. I just thought we might try it out. And don't worry, your diaper is more than thick enough to last for the whole trip. And in case it isn't, I've packed a spare one so I can change you.'
After this happened, we drove for a couple more minutes until my girlfriend stopped and shut off the engine. She told me that I could now remove the blindfold. I did so and looked around, finding myself in a parking lot. We both got out of the car and after taking her backpack out of the boot, she took my hand and we walked together, her guiding me.
Still looking around, I found out that we were at what seemed like an amusement park.
When I asked her if I was correct, she replied: 'Yes honey, well done! It's called potts park, and I think you'll rather like it.'
We went up to the entrance, where she paid for both of us. Just as a side note, it's stuff like this that makes me feel extra little. Her taking me by the hand, paying for me, answering questions that other people direct at me in my stead etc. However, I digress.
When she paid, we entered the park. And now it's part for the recommendation to all other adult babies who have the opportunity to go there. Potts Park is a small family amusement/theme park in Germany, more specifically in the OWL region of North Rhine-Westphalia. It's mainly aimed at families with younger children up to the age of 12. It's great from an AB sense however, as there are almost no upper age limits on any of the rides and attractions, which means that you can ride almost everything as an adult.
And while this is great, the best thing about the park was the 'Riesenwohnung.' It's a walkthrough attraction that's essentially a normal three room flat, but scaled up so that to the average adult it looks like it would to a two year old child. If you want to, you can have a look here. While it looks a bit dated because it was built in the 80s, it was almost like magic to me. While my girlfriend is very good at making me feel little, the fact that I was walking around in this attraction, wearing what was by then a quite soaked diaper underneath plastic pants and a onesie, on the hand of my girlfriend/mommy, outright made me feel like I was a toddler again. I loved every second of it and we came back and walked through it again three times during the day we spent there. It was absolutely magical.
Don't get me wrong, the rest of the park was great, too. We both had a lot of fun and my girlfriend managed to make me feel little pretty much the whole day, but that attraction was my personal highlight. Due to it being a weekday, there were almost no other visitors so we spent the whole day riding almost everything there was multiple times.
When the park was about to close, we went back to the car and I thanked her for taking me there and told her how much I loved everything and how happy I was. She said that I was very welcome and that we would do things like this more often from now on, as she also enjoyed it very much. Once we arrived at the car, I told her that the only thing that would make the day even better would be if I could spend the ride back home in the backseat, which unfortunately wasn't really possible, as I'm rather tall and my girlfriend drives a small coupé with very limited space in the backseats. She agreed that next time, we might take my car so I could actually ride in the backseat the whole time before we got into the car to go back home.
When I sat down, I noticed that my diaper, which I had wet another time (I think the sixth time that day) on the way out of the park, was so soaked that I could feel pee coming back out of it as soon as I put my weight on it.
I said to my girlfriend: 'I think I need a new Pampers mommy.'
She replied: 'Are you leaking? Or do you think you can stay in that Pampers until we're on the highway? Then I'll change you at the first motorway station that has a disabled toilet.'
I told her that I could wait until we were on the highway and so we drove off.
At the first motorway station we encountered, she pulled off the highway and we stopped. Luckily, it was near empty, so she took the spare diaper and some wipes out of the boot, took me by the hand and we went into the disabled toilet. Luckily, it was very clean, so while she still changed me standing rather than lying on the floor, at least there were no unpleasant smells. When she finished changing my diaper, she clipped the bedwetting alarm to the new diaper, pulled the plastic pants back up and locked me in my onesie.
Before we left the toilet, she said: 'I admit that the iced tea was a bit unfair this morning. Do you think you can keep your fresh Pampers dry until we arrive back home like a big boy? You'll get your reward in the evening if you manage to do so.'
I nodded and she gave me a kiss before taking me by the hand and walking back to the car with me.
The rest of the ride home was rather uneventful. I actually managed to keep my diaper dry until we came home, at which point my girlfriend allowed me to wet myself if I wanted to, as I managed to stay dry for the whole way. So, while taking off my shoes, I let go and peed in my diaper. My girlfriend, notified by the bedwetting alarm she still wore, came over to me and hugged me.
She said: 'Oh honey, did you have an accident?'
I shook my head and answered: 'No mommy, I peed my Pampers on purpose. You allowed me to and I had to go.'
She kissed my forehead and told me that I was a good boy before pinching my diaper through the plastic pants to make sure that I didn't need a change.
Come the evening, I actually did get my promised reward for staying dry on the way home. When it was time for her to change me into my nighttime diaper, she strapped me into the segufix and blindfolded me. While she changed me, she took off my chastity cage and put some kind of cream on my penis. When I was no longer hard, she taped the diaper shut without putting that cage back on and then locked me in my onesie again. The she got me out of the segufix and removed the blindfold.
She said: 'I just applied numbing cream to your dick. As you probably know from experience, you won't be able to feel anything down there for the next couple of hours. However, as you proved to me that you're a big boy today, as soon as the numbing cream wears off, you're free to have as many orgasms in your diaper as you can until it's time to change you in the morning. As soon as I take off your nighttime diaper tomorrow morning, I'll put the cage back on. But for now, you can have fun as soon as you're not numb anymore.'
I thanked her and almost immediately tried a vibrator over my diaper, but as expected, I felt pretty much nothing. However, during the whole night and until ten minutes before my diaper change in the morning, I had multiple orgasms. I love cumming in my diaper, but I usually can't, as I'm always locked up, so I savoured every chance I got.
In the morning, as my girlfriend had announced, after she took off my nighttime diaper and bathed me, she put the chastity cage back on, locked and sealed it and then put me back into my usual diaper-plastic pants-onesie combo.
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What numbing cream was used?
You live a wild life and I'm really happy for you :)
Danielle said:
What numbing cream was used?
Don't know exactly, but something quite strong containing lidocaine.
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ThatDiaperDude said:
Don't know exactly, but something quite strong containing lidocaine.
like your onesie, do you wear with diaper often?
This story real or not was hot. Didn't know it was going to be this kind of read 😆
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Fireball44 said:
like your onesie, do you wear with diaper often?
@ThatDiaperDude, Excellent post of your day trip. It's so nice to read about a loving partnership of little / caregiver. I cannot begin to imagine what it's like to be in your position with all its attention of caging and nappies 24/7 and gaining the loving touch from your girl. I salute you Sir.🫡