BM accidents while sleeping.


Profoundly incontinent since the beginning.
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  1. Incontinent
I've been IC since the beginning. I'm profoundly IC and I'm diapered 24/7. Almost of my accidents (wet or BM) are from urge. So obviously I'm awake. I do have sleeping BM accidents but it's only maybe 3 times a week (I wet both sleeping or awake). But the last 2 weeks I've been getting up and realizing I've filled my diaper while sleeping. I suppose it doesn't really matter but my routine has changed. Usually I have BM accidents in the morning though they can happen later in the day.
My BM's are solid (mostly) and my diet is good. Plenty of fiber foods, veggies and I work-out almost daily. But these last 2 weeks I've been having BM accidents while sleeping. Nothing else has happened except sleeping accidents daily. I'm a little alarmed so I'm going to ask my doctor. For years my routine has never changed. Has anyone had such a routine change like this. I've heard most IC people are very routine. So I'm aware that things have changed for no reason.
Colon activity normally slows while sleeping. You seem to have a healthy lifestyle. Do check with your physician.