Horrible situation


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Incontinent
I have been following the news about the tragedy in Maui, the destruction and loss of life is horrible. I was reading an article about it this morning and the thought occurred to me what would I do in a similar situation?
Say you are on vacation somewhere as quite a few people were there and a catastrophe such as this fire strikes. I tend to pack way more diapers then I need for the time we will be visiting but if you have to flee and cant take supplies with you what happens?
With the destruction as in this situation it is not like you can go to a local shop and buy some to get you through.

Fortunately I am just bladder incontinent but cant imagine what those who deal with bowel issues are doing right now not being able to gets to control their voiding.
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Hi MarineJohn, it is terrible what is happening in Maui, my prayers go out to the folks in Maui.🙏weather this year has been so crazy, I could not imagine being incon and not being able to get supplies,
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MarineJohn said:
I have been following the news about the tragedy in Maui, the destruction and loss of life is horrible. I was reading an article about it this morning and the thought occurred to me what would I do in a similar situation?
Say you are on vacation somewhere as quite a few people were there and a catastrophe such as this fire strikes. I tend to pack way more diapers then I need for the time we will be visiting but if you have to flee and cant take supplies with you what happens?
With the destruction as in this situation it is not like you can go to a local shop and buy some to get you through.

Fortunately I am just bladder incontinent but cant imagine what those who deal with bowel issues are doing right now not being able to gets to control their voiding.
That is truly a disturbing thought! I guess it fits into that curveball that life throws us when we least expect it! It's terrible that so many have died and so many others have lost so much. Throwing in the need for diapers for adults and children, things are bound to be in a critical state.
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I’m sure they have the supplies at the Red Cross they can distribute to the shelters.
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Easy pack a go back with whatever supplies u need and keep it with u... at least that's what I do if I got stranded someplace like maybe for me work since I don't drive ied need to get home..
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There is no question that these near year disasters that occur someplace in this World need to be seem as a more likely event than most people consider. Most people have at least some idea of what to do with local, more common events, but it quickly surprises one how few people are totally at lost when their primary exit route from their home becomes blocked by flood water, trees down or drifting snow.

To the point, most individuals are sadly unaware and not supplied when they would have to shelter in place, let alone have to quickly evacuate! Add special requirements like being IC, a baby, pet(s) and most individuals just freeze and do nothing.

It is a surprise, the number of individuals that are new to being IC never have a diaper bag with them or at least a back-up bag in their auto. When not if they have that even that exceeds what they are wearing, they begin the process of developing a diaper bag.

What has and is happening on the Hawaiian islands is a clear example that huge numbers of people are not at all prepared! Many people laugh at the 'Preppers' because the they build their lives around 'bugging-out' when things go bad. What happens every year in just North America should have a larger number, at least thinking and bringing together a plan to move quickly and ahead of the masses.
We should have a go bag I have one and I always keep it socked up
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In my go bag it is really a backpack a box of gloves 6 dipers wipes rash cream and the free stuff that I get with my incontinent supply evey month
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