Dreams referencing being transgender.

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Well crap, i've noticed all my dreams reference me being female or transgender at least once, it's quite surprising as i didn't really have this happen much pre-hrt.

is it simply my brain trying to process and come to terms with my gender?
LittleJess said:
is it simply my brain trying to process and come to terms with my gender?

It's very possible.

There's no real verdict on what exactly dreams are, though many have tried. While a little bit outdated as a scholar, this book is still a personal favorite on the subject. It serves as a good introduction.

But it's quite commonly accepted that the images and representations in our dreams stem from real life experiences. Sometimes symbolically and sometimes quite literally (e.g Being recognized as female/transgender in the dream state). That's well established.

The important question is if these dreams are pleasant or unpleasant. If they are unpleasant and continuous, stress or other factors may exist and is cause for concern.
Otherwise, dreams are what they are: A pleasant -sometimes even phantasmagorical- commercial break while the body is in shutdown mode. :p
I remember having some sissy like dreams when I was very early on pre hrt. They used to be quite heavily focused on something like a little dress or something like make up. It took me quite a long time to change the way my brain in idle mode thought about me. I used to think "I am a man....oh wait I'm trans aren't I?" About 8 months into hrt I'm now thinking "I'm a girl.….oh yeah...I'm trans aren't I?" I don't know if I'll eventually drop the trans part although it would be nice if I could...

I don't really attach much spirituality to my dreams I think they are just a reflection on your day. I could be wrong of course but I think if you're thinking of yourself as a girl more them hopefully it will reflect in your dreams x
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