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Who slept with night light in your room ? Who still does ? Were scared of dark ? Why?
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I used nightlights every night until I was about 12-13. I still have one in my bedroom but I don't use it much as an adult. It is the kind that projects an image of Dusty from Planes onto my celling and provides indirect light to the whole room. I very much love it.

The majority of the time that I use it is in the morning when it is still dark outside and I just lay in bed enjoying the subtle light before I start my day.

On Saturday I actually did use it for the first time in several years to calm myself down before bed. I watched a scary movie (A Quiet Place) and very much needed it. I am a lightweight when it comes to horror movies, so I was pretty shaken up and quite thankful for the feeling of security that it gave.
I have pets so I keep a strong light on in the living room. That covers the hallway, living room and stairs to the front door. I don't care to step on any land mines.
There's usually something electronic in my bedroom that emits a small light. I liked a night light on when I was a little kid, but I grew up in a haunted house.
I had one growing up until age 12 I now have one since leaving the military because of PTSD it sorta of calms me if and when I have night terrors
This is another item I have to say that I have no idea. I don't remember ever having a night light but I probably did. Most of the time though, there was enough ambient light that I didn't really need additional light.
I'm not afraid of the dark, but I still dislike sleeping in a dark room so I leave my lights on. For whatever strange reason sleeping in my room with the lights off annoys me cause I can''t see what I'm doing.
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