Boardgame Addictions


All Puns Intended
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  1. Diaper Lover
My friends and I are playing Twilight Imperium. 4th edition. With expansion.

Not sure if anyone else has heard of the game, but goddamn. Each game can run around 8 hours.

Some people play the game.


And for other people, this game is life and all else is a distraction.

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Reactions: DylanLewis, Piranha and ThePaddedTurtle
i used to play catan with a few friends and some TCGs but not twilight imperium.
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Reactions: blaincorrous
Never heard of that game but gosh... The parts and pieces to it look really pretty! 😍
I wish I knew enough people to play Board Games with IRL. I have an uncle who collects them and would bring a few when he visited us. If I did have people to play with, I definitely would have seen myself getting deep into the hobby.
That looks really cool! Id love to try it.