Incontinence or reliance ?


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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
  3. Incontinent
Wasn't sure if to post here or diaper group as fall between the two.

For context am slightly inco requiring pull ups.
Occasionally this has not been sufficient so changed to 50%pull ups and 50% capacity diapers.

We've worn them consistency for just over a week.

We tried to go back to normal and lots of mini accidents.

Have we caused more inco by relying on pads and now we've lost function.
Or has function naturally declined ?

Anyone any experience they care to share ?

(We cannot speak to a doctor and fully aware that is what should happen)

Thanks for reading x
I think it’s a matter of training yourself to control the flow of urine/your urges to go pee - padded or not - like when to open your sphincter. You should still make yourself aware that you have to go pee, meaning that you choose when to go.
Can you help us understand why "We cannot speak to a doctor"? This is what should happen. Even if for some reason you can't speak to your doctor there are plenty of Telemedicine options available and you really do need to discuss with a doctor... OK enough with the public service announcement.

The bladder muscle and your pelvic floor are both like every other muscle in your body. If you train them to operate or not operate in a certain way they will adapt. It is quite possible to change your bladder but extremely unlikely that you would do it after just a week (or even a few months). However, if you've done that and there's nothing wrong that is causing this, you can likely retrain. If there is something wrong with your urinary system, you really do need to see someone.
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We have inco issues from childhood damage.
We have potential d/l issues from childhood exposure to urine fetishism.

So the whole thing is just rather triggering.

We physically cannot contact gp. Our throat closes up so we cannot verbalise.
If we were to write we would trigger a sabotage state who would ensure hatred and punishment for self.