Do you remember when you were potty trained?


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  1. Diaper Lover
I do. I must have been only 2 but possibly 3.

I don't remember all of it, but these are the things I do remember:

I didn't want to get out of nappies. Big Boy Pants looked uncomfortable and like they wouldn't hold my wee-wee. I can't remember if I was offered pull ups, I think I would remember if I was, so I probably wasn't.

I was frightened of the toilet. I felt like I would fall in it and be sucked down into a dark and horrible and wet place forever after. I didn't want to sit on it even with the adapter for children.

I had a lot of accidents. I remember lots of these. None were on purpose, although I don't think I was making any sort of enthusiastic effort to use the potty, but anytime I was absorbed in play or TV I would be soaked.

The accidents actually continued throughout my childhood, but got less and less as I got older. I was still allowed to wear nappies after potty training often in the day when I requested it, and was in nappies at night until I was 10, but I remember it was a burning youthful desire to go back to being in nappies all the time. I didn't like wetting myself. It was wet, and really cold by the time I noticed it, and would often cause some sort of parental stress which I felt in turn. Being in nappies meant no stress, I suppose, but also I liked everything else about them too.

I remember the lead up to potty training, too. Introducing me to the potty, giving me treats for sitting on it. At this point I didn't know what it meant, I remember feeling shocked and horrified when they said they wanted me to poo in it. But when I did I was rewarded so gradually acquiesced, and also gained the assumption that poo is rewarded, I think, because I remember when I was older again after the period of potty training, I thought it would be a good idea to do a huge poo on the carpet in my bedroom, and show my mum to get a reward. As you can imagine, I didn't get a reward, but actually my mum was inordinately upset, hugely upset, totally the opposite reaction I expected. Throughout childhood I would have frequent and extremely painful (to the point of hospitalisation) constipation, too, because of my aversion to toilets, I think.

That's about all I can remember, do you remember potty training?
I remember more of that time in my life than I want to! I HATED potty training! I was fully out of "Pampers" before I was 3 though I don't know by how much. My Mom claims I was done with it right around 2 1/2. I remember the tiny plastic "potty" I used including what it looked like (red with a yellow seat and a bowl that was easily removed to be dumped into the "big potty" and then rinsed out! I VIVIDLY recall intentionally pretending I couldn't "poop on the potty" even after being made to sit on it for what seemed like an eternity, only to load my Pamper as soon as I was put down to sleep! I got caught once so afterwards I'd wait until I heard my Mom's footsteps go down the stairs, give it 5-10 minutes, THEN fill my Pampers and literally "sleep like a baby!"! I was ALWAYS "reprimanded" (a few swats on my padded behind) but loved it so much it didn't matter. I took a lot longer to learn to pee on the potty than I did poop for whatever reason so I was still in Pampers for at least a few months until i got a handle on the peeing thing LOL. But I can recall so many incidents, VIVIDLY (like they happened yesterday) despite me being 53 years old now!

I have MANY more recollections about that time on my life than I listed here but I'm a hurting train wreck right now and need to lie down. I have 15 more days to wait before i FINALLY get the Radio Frequency Ablation on my Coccyx that was SUPPOSED to have been done on March 1st and MAN, does it hurt like a M***** F******!!!!! I can't wait for June 6th, usually having to be there by 6:30AM and within a couple of hours be on my way home with significantly less pain!!!

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I remember sitting halfway down the toilet, thinking I was going to fall in and get flushed down.
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Nope...I don't remember potty training or being in diapers at all. My first memories are somewhere around 4 years old.
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not really, that's a long time ago
judging from the photo album around 3-4
but was still wetting the bed at 5
but I did use one of those small plastic potties with my name on it and not the toilet
oddly enough I was never taught to stand only sit
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CptKirk said:
I remember more of that time in my life than I want to! I HATED potty training! I was fully out of "Pampers" before I was 3 though I don't know by how much. My Mom claims I was done with it right around 2 1/2. I remember the tiny plastic "potty" I used including what it looked like (red with a yellow seat and a bowl that was easily removed to be dumped into the "big potty" and then rinsed out! I VIVIDLY recall intentionally pretending I couldn't "poop on the potty" even after being made to sit on it for what seemed like an eternity, only to load my Pamper as soon as I was put down to sleep! I got caught once so afterwards I'd wait until I heard my Mom's footsteps go down the stairs, give it 5-10 minutes, THEN fill my Pampers and literally "sleep like a baby!"! I was ALWAYS "reprimanded" (a few swats on my padded behind) but loved it so much it didn't matter. I took a lot longer to learn to pee on the potty than I did poop for whatever reason so I was still in Pampers for at least a few months until i got a handle on the peeing thing LOL. But I can recall so many incidents, VIVIDLY (like they happened yesterday) despite me being 53 years old now!

I have MANY more recollections about that time on my life than I listed here but I'm a hurting train wreck right now and need to lie down. I have 15 more days to wait before i FINALLY get the Radio Frequency Ablation on my Coccyx that was SUPPOSED to have been done on March 1st and MAN, does it hurt like a M***** F******!!!!! I can't wait for June 6th, usually having to be there by 6:30AM and within a couple of hours be on my way home with significantly less pain!!!

Glad you hated it too. I think the whole thing is kind of fascist. YOU MUST WEAR DAS BIG BOY UNDERVEAR!
I've been incontinent since I was a very young child. "Potty training" wasn't even considered. At least until I wanted to try. It wasn't that I didn't like my diaper but I knew my friends didn't have to wear one like me. I remember clearly when I was almost 5. I was never punished for having a dirty diaper. But I know that my mom was frustrated about how I was just not getting it. Even in reality she knew there were medical issues that would make the toilet training impossible. I think she was just trying to be kind for me. I finally stopped trying. It was easier for all of us.
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Because I was almost 5 before I was out of nappies during the day I do remember it. I know my mother had a terrible time getting me out of nappies. Wet pants were just a daily occurrence for a long time after I came out off nappies.
JonahAteAWhale said:
I do. I must have been only 2 but possibly 3.

I don't remember all of it, but these are the things I do remember:

I didn't want to get out of nappies. Big Boy Pants looked uncomfortable and like they wouldn't hold my wee-wee. I can't remember if I was offered pull ups, I think I would remember if I was, so I probably wasn't.

I was frightened of the toilet. I felt like I would fall in it and be sucked down into a dark and horrible and wet place forever after. I didn't want to sit on it even with the adapter for children.

I had a lot of accidents. I remember lots of these. None were on purpose, although I don't think I was making any sort of enthusiastic effort to use the potty, but anytime I was absorbed in play or TV I would be soaked.

The accidents actually continued throughout my childhood, but got less and less as I got older. I was still allowed to wear nappies after potty training often in the day when I requested it, and was in nappies at night until I was 10, but I remember it was a burning youthful desire to go back to being in nappies all the time. I didn't like wetting myself. It was wet, and really cold by the time I noticed it, and would often cause some sort of parental stress which I felt in turn. Being in nappies meant no stress, I suppose, but also I liked everything else about them too.

I remember the lead up to potty training, too. Introducing me to the potty, giving me treats for sitting on it. At this point I didn't know what it meant, I remember feeling shocked and horrified when they said they wanted me to poo in it. But when I did I was rewarded so gradually acquiesced, and also gained the assumption that poo is rewarded, I think, because I remember when I was older again after the period of potty training, I thought it would be a good idea to do a huge poo on the carpet in my bedroom, and show my mum to get a reward. As you can imagine, I didn't get a reward, but actually my mum was inordinately upset, hugely upset, totally the opposite reaction I expected. Throughout childhood I would have frequent and extremely painful (to the point of hospitalisation) constipation, too, because of my aversion to toilets, I think.

That's about all I can remember, do you remember potty training?
I used to wet my self all the time after coming out of nappies.
I remember the potty chair and using it
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Yes I do. I used to think they were false memories but then my mom & dad made sure to take pictures.

I was trained at around 2.5 years and this was about a year or two before pull ups would hit the market. Anyways I remember sitting on the potty and having a fit when the mom tells me that "this is the last diaper in the drawer"--which was a total bluff. At that time she was just using up leftover disposables since she cancelled the cloth diaper service. I personally didn't like people seeing me use the toilet, so my parents would just be within earshot range of me until I told them I had gone. The actual plastic potty I had only lasted for about another few weeks because I was sitting on the regular toilet. I only remember this because it felt huge.

I think I was a year older and after my mom had given me a bath, she took me to my room to dress me. I guess she was just tired and pulls out a diaper and goes through the whole routine of prepping it--and stops right as she looks at me and says "wooops I forgot"
JonahAteAWhale said:
I do. I must have been only 2 but possibly 3.

I don't remember all of it, but these are the things I do remember:

I didn't want to get out of nappies. Big Boy Pants looked uncomfortable and like they wouldn't hold my wee-wee. I can't remember if I was offered pull ups, I think I would remember if I was, so I probably wasn't.

I was frightened of the toilet. I felt like I would fall in it and be sucked down into a dark and horrible and wet place forever after. I didn't want to sit on it even with the adapter for children.

I had a lot of accidents. I remember lots of these. None were on purpose, although I don't think I was making any sort of enthusiastic effort to use the potty, but anytime I was absorbed in play or TV I would be soaked.

The accidents actually continued throughout my childhood, but got less and less as I got older. I was still allowed to wear nappies after potty training often in the day when I requested it, and was in nappies at night until I was 10, but I remember it was a burning youthful desire to go back to being in nappies all the time. I didn't like wetting myself. It was wet, and really cold by the time I noticed it, and would often cause some sort of parental stress which I felt in turn. Being in nappies meant no stress, I suppose, but also I liked everything else about them too.

I remember the lead up to potty training, too. Introducing me to the potty, giving me treats for sitting on it. At this point I didn't know what it meant, I remember feeling shocked and horrified when they said they wanted me to poo in it. But when I did I was rewarded so gradually acquiesced, and also gained the assumption that poo is rewarded, I think, because I remember when I was older again after the period of potty training, I thought it would be a good idea to do a huge poo on the carpet in my bedroom, and show my mum to get a reward. As you can imagine, I didn't get a reward, but actually my mum was inordinately upset, hugely upset, totally the opposite reaction I expected. Throughout childhood I would have frequent and extremely painful (to the point of hospitalisation) constipation, too, because of my aversion to toilets, I think.

That's about all I can remember, do you remember potty training?
I remember being taken to the doctor because I refused to poop for days. Being on the spectrum, I hated having my bum dirty (ironically I like messing diapers and my pants in my adulthood). I was potty trained with peeing by the time I was 2, but I wasn’t fully potty trained til I was 4. I had bed wetting accidents until I was about 10-11 but somehow managed to hide that from my parents? Lol
I don’t remember much about getting potty trained other than what I hear my mom mention sometimes when me and my siblings get together since one of my brothers just had a kid so she has mentioned us kids getting potty triained and how since we lived in the country we would be naked outside or at least go out with no pants and if we had to pee we would just go wherever outside.
My first, brief memories are from a time when I was most likely wearing diapers. But I sadly have no memories of wearing diapers or being potty trained. I am envious of those that remember their childhood diapera.
Well I mean technically I was not FULLY potty trained until I was 9 cuz that’s when I stopped wetting the bed but just in the day I think I was 2
goodnites said:
Well I mean technically I was not FULLY potty trained until I was 9 cuz that’s when I stopped wetting the bed but just in the day I think I was 2
Generally potty trained means day dry
and general day control of #1 & #2
i list my self as potty trained by 5 despite still wetting the bed
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I was never potty trained. Always kept in Disposable Diapers. May I ask a question, is potty training Hard or difficult? I don’t know if I could be potty trained. Never used the Toilet nor sat on a toilet seat. Always kept in disposable diapers. Still today 24/7/365 wearing Disposable Diapers. I’m sorry.
I do remember the process back when I was about 3 and a half. I had to sit in this sort of desk type thing and read or color in a book while waiting to go. I had no tablet to watch back in those days. I did miss wearing the crinkly thick white diapers but actually loved the training pants I now had to wear. This was before Pull Ups and the pants were thick padded terry cloth with a nice shiny smooth plastic outer cover. I loooved wearing those! I loved plastic pants too so I at least got to wear those thick trainers for a few years more. I have a snug adult sized one nowadays and I love wearing it from time to time.
My mother started training me at eighteen months with a potty chair but I only officially finished training during the day at age five (almost six) just before kindergarten.

I trained late due to a combination of being on the autism spectrum (currently level one, but I was level two when I was younger) and some complications from a premature birth. As a result I have many clear and verifiable memories of being trained, accidents and most (if not all) of the training process and what did and did not work when I was learning.