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Any other ab struggle with weight?


Silly Girl
Est. Contributor
  1. Little

Since I started spending a lot more time in little space I’ve noticed myself gaining a lot more weight. So I was wondering if there was any little space exercise activities. If you have any let me know.

I been really self conscious about my weight lately to be honest, I been wanting to exercise but I am really nervous each time I do for a while because of a back injury so I get really nervous. I used to do Dancing and choreography, but now I just sorta.. .well.. :/ hang out I guess. I need to do more.
There's some really great kids' exercise tapes out there from sesame street to barbie and so on. A lot of them are searchable on youtube, some of us who have old tapes digitize them so everyone can see.

I usually go for long walks and hikes because my little/middlespace is very much about the wonder of the world and adventures, so exploring trails and such is perfect now with the adult-equipped body that can handle it. Dance can be silly and fun, but also a great workout so long as you're not afraid of looking a little silly :)

I'm losing my weight with a combination of those and staying active with some stuff that I consider living out the dreams I had as a kid, such as working on classic cars, keeping up with the property, fursuiting (you can really work up a sweat!) and so-on.
Watch what you eat first. Exercise is a great way to keep trim. Walking is cheap, no club membership required .
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I've been walking and I've lost a few pounds. Soon I'll get out on my bike.
Exercise isn't even necessary to lose weight (though good for you!), all you need to do is portion size and eat a balanced diet, make sure you're in calorie deficit (you can use a calculator like this to find out the right amount -, you don't need to be extreme, don't deprive yourself of things because it won't be sustainable, just make sure you stick to portion sizes. So have meals that are at least half fruit and veggies with some protein (like meat or vegetarian protein) and some carbs like rice, make sure it is low calorie and I recommend trying to stick to whole foods not processed foods, then have a "snack calorie allowance" left over from whatever your meals add up to that you can eat whatever you want from, just make a habit of reading calories and roughly calculating how much a portion is but don't ever deprive yourself of what you like, and you don't have to be too strict, as long as you stick to this for most of the week you'll lose weight, and it's sustainable in the long term because it's a balanced healthy diet and you can have whatever you like. Just watch out for "hidden" calories like whole milk and rice, whole milk has a lot more calories than people realise and if you drink a lot of it a day it may be part of the issue, you can switch to skimmed milk or an alternative to cut calories if you drink a lot!

You can make it fun by eating like a kiddo, both because of portion sizes (making sure it's the right amount like a caregiver would for their Little) and with fun plates, food shapes and things, imagine your CG making sure you eat well with the right portions

I lost around 17kg just by doing this (from around 60kg to 43kg - I'm only 5ft so though I need to put on 2kg or so because I keep losing weight still without trying because I haven't got the hang of maintaining instead of losing, my weight is still (only just right now) healthy for my height), I refuse to deprive myself of any foods, I like to be able to eat what I like when I like, I don't do diets, but I really like feeling healthy and having lots of vitamins and things that will help my body, so I feel really good eating healthy too, it'll make you feel so much better in yourself 😊
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LittleBelleReturns said:
Exercise isn't even necessary to lose weight (though good for you!), all you need to do is portion size and eat a balanced diet, make sure you're in calorie deficit (you can use a calculator like this to find out the right amount -, you don't need to be extreme, don't deprive yourself of things because it won't be sustainable, just make sure you stick to portion sizes. So have meals that are at least half fruit and veggies with some protein (like meat or vegetarian protein) and some carbs like rice, make sure it is low calorie and I recommend trying to stick to whole foods not processed foods, then have a "snack calorie allowance" left over from whatever your meals add up to that you can eat whatever you want from, just make a habit of reading calories and roughly calculating how much a portion is but don't ever deprive yourself of what you like, and you don't have to be too strict, as long as you stick to this for most of the week you'll lose weight, and it's sustainable in the long term because it's a balanced healthy diet and you can have whatever you like. Just watch out for "hidden" calories like whole milk and rice, whole milk has a lot more calories than people realise and if you drink a lot of it a day it may be part of the issue, you can switch to skimmed milk or an alternative to cut calories if you drink a lot!

You can make it fun by eating like a kiddo, both because of portion sizes (making sure it's the right amount like a caregiver would for their Little) and with fun plates, food shapes and things, imagine your CG making sure you eat well with the right portions

I lost around 17kg just by doing this (from around 60kg to 43kg - I'm only 5ft so though I need to put on 2kg or so because I keep losing weight still without trying because I haven't got the hang of maintaining instead of losing, my weight is still (only just right now) healthy for my height), I refuse to deprive myself of any foods, I like to be able to eat what I like when I like, I don't do diets, but I really like feeling healthy and having lots of vitamins and things that will help my body, so I feel really good eating healthy too, it'll make you feel so much better in yourself 😊
I’m thinking about having that slim fast thing. I think it would be brilliant if I could have it in a baby bottle
I went whole food plant based (WFPB) 5+ years ago, dropped 65 pounds and have never been healthier. Eat as much as I want with no restrictions, calorie counting and little to no exercise. Check out
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sillygirl said:
I’m thinking about having that slim fast thing. I think it would be brilliant if I could have it in a baby bottle
The problem with those is that they're usually not very sustainable, because they aren't a long term lifestyle change you may end up just putting the weight back on again if you lose it, so it doesn't usually work well for people, plus it doesn't give you a balanced diet with good nutrition for your body that your body needs, so it's not so good for you, it's better to eat good balanced portion sizes 😊 Also, make sure you're not deficient in vitamins D3, Iron, and B12, I was and a lot of people are which can also make you really tired! I take gummy supplements for those too!
Diapered Bike Riding has been super fun! Often I ride with another Little friend of mine, and we’ll go for a few hours. I thought it would be super chaffing, but it’s really not. In a biking session I can easily burn 700+ calories and feel young & free.

Easiest way to lose weight with minimal effort is to intermittent fast. Once you’ve got that down you can try alternate day dirty fasting. It’s way easier than it sounds, and I lost 20 pounds doing it without changing my lifestyle much at all. Let me know if you want more info on it, happy to share what worked for me 😊
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Yes! I take an antiseizure and antidepressant for nerve pain in my neck and spine. They've both caused me to gain about 50+ pounds. I've been struggling to lose weight. I can't get off them because the pain is too unbearable for me. Aside from some physical therapy for the pain, I also use a thing called a Cubii. It's a thing you petal with your feet. I really like it! I don't feel like it's doing much for weight, but at least I'm getting some exercise!
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LiddleBigBoy said:
Diapered Bike Riding has been super fun! Often I ride with another Little friend of mine, and we’ll go for a few hours. I thought it would be super chaffing, but it’s really not. In a biking session I can easily burn 700+ calories and feel young & free.

Easiest way to lose weight with minimal effort is to intermittent fast. Once you’ve got that down you can try alternate day dirty fasting. It’s way easier than it sounds, and I lost 20 pounds doing it without changing my lifestyle much at all. Let me know if you want more info on it, happy to share what worked for me 😊
I was doing cycle classes 2 and 3 times a week at the gym for a while and they started permanently canceling all the afternoon and evening classes and the 3 closest locations to me. To where there are only two left at bad times for me. And one of those always has subs or cancelations and I suspect it will be dropped soon too. Pissing me off.

Back when I was training for Tough Mudder I was doing 2 back to back spin classes 530-630 immediately followed by 645-745 like Tues, Wed, Thur. 700 kcal and 20+ km each session with brief high intensity intervals over 700 watts.

There was a guy I heard people talking about saying hes hard dont go to his class, so I specifically went. 🤣 And stayed. Dude who did that time slot was a notorious hard-core real outdoor cyclist, the ones you see in spandex, with multiple 100 mile and Death Rides to his name. Man I miss that dude and those classes. Good times. That old gym location I went to closed up long ago shortly after I moved out of town and now that I WFH and moved back I can't find him anywhere.

If only I stuck to it. Got complacent after completing two Tough Mudders and started eating pizza and junk again. Ugh.

I don't think I can do real cycling. People drive around too aggresssive and competitive with something to prove to where I don't even want to share roads with them in a car much less a bicycle. ☠️
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I lost 37 kg on semaglutide (it was Ozempic at first, and it's generics in recent months). It was really easy for me to loose weight, I simply didn't want to eat anything and made myself to eat at least something.
konst2005n said:
I lost 37 kg on semaglutide (it was Ozempic at first, and it's generics in recent months). It was really easy for me to loose weight, I simply didn't want to eat anything and made myself to eat at least something.
How long? Any sides?

It seems tempting but I hear so much about the accelerated aging effects on the face and hair loss and stuff. Or that unlike natural weightloss that is impossible to zone target specific fat, Ozempic like drugs interfere and affect certain parts of the body more than others so the weight doesn't come off evenly.

Littles/middles like me who wish they could be kids again have body/age dysmorphia as it is, so that kind of news scares the shit out of me and keeps me from even considering it. I don't even like sun exposure because of seeing people in the sun all their lives looking 30 years older than they should. 🤮☠️

Seems like it would be something to use sparingly for no more than month intermittently for a kickstart during stalls when the scale refuses to continue declining. Like a supplemental aid rather than the primary mechanism or substitute for a healthy lifestyle. I suspect the celebrity stories about "Ozemic face" could just be from abuse and excessive overreliance as well, because celebrities never abuse magic pills nope never.

I'm only like 60 lbs above my high-school weight and its fairly well and evenly distributed. I think I'll just stick to the old fashioned method of calorie deficit and exercise. It's worked for me twice before. It's just hard to keep motivated to continue after achieving a goal and one reward pizza or special occasion after another starts to add up again. 😆 Apparently I have issues maintaining focus after I get what I want. Ill stick to a strict time table and move mountains and elimante any obstacle in my way to get what I want. But once I do I just stop caring anymore. 🫣 "goal oriented" 🤣
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I struggle with my weight, I did semaglutide but it didn't work for me and made other things worse. I'm finally losing some weight on my own by carb cycling and simple workout. They're actually kids workouts and yoga that I found on YouTube. I still have my little snacks and do all my little stuff and I finding that after my kids workout I have more energy to crawl around and play!
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You can eat complete garbage and still lose weight if you're in calorie deficit. Just will be malnourished and won't be very safe or healthy.
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BrandonSleepybun said:
I been really self conscious about my weight lately to be honest, I been wanting to exercise but I am really nervous each time I do for a while because of a back injury so I get really nervous. I used to do Dancing and choreography, but now I just sorta.. .well.. :/ hang out I guess. I need to do more.
Swimming would be good for you.
There is resistance with the water.
I’m trying to get back to my original weight.
8lb 6oz.
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LittleAndAlone said:
You can eat complete garbage and still lose weight if you're in calorie deficit. Just will be malnourished and won't be very safe or healthy.
I was a junk food vegetarian for 5 years
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LittleAndAlone said:
How long? Any sides?

It seems tempting but I hear so much about the accelerated aging effects on the face and hair loss and stuff. Or that unlike natural weightloss that is impossible to zone target specific fat, Ozempic like drugs interfere and affect certain parts of the body more than others so the weight doesn't come off evenly.

Littles/middles like me who wish they could be kids again have body/age dysmorphia as it is, so that kind of news scares the shit out of me and keeps me from even considering it. I don't even like sun exposure because of seeing people in the sun all their lives looking 30 years older than they should. 🤮☠️

Seems like it would be something to use sparingly for no more than month intermittently for a kickstart during stalls when the scale refuses to continue declining. Like a supplemental aid rather than the primary mechanism or substitute for a healthy lifestyle. I suspect the celebrity stories about "Ozemic face" could just be from abuse and excessive overreliance as well, because celebrities never abuse magic pills nope never.

I'm only like 60 lbs above my high-school weight and its fairly well and evenly distributed. I think I'll just stick to the old fashioned method of calorie deficit and exercise. It's worked for me twice before. It's just hard to keep motivated to continue after achieving a goal and one reward pizza or special occasion after another starts to add up again. 😆 Apparently I have issues maintaining focus after I get what I want. Ill stick to a strict time table and move mountains and elimante any obstacle in my way to get what I want. But once I do I just stop caring anymore. 🫣 "goal oriented" 🤣
I started with Ozempic because of diabet. It was prescribed by doctor. Weight loose was a side effect for me. But it was very fast. I was 140 kg when I started in June of 2022 and only 110 kg in December of 2022. The following weight loose was less effective - I was 97 kg in August of 2023. Then I have a break with Ozempic because it become impossible to buy it in Russia due sanctions. It results a gain of weight - I was 112 kg at November of 2023. But two Russian generics for Ozempic comes in December of 2023, and I immediately began to use them (Quincenta at first, and now - Semavic). So I weight 103 now and continue to loose weight. I communicate with 16 persons, who also use semaglutide, no one has hair lost. But "Ozempic face" is quite obvious. We all have extra skin all over the body after so rapid weight lost. I tried almost everything to loose weight before Ozempic - diets, calculating of calories, physical activities - all of them didn't work for me. So, I'm glad, that I finally found something that works for me.