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So idk if I'm even in the right forum. I recently started watching sissy hypno vids thinking I'm not susceptible. Then I started dressing up like a girl, painting my nails, make up etc. My entire life went by was never once interested in dressing up as a girl or turned on by dick or what have you. Now all of a sudden I'm not really into women any more I more look at them as an attractive person or shape I'd like to be or would like to wear what she does things of this nature. I'm also more turned on by men and me as a woman and it's currently the only thing I think of when I masturbate. Idk if this was i confused and tricked my ownself which seems most likely as I'm not at all interested in the freakier BDSM control part of it as much as I'm interested in just dressing up or even being the girl that is seduced by some guy or having sex with them. I'm thinking I'll probably try reverse hypnosis to undo it. Any thoughts in this weird situation I'm in?
I agree with DanielW. This had to be something you always wanted to do but were repressing it. You've simply ventured out, so to speak. It will be interesting to see how you feel in the next several months.
Idk how I would repress something I never felt or previously exhibited. If at all I'd say it at best was a hidden interest I had not run into before. Also there is also the if your suggestible enough you can have your behavior altered it's how certain people if you suggest they are sick their bodies even become sick with phantom illness. So it's possible. Also I've no real way to explore it I really don't know how to be a female whatsoever, no one who to assist with it I've got no real opportunities with anyone so it's more a strange fetish I'm stuck wondering on. In Springfield mo the bars are really the only place to meet anyone and idk if it's even got anyone with this kind of rare fetish. It's not quite that big. That's why I was thinking maybe reverse hypno if I can find one that isn't the opposite extreme causing addiction to porn in general. Idk just trying to sort it out figure some of you may have run into this and had more reflection time than I have or at least a better understanding of what's going on with me mentally or whatever.
Hmm well I mean I more or less am exploring it. I wear thongs, skirts, paint my toes, wear lipstick etc at night sometimes cuz it sort of turns me on. On long with other things that didn't use to. My main concern is I hypno'd myself not into anything against my will but to take up interests I hadn't prior and don't particularly want now. If it were something repressed I'd still have interest in women not swapped interests which is why it suggests perhaps I've taken something that was neither favored nor rejected and convinced myself it was my interest because I wasn't really closed to it. Just seems out of nowhere to me and that possibly I need a psychiatrist because I mentally screwed with myself.
I think it's a Placebo hypnosis (the belief is generally very efficient for this :)
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trysexiea said:
I think it's a Placebo hypnosis (the belief is generally very efficient for this :)
That could be also although hypnosis plust a positive stimulus may combine for a strange experience
DanielW said:
Let me ask you this though, did you stumble on to the hypnosis vids/files completely by accident?
Ya kinda I was watching 1 that didn't say what hypnosis it was then started watching them. I didn't really buy into them but then I kinda wound up watching them more often
Idk there are testimonies from many that supposedly have. Either way I'm not sure what or to process this. The exploring part I get easily enough I've found cute outfits fake boobs, panties, nail paint shaved and porn it's the whether I caused or what should I do with the is that confuses it do I attempt to cure it? Cuz at this point I've explored it as far as I actually can on my own.
Ya your probably right I just need to choose to stop and stick with that. I've gone as far as I can with it anyways.
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