How many people do you walk past who are diapered?


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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
I ask myself "I wonder how many people I pass a day who are also wearing diapers", and the only reliable way (aside from asking people outright "Are you wearing a diaper", which will likely not have good results lol) is to seek out empirical data. I had some free time to put towards it, so I did a little research on this topic. If statistics and basic math make you cringe, feel free to skip to the end, otherwise read on:

According to a study(1) by the National Library of Medicine, about 20% - 50% of women experience some form of incontinence (while only 3%-10% of men), although the large majority of those don't have severe or often enough problems to even use any products (or at the most use pads). Furthermore it shows that women of pre-ederly age who report their IC symptoms as "bothersome" represent roughly 4 - 8% of the population. According to a more recent study(2) of women who reported incontinence symptoms, approximately 3 - 7% severe to very severe levels of leakage, so we can average those together. The study(2) does say that 21.5% of IC sufferers have symptoms every day, but does not cross reference this to severity level (as light IC is frequently not a daily occurrence), so we have to guess that most of those who suffer from "severe" to "very severe" symptoms will likely have it occur daily. There is very little research done on IC in men, so we will have to guess its impact is similar to women and use those same figures adjusted to the percentage of men, 0.6% - 2.6%, making a total of roughly 4% - 10% of the population. It's these roughly 7% of people who have persistent symptoms and would use pullups or diapers (roughly 1% of men and 6% of women) of all ages. Everyone knows that IC is more prevalent as you get older, so if we want to restrict this to people aged 20 - 49 that would be 48% of the study(2). This means that statistically 1 in 200 men below the age of 49 you walk past are wearing incontinence protection (of at least pull ups or diapers), and 1 in 40 women, although the actual number may be slightly lower to account for those who do have IC bad enough to need pullups or diapers, but don't suffer IC symptoms every day.

In addition to that 3.5% incontinent people, we'd have to add on the ABDLs and those who are wearing by choice, although there are no studies to cite research data from. The only way we could ascertain the number of ABDLs would be to ask the likes of Rearz, ABU, Bambino, and others to provide anonymized data list the consisted of only order count per postal code over a period of time (such as one year). That, compared to census records, would finally answer the old question of "How many ABDLs are there like us?". If you find this as tantalizing as I do and have a reputation with any of these guys, please show them this thread and have them reach out to me, haha. In the mean time, I have to make a wild guess and say 1 in 500 people have some form of ABDL kink, although I'm sure this varies widely by area. Although I think this is wrong, it doesn't materially affect the numbers above. There may be many more to support a booming ABDL diaper market!

So if you've skipped to the bottom, TL;DR: roughly about 1 in every 30 people under the age of 49 who you walk past is wearing pullups or diapers to either manage severe IC or wearing by choice! Which is more than I had thought before I started this little thought exercise.

(1) Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence, 2001
(2) Updating the Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Adult Women, 2021
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Eh I have to be honest I kinda of doubt the number is that high? I think sales of products and quality of available products would be much higher if that many people were affected NA products readily available are terrible and more for minor leakage.

I think too that it would vary greatly depending on things like income and availability where people live? I would guess most people might use a pad or a guard but I wouldn't think that a pull up or diaper wouldn't be the product of choice for most person's suffering from incontinence.

Interesting to consider though that it is more common according to data like that though? Maybe it is higher than I think? Doesn't affect me though and I hope it doesn't affect them too much either.
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As an addendum, I tried to figure out a better ABDL estimate. I looked at the number of people registered on this forum (41,984) and I googled for the largest forum for a car brand that is not super popular but has a lot of enthusiast activity ( is what came up, with 810,333 members). I cross-referenced BMW's market share (3.1%) to the number of vehicles on the road in the US (8,866,000) and found that roughly 9% of BMW owners are registered to that forum. Using the same numbers to say that 9% of ABDLs are registered here and factoring in the percentage of guests viewing (members: 70, guests: 136), comparing it to the US population (as this is an English language forum), it comes up as 1 in 376 people in the US are ABDL, or roughly a bit over 900,000 ABDLs in the US in total.

The actual number would be lower than that, considering a fair number of people on this forum aren't from the US, but I wasn't able to exclude them from the calculation as that data isn't available to me. Of course, that number could be way off as many people are too scared to register here... the only way we could improve that accuracy is with the diaper order info I mentioned in the first post!
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Squirrely said:
Eh I have to be honest I kinda of doubt the number is that high? I think sales of products and quality of available products would be much higher if that many people were affected NA products readily available are terrible and more for minor leakage.

I think too that it would vary greatly depending on things like income and availability where people live? I would guess most people might use a pad or a guard but I wouldn't think that a pull up or diaper wouldn't be the product of choice for most person's suffering from incontinence.

Interesting to consider though that it is more common according to data like that though? Maybe it is higher than I think? Doesn't affect me though and I hope it doesn't affect them too much either.
It is definitely higher than I thought, but supermarket shelf space is a very limited commodity, and there's no supermarket out there that doesn't have some space devoted to pullups. As a rule, you can't buy adult diapers outside of surgical supply stores, so I'm sure they're far less common to find as you have to mail order them almost exclusively.
Adult diaper manufacturing facilities are very expensive to build and operate. The new facilities which are making the new technology adult diapers are located in China (four), India (two, Japan (one), Mexico (1), EU (1), US (1). Each of those replaced older facilities that are making the prior generation of adult diapers. This does not include facilities for Major Brands that are considered 'in-house' manufacturing.

When one can find adult diapers in connivance stores, the pure volume available is huge.

I am guessing the numbers are not being overstated here, but close if not a bit below.
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Edgewater said:
I am guessing the numbers are not being overstated here, but close if not a bit below.
Yeah, I'm not saying this is scientific-grade research, as there's a lot of missing data points, but it's a pretty good educated guess ;)
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as a 24-7 diaper wearer I never wonder who around me is in diapers anymore than I wonder if someone has an insulin pump.
Im sure both have a fair number
but I definitely don't go around looking or asking.
I think for the most part we try hard to cover & hide that fact we are wearing.
But saying that with how big the adult diaper market has exploded I am sure in a large gathering there will be a few with a diaper on.
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Edgewater said:
Adult diaper manufacturing facilities are very expensive to build and operate. The new facilities which are making the new technology adult diapers are located in China (four), India (two, Japan (one), Mexico (1), EU (1), US (1). Each of those replaced older facilities that are making the prior generation of adult diapers. This does not include facilities for Major Brands that are considered 'in-house' manufacturing.

When one can find adult diapers in connivance stores, the pure volume available is huge.

I am guessing the numbers are not being overstated here, but close if not a bit below.
Which ones are made in the USA? I would rather buy from domestic producers. I really like LittleKings, but they come from China.
I attend a lot disability groups and centres and I know quite alot of people who attend with me are incontinent and wear nappies so I'm around incontinence more than most people.
Edgewater said:
Adult diaper manufacturing facilities are very expensive to build and operate. The new facilities which are making the new technology adult diapers are located in China (four), India (two, Japan (one), Mexico (1), EU (1), US (1). Each of those replaced older facilities that are making the prior generation of adult diapers. This does not include facilities for Major Brands that are considered 'in-house' manufacturing.

Now do Pakistani cotton prefold factories, Edgewater! At least that’s where my InControl organic cotton prefolds (supplied by Rearz) originate. The terry towels that I use as a soaker and a liner come from that area of the world via eBay, but I think those may come from home workers judging by the variations in the hem on them.
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Although I do wear cloth, pre-folded diapers, I do not keep a keen eye on where those manufacturing facilities are as they tend to be tied to the clothing industry.

Adult Disposable Diapers are manufactured based on standalone facility, not linked to other industry. Material commonly arrives in large bulk shipping containers. Finished product leaves for shipping Worldwide. As a result it is common to find them near international seaports.
SparkyDog said:
as a 24-7 diaper wearer I never wonder who around me is in diapers anymore than I wonder if someone has an insulin pump.
Im sure both have a fair number
but I definitely don't go around looking or asking.
I think for the most part we try hard to cover & hide that fact we are wearing.
But saying that with how big the adult diaper market has exploded I am sure in a large gathering there will be a few with a diaper on.
I know for a fact that any large group (or small group) that i am around that there is at least one person who is wearing a diaper.
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LilTorry said:
Which ones are made in the USA? I would rather buy from domestic producers. I really like LittleKings, but they come from China.
I live in the NL and luckily can buy diapers from Scandinavia or Germany. Even though we Europeans sometimes have our differences with you guys I would rather buy an American product than one from China. Shame Megamax are made in China.....If they get enough complaints a factory in the US might be an option.
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Tenawearer said:
I live in the NL and luckily can buy diapers from Scandinavia or Germany. Even though we Europeans sometimes have our differences with you guys I would rather buy an American product than one from China. Shame Megamax are made in China.....If they get enough complaints a factory in the US might be an option.
You forgot Belgium ,
I wear Better dry Thrust vector and Dry life which are Ontex
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I have ordered four bags of better dry and can not wait to try them! Still have enough nappies for a month. Merry Christmas, hope you don't have to work over the holidays, it's usually max two days for me but this year the weekend plus two Christmas days. Whatever happened to the twelve?
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NappiedTruckDriver said:
You forgot Belgium ,
I wear Better dry Thrust vector and Dry life which are Ontex
I have some roots in Hampshire. Liphook, grandmother. She moved to Ashford, Middlesex, before I was born up North! Nice part of the world Hampshire.
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Tenawearer said:
I have some roots in Hampshire. Liphook, grandmother. She moved to Ashford, Middlesex, before I was born up North! Nice part of the world Hampshire.
Yep, many parts of the UK are beautiful, but when I have been away travelling, just driving down the A32 south from Alton down to West Meon on a clear, bright May evening is absolutely magical and so quintessentially English. I’m lucky enough to live in the South Downs National Park and have wonderful rural walks on my doorstep - I certainly don’t take it for granted.

Happy Christmas everyone! 🌲🎅🏻😊
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Well I saw an article yesterday about falling birth rates in many developed nations and it mentioned that the sale of adult nappies has overtaken those for infants/children in Japan. Obviously, this is due to there being a growing older population using them by necessity or reassurance, but I suspect more adults than we imagine wear some sort of nappy or pull-up.
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Your kidding me.
I thought that they made ALL of those different diapers that are out there on the store shelves and shipping containers just for me 👶👶👶
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I have always had a keen appreciation of the female posterior. As a butt watcher, I have, over the last twenty years noticed several definite diaper lines and bulges, usually at grocery stores.