It's Time to Stop.

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KimbaFoxNatsume said:
I'm aware of what a virus is and how diseases spread. In fact, in some ways you might consider me a germaphobe. Even before all this, I was a frequent hand-washer who handled public doorknobs with my shirt. When I do get sick, I tend to be miserable, so I try my best to avoid that.

With common sense, which is what I think we need a big dose of.

Im happy to read this.
If everyone would be like this, Covid 19 would be done.

But people are stupid.
If the states don't force this rules upon them, they would
live there live as usual, and the disease would spread even more.
of course in some countries like Germany we had not as many dead as
in other countries. That is because of the lock down.

But because people are stupid, some now suggest
that Covid 19 was not that bad after all and that this all was some
kind of world wide conspiracy lead by Bill Gates.

This bullshit gets me really angry. 343.116 dead are no conspiracy.
Its reality.
Yes most of them had some pre-existing illnesses.
But does this really make it less of a threat?
No one dies on HIV directly, they die because of some other illness
that can rampage because HIV destroyed there immune system.
So is HIV not that bad after all?

please don't get me wrong, i can see you understand this,
but keep in mind:

People are Stupid
Especially in masses and with fear.

If they are not forced to protect themselves and others,
they will not do it.

Hope you don't get offended Guys,
again i don't want a fight, but that is just how it is.
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Sorry for the double post,

If it would be allowed to make a sadistic test,
you could allow people for a half year to break any
rules that exist for driving a car.

You will see how death by Traffic accidents will rise
into space.

Because if there is no one that forces you to limit speed,
use seat belts, control the wheels on the car, etc.
majority will stop caring sooner or later.

Or at least that is what i believe.
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I do understand where you're coming from. I've been bouncing between work and home-stuff. It gets tiring being stuck inside of my home, and at times maddening. Same with work, I deal with people who think that they need $400 worth of food and supplies and come back the next day trying to return things. I've had people in the beginning trying to attack me because I wouldn't sell them TP. But if people are still getting sick, I want the lockdown to stay.

In my homestate of Kentucky, Many have called my Governor a tyrant for doing what he did. Gov. Beshear did what was necessary to protect the people. Compared to the majority of the United States, he picked the option that saved lives. As of writing this, (5/24/2020 17:56 EST): Kentucky has about 8,571 Confirmed Cases. Our State Neighbors have about 10K+ cases each except for West Virginia.

So I'm happy for this lockdown.
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KimbaFoxNatsume said:
I live where masks are mandatory inside businesses. So I cross state lines to shop where they aren't.
Genuinly curious why this is an issue? Please exsplain, I wish to understand the process of how the otherside thinks.

This outrage for making people wear masks in businesses is the second most confounding thing about the outbreak. One being the stock pile of TP over food.
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KimbaFoxNatsume said:
Time to stop acting like human beings can be happy and healthy holed up in their homes.

Time to stop acting like every person is a vector for a disease that will kill you if they get six inches too close.

Time to stop allowing freedoms to some of our citizens, and denying them to others.

Time to stop destroying people's lives.

I don't know how my father can stand to watch the news. Local news, CBS Sunday Morning News, when every other word out of their mouths is Coronavirus, Covid-19, or social distancing. It's enough to nearly put me over the edge.

Step over a county line, a state line, and you can find yourself in a whole other world where the citizens enjoy fewer restrictions. I live where masks are mandatory inside businesses. So I cross state lines to shop where they aren't.

In that same place, their YMCA will open on Tuesday. Those members get to enjoy what I've been missing since March: swimming. Me, they're not letting in guests or new members, and my YMCA's doors are still staying shut.

The mixed messages. Local authorities don't really care anymore if the rules are followed or not. The governor says obey my rules, or fear my wrath.

We've allowed fear to overstep common sense. A writer in this morning's Dear Abby was shocked when a woman in a store approached them to discuss the best cuts of chicken. People, get over yourselves.

Meanwhile, I have a birthday party to attend tomorrow. (Gasp!) I'm going to eat cake my little cousin blows out candles on. (Shock!) I'm not going to let fear stop me from enjoying the important moments in life, and I'm pretty sure I'll walk away disease-free.

And if I don't, well, that's the risk you can take in life. Stepping outside is a risk. Life is a risk. You could drop over dead from a brain aneurysm at any moment and never see it coming.

A life lived in fear is not a life worth living.
Have you noticed that the ones harping that you MUST STAY HOME are the ones that are still working, or at least still getting their paychecks? Media, academia, government politicians and bureaucrats, school teachers and officials and others that haven’t been put in the position of stay home and lose your livelihood are the ones repeating the mantra the loudest and most often. As for me I’ve been training for this shelter at home for more than a decade while on disability so it doesn’t affect me like it does folks that need to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as my kids do. Ben Franklin loosely paraphrased said “those willing to sacrifice liberty in exchange for security deserve neither”. The liberties that my parents handed down to me are sorely infringed upon by the actions of our state governments and are not still available for me to hand down to my children to my disgrace. Look at the way the FAR MORE DEADLY 1918 flu pandemic was handled by the government back then and you can see the arrogance with which state officials have trampled our Bill of Rights. Stay padded until the government takes your diapers away too.
Zeke said:
he liberties that my parents handed down to me are sorely infringed upon by the actions of our state governments and are not still available for me to hand down to my children to my disgrace.
I don't mean to be rude on this matter, but in which part does the lockdown violate the Bill of Rights? All I see here are States acting on the 10th Amendment
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Chatzoe said:
I don't mean to be rude on this matter, but in which part does the lockdown violate the Bill of Rights? All I see here are States acting on the 10th Amendment
Exactly. If anyone is trampling on your Bill of Rights, it's the governors of the states. This is all Tenth Amendment. It's sad to know that schools stopped teaching the Constitution right before I graduated, because so many people that talk about Constitution, Rights and all have little to zero knowledge of the Constitution's mainframe.
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I can definitely see from both sides what do I think is the right way to handle this situation. This I am unsure of but the one thing I am 100% sure of is that I am glad I don't have to make the decisions.

Being the Governor or whoever would be very trying right now you want to try to keep business from going under but also you have to worry about the health of the people. This situation is very challenging for every single person we just need to try to hold each other up and stick together.
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diaperfooties said:
I can definitely see from both sides what do I think is the right way to handle this situation. This I am unsure of but the one thing I am 100% sure of is that I am glad I don't have to make the decisions.

Being the Governor or whoever would be very trying right now you want to try to keep business from going under but also you have to worry about the health of the people. This situation is very challenging for every single person we just need to try to hold each other up and stick together.
It would be great to lead upward but, unfortunately, too many Americans think that their government solely exists to give them a comfortable life, not to enable them. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." has become a scoffed-at mantra.
Turk3y5h007 said:
Genuinly curious why this is an issue? Please exsplain, I wish to understand the process of how the otherside thinks.

This outrage for making people wear masks in businesses is the second most confounding thing about the outbreak. One being the stock pile of TP over food.
You asked nicely, so I will explain my viewpoint thoroughly.

I consider the government forcing me to wear something on my body a violation of my personal rights. It conjures up images of Muslim countries where women must be covered.

It is not something that can directly save my life, like a motorcycle helmet or a seatbelt in a car.

The government is essentially saying "Wear this, or you can't go to the store to feed your family." (Yes, there are pick-up and delivery options, but what about those who lack Internet access to place an order?)

I may be a liberal, but I still recognize that there are lines the government should not cross.

Now, coming from a more personal level: as someone who has had to deal with having little control over my own life, I take extra offense at the government telling me what I must wear, after it has already stole so much of what I love.

And I'm going to tell a very personal story of how the government has treated me and why I resent it. In 2019, I applied for SSI based on my autism and generalized anxiety disorder. I was denied, so lawyered up and went to court. I won my case, but sitting in that room in front of a judge, I was forced to talk about my infantilism, because it was in my psychological records.

So not only did the government make me fight for disability benefits to allow me some semblance of a normal life, it made me tell a complete stranger about some of my most personal habits to get it. It was a rather dehumanizing experience.

I see being forced to cover my face as also dehumanizing and unnatural.
Chatzoe said:
I don't mean to be rude on this matter, but in which part does the lockdown violate the Bill of Rights? All I see here are States acting on the 10th Amendment
Your not being rude you’re just searching clarification. The first amendment guaranteed citizens that:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, or of the press.”

The restrictions on even the safest form of church.... drive in services where people sat in their vehicles with their windows up and listened to the service via their FM radios seems an obvious infringement. The right to peacefully assemble is hard to exercise when they say that you can’t leave your house or apartment. Those that wrote the Bill of Rights would be taken aback by the way we’ve allowed them to be trampled.
KimbaFoxNatsume said:
You asked nicely, so I will explain my viewpoint thoroughly.

I consider the government forcing me to wear something on my body a violation of my personal rights. It conjures up images of Muslim countries where women must be covered.

It is not something that can directly save my life, like a motorcycle helmet or a seatbelt in a car.

The government is essentially saying "Wear this, or you can't go to the store to feed your family." (Yes, there are pick-up and delivery options, but what about those who lack Internet access to place an order?)

I may be a liberal, but I still recognize that there are lines the government should not cross.

Now, coming from a more personal level: as someone who has had to deal with having little control over my own life, I take extra offense at the government telling me what I must wear, after it has already stole so much of what I love.

And I'm going to tell a very personal story of how the government has treated me and why I resent it. In 2019, I applied for SSI based on my autism and generalized anxiety disorder. I was denied, so lawyered up and went to court. I won my case, but sitting in that room in front of a judge, I was forced to talk about my infantilism, because it was in my psychological records.

So not only did the government make me fight for disability benefits to allow me some semblance of a normal life, it made me tell a complete stranger about some of my most personal habits to get it. It was a rather dehumanizing experience.

I see being forced to cover my face as also dehumanizing and unnatural.

Very well, thank you for your explanation. We are to far apart in ideology to have a reasonable debate. Very appreciated for your input. I'm sorry you had to go through with being forced to out yourself like that.
Zeke said:
drive in services where people sat in their vehicles with their windows up and listened to the service via their FM radios seems an obvious infringement.
I can see how you can argue the Assembly but the religion?
They are listening to their sermons or whatever unhindered. Hell, A religious friend of mine told me they went to Sunday School this morning. I honestly can't see how their religious freedoms are being trampled on. And wasn't one of Jesus's messages telling about how you can pray and practice religion without needing a temple of sorts?
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If I catch the virus I may pass it to 3 people in my home. One is a 50year old man with COPD, another is my mommy who has a weakened immune system thanks to her medicine and a 1 year old....

You do you but I’m going to be happy and healthy holed up in my home.
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Punku said:
If I catch the virus I may pass it to 3 people in my home. One is a 50year old man with COPD, another is my mommy who has a weakened immune system thanks to her medicine and a 1 year old....

You do you but I’m going to be happy and healthy holed up in my home.
If you are fine doing things your way, more power to you! If people want to stay at home, that is their choice.

I just think we should be allowed that choice.
The irony of this virus is that if we had all stayed home for 3 weeks, we now would be free of the virus, but we were unprepared. We didn't have three weeks of food or toilet paper or anything that would have gotten us through just 3 weeks. And why was that. Golf at Mar a Lago was more important.

I saw the news today (oh boy...about a lucky man....) and to see all these idiots shoulder to shoulder on the boardwalks and the beach, in clubs, singing in churches. Already states are seeing spikes just after two or three days. We have ourselves to blame, that and Chine.

I had dinner at my son's on Saturday and his friend was there, someone who ran a restaurant in China for a number of years. He's convinced the Virus was manufactured in a Chinese lab to deliberately kill off the aging Chinese population, people who are a burden on their economy and I was reminded how my generation has been accused of bankrupting social security and medicare. The virus should take care of that problem.
I wonder if our Founding Fathers ever thought about plagues when they drafted and finalized the Constitution...dollars to donuts, they never did. Pobody's nerfect...
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Chatzoe said:
I can see how you can argue the Assembly but the religion?
They are listening to their sermons or whatever unhindered. Hell, A religious friend of mine told me they went to Sunday School this morning. I honestly can't see how their religious freedoms are being trampled on. And wasn't one of Jesus's messages telling about how you can pray and practice religion without needing a temple of sorts?
The state is telling the church how they can conduct services which flies in the face of the First Amendment. Most Christians would find the gathering in worship at least as important as the ability to go to the hardware store, Walmart, Target, the grocery store or others find the need to go to the liquor store. This is what I’m saying, if this right isn’t fully defended it will be incrementally decreased with every situation that the label “crisis” can be slapped on. The worship services is supposed to be a time of encouraging one another and gathering together in communal worship and praise of God. The regular gathering together of believers as a strong recommendation is found several places in the New Testament.
KimbaFoxNatsume said:
I consider the government forcing me to wear something on my body a violation of my personal rights. It conjures up images of Muslim countries where women must be covered.
I see being forced to cover my face as also dehumanizing and unnatural.

Is it dehumanising, unnatural, or a violation of your rights that you have to wear clothes in public? :-/

This journalist has a good take on things:

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KimbaFoxNatsume said:
I consider the government forcing me to wear something on my body a violation of my personal rights. It conjures up images of Muslim countries where women must be covered.

The Constitution is not absolute. As others have pointed out, the fact that you must be clothed in public is not a violation of the Constitution or your rights, and the courts have had a long history of weighing competing priorities when evaluating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Your right to not wear a mask and be temporarily uncomfortable is weighed against my right not to be infected by you and be permanently dead.

Guess who wins?

To be honest, I don't have an issue with letting the Churches congregate and let them turn into little Petri dishes. That will likely kill more Christians than Diocletan ever dreamed of doing, but religions have a long history of being suicide cults....

Stay safe.
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