Being Crushed Under a Pile of Diapers


  1. Diaper Lover
Sorry my English. When I was a child, I had a dream I was thrown by my teacher in a plastic bag fiilled with feces, and then flushed down the toiled. I still do not know why I had this dream or what it meant. I was very young then. But I think it relates to my ABDL. Lately, I have this vison which creates arousal, where I am inside a giant diaper, or crushed by a giant diaper or a pile of used diapers with pee in them. But it is not frightening. It feels good.

I thought this was totally strange, even for ABDLs, until I saw an entry on Korean wikipedia...

"ABDL Macrophilia: In most cases, the entire body is covered in a full diaper, but there are also cases where the person is trapped inside the diaper (if the wearer is male) and is showered with semen or dipped in semen filled with ejaculate inside the diaper. When combined with scatology, there is also a full-body urine bath, and you can even get completely buried in the poop that comes out of your buttocks.

Some people may become sexually aroused by piles of used diapers, or by having their whole body covered/buried in them. When combined with macrophilia, it is considered the end of being trapped in the above diaper, and is a scenario where you enjoy being firmly buried in a huge used diaper and having your whole body covered in poop/urine/semen/etc.[3] or being trapped in a trash can and then being thrown away. There are also cases where they get crushed under huge diapers."
In Korean it says:
  • 마크로필리아: 꽉 차서 빵빵해진 기저귀에 전신이 깔리는 게 대부분이지만 기저귀 안에 갇혀 (착용자가 남성일 경우) 정액에 전신샤워를 하거나 기저귀 안에 사정으로 채워진 정액에 담궈지는 경우도 있다. 스카톨로지와 합쳐질 경우 오줌 전신욕도 존재하며 아예 엉덩이 부분에 있다가 나오는 똥에 철푸덕 파묻히기도 한다.
  • 사용된 기저귀 더미, 또는 그것에 전신이 깔리는/묻히는 것에 성적 흥분을 느끼는 경우도 있다. 마크로필리아와 합쳐질 경우 위의 기저귀 안에 갇혀있는 것의 마무리로 여겨지며, 사용된 거대한 기저귀 속에 단단히 파묻혀 온 몸이 똥/오줌/정액/기타등등에 감싸지는 것을 즐기는 시나리오[3]나 쓰레기통에 갇혀있다가 버려진 거대한 기저귀들 밑에 깔리는 경우도 있다.

I don't like the poop, actually. But yet I had dreams about that. I also wanted to save my diapers for a long time, and make a pool of used diapers to swim in. But I don't know why.

I wonder if anyone else here has these experiences? Is it only Korean?
Dreams are seen from several points and none of them for certain foretell the future. More commonly they attempt to help resolve what we are currently working thru. Since, dreams tend to be highly personal, others may have like dreams, but not the same dreams.

If you are disturbed by your Dreams, you could consider a Therapist. Please note, that many individuals can control and guide their dreams and that maybe a consideration. Next time, consider changing the direction or enhance a part of the dream.