I’m having a panic attack at work right now.


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
I’m not going to go into details of what’s going on in my home life, but I’m fairly sure I’m about to be caught at home. I’m currently at work, in the bathroom, ready to return home early to make sure my family member doesn’t enter the room. And yes, they reserve the right at this point, let’s leave it at that. There’s no need to go into “privacy matters” details. I’m owning up to this one. Not my apartment, not my rules.

I’m truly ready to early release myself from work claiming family emergency. I’ve never felt this kind of anxiety course through me before. I can’t even focus. This would be the absolute worst timing possible to be discovered by this family member. I can’t fucking breathe right now. I was a little careless last time storing. Jfc. She’s handicapped and would genuinely have a difficult time getting to any light source in there, but fuck me if she’s determined enough, she’ll find it.
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All you can do is "continue to watch the movie" at this point, so there's not much sense worrying about it. I mean, if you've been caught, there's nothing you can do to change it, so just put it out of your mind and go about your business. Even if you leave work early and no one confronts you now, what about tomorrow morning? You can't hide from future events so maybe try to head this one off IF that's even possible. If not? I can only say to you that this is FAR from the worst thing that can happen to you even though you may not agree right now.

I don't know your situation and it really can't make any difference anyway.

I wish you the best!

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CptKirk said:
All you can do is "continue to watch the movie" at this point, so there's not much sense worrying about it. I mean, if you've been caught, there's nothing you can do to change it, so just put it out of your mind and go about your business. Even if you leave work early and no one confronts you now, what about tomorrow morning? You can't hide from future events so maybe try to head this one off IF that's even possible. If not? I can only say to you that this is FAR from the worst thing that can happen to you even though you may not agree right now.

I don't know your situation and it really can't make any difference anyway.

I wish you the best!

Thankfully, I don’t think it’s going to happen the way I feared it would judging by our conversation. I’ve done a lot of things to prepare myself for the potential peeking in my room. As terrible as it sounds, I doubt with her damaged knee and other physical problems she’d be able to get to the light source blocked. The actual likelihood of her being capable of getting to that area is quite a bit slimmer than my panicked brain was imagining when I wrote this message. If it were to happen, I’ve gone through the many scenarios in my head to figure out just how the hell to go about it. If it happens, it happens.

The funny thing is? Compared to my very first post on here where I was buying left and right, discovering myself and going absolutely wild, I’ve balanced out. I’ve actually had less of a desire to wear, next to no shame to to do when I do, so it’s become a more tame/occasional craving. It’s been blissful. So the fact that I was careless about the one night I wore (I don’t actually use them?) and that just so happened to align with this family fight is just wild. 🤦‍♀️

I appreciate you replying to my utterly panicked post I wrote on the fly in a bathroom stall, I was a little frantic. 😅
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Many of us had/have family members who have no sense of personal privacy. We all understand your stress.
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