If diapers were the social norm...


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  1. Diaper Lover
Do you think we would see more of a preference towards ultra high capacity diapers (up to say 10,000ml) which are changed less frequently or lower capacity diapers (up to say 2,000ml) which would need changing more often?
Lower end as companies would want you changing more often to max profits.

but there would always be a market for the thick nappies as people would use them for efficiency and some would rather wear the same all day than change a lot.

It’s all about market demand and getting the money out of your customers, I think with ABDL nappies the market seems to want lots of absorbency cause we like being in a squishy wet nappy unlike someone who wears for medical probably would want to feel fresh and clean so would change more often and wouldn’t want to smell or potentially leak.
I don’t think there would be as many AB/DLs as I think part of it was longing for something you couldn’t have!
I doubt we'll ever see that high of a capacity ever become normal. At that much of an absorption you'd be changing once every 36-48 hours. I've had plenty of times where I won't neeed to change my current crinklz diapers for 16-20 hours. By this time I'm already smelling really bad and begining to develop a rash, not to mention needing to poop bad too. Doubling that time between changes would just be a big detrement to our health and well being.

That said, I can see 10,000 ml diapers being made one day. They would be really expensive and sold in limited quantities to those just wanting the feel of a really thick diaper. It would be a niche market, far from main stream even amongst us here.
Urine burn 😖
10 liters of pee is about 20 pounds of weight. How would anyone be able to keep their diapers on their butts ? 🌊
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There might be specialist “beer nappies” for those situations where every pint going in means a pint going out ;)
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KitsuneFox said:
Urine burn 😖
10 liters of pee is about 20 pounds of weight. How would anyone be able to keep their diapers on their butts ? 🌊
They don't actually hold 10 L in practical use. At best, most people get through 1/2 to 3/4 of the absolute max capacity. I frequently use a 7500 ml diaper with a 2500 ml doubler, which lasts between 16 and 24 hours. I drink 4-5 L of water per day.
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