A strong advice: Do not wait to tell your partner!

LittleTyke said:
I was just inspired to write this. Some will probably guess where the inspiration came from.

By now, even though I haven't been on board for very long, I have seen a multitude of posts along the line of "I waited XX years before telling my spouse...". And, more often than not, the post author is now in a dilemma, in trouble, divorced, or whatever not-so-positive situation. So I want to share my own experience, hopefully to help a few people who are not yet married with children. Can I save just one person from a very unhappy future, then this hasn't been in vain.

First of all: DO NOT get married (or get kids) before telling your partner about your kink(s). Some people might argue, that doing so would be immoral, because your partner would unknowingly be pulled into something they might not agree with. But that is not my point. This is for your own sake. What happens when they enventually find out, because you (finally) tell about it, or because they accidentally find your hidden stash? Are you willing to go through the crapstorm and flood of tears that is likely to erupt? And are you ready to lose a relationship that supposedly means something to you?

Granted, some partners turn out to be open-minded, which is a good thing. Or maybe it isn't really great if your partner sees it as a sort of sacrifice to let you diaper yourself, play baby, or whatver your kink is about. Maybe the partner only acts okay with it, to save the relationship. People are different.

Now, why do I write about this? Because I've been there myself, that's why.

My background: Mainly due to bullying in school, my self-esteem was between "low" and "zero" when I was a teen, as weel as in my twenties. I was awkwardly inconfident around women. I got my first girlfriend in my late twenties (!), and ended up marrying her a few years later. As soon as we began dating more seriously (before marriage), I told her about my fetish. I had been into diapers all my life, so it wasn't a new thing to me at all. Having a girlfriend was a new experience.

She flat out rejected my fetish, and would not hear of it. I wasn't allowed to indulge myself in my fetish. At all. I accepted this, because I didn't want to lose the only girlfriend I'd ever had. At times, I hate myself for this. I should have ended it, but I didn't know any better. And I can't change my past.

The first half decade, or so, went relatively fine. I could more or less keep my kink away in good times. But then things began to change. I don't know what happened "chemically", but when my wife got pregnant, she began to change. Just a little. When she had given birth, she changed more. And, years later, when our child began going to school, she had changed a lot more.

Before, we had an easy-going life. Now there were rules and schedules. Unspoken expectations, that resulted in scoldings when they weren't met. My still fragile self-esteem was shattered, and I was a complete push-over. Under the thumb. As an example, I was once scolded for not waking up by myself early enough (to her liking) in a weekend, when the alarm clocks weren't set, and we had no appointments. I was constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to say or do something wrong. Or even to do the correct things in the wrong order. And my fetish – my best coping mechanism – was no-go.

Needless to say, I was miserable. And I began revisiting my kink "under-cover", when I had the chance to do so. Did it feel good? Yeah, but not great, because I had to keep things hidden, so I couldn't really relax, even when trying to live out my kink. And at times I hated myself for being different.

To cut the painfully long story short, it ended in a divorce. Not because of my kink (I don't think that she ever discovered anything), but because neither of us could handle the hostility anymore. The main reason that I had kept going for far too long, was that I didn't believe that I was able to live on my own. That's how low my confidence had become. But some nice people I confided in gave me sufficient nudges to get out of the crappy and toxic marriage. I am forever grateful to them. 🙏

After I had moved to a new place, I immediately began looking for a girlfriend, as I still didn't believe that I could function on my own. Fun fact: Being desperate is not helpful on the dating scene. A few years went by, and my confidence grew. Slowly, but steadily. At one point, it had grown enough to be self-sustaining, self-strengthening, or whatever makes more sense. I got to know people, with and without kinks. I had sex with other women than my now ex-wife, which was an altogether new experience. All the women I was intimate with were told about my kink in advance. I didn't want to hide that anymore. A few saw me in diapers and baby clothes.

Eventually, it got to the point were I stopped searching. It occurred to me that I was living happily on my own, and it worked out fine! 👍

Half a year, or so, after I decided to quit searching for a partner, I began communicating with a woman, that eventually became my current girlfriend. I wasn't actually trying to date – I just commented on something she had written in a post somewhere. Three weeks after first contact, we met IRL. But most importantly: I told her about my kink before we even met!

We have now been together for nearly five years, and I've never felt better. My kink is no longer hidden (from my GF, that is), and nearly all my fetish stuff – diapers, baby clothes, toys and such – are neatly stored, and readily available, in a closet in the bedroom. Not hidden away in boxes in the attic or the basement. My wonderful GF expects me to live my kink as much as I feel like, and she occasionally participates in various ways.

This became much longer than I intended. Sorry about that.

I urge you to tell about your kinks in advance. Maybe not before the first IRL meeting, but at least well before you begin planning a wedding, or try to have kids. If they cannot accept your kink, then you must think long and hard about whether or not you can live without it. Do not get fooled by love (or what you might think is love, if you are as inexperienced as I was). It may be easier to ignore your special needs in the butterfly-woozey beginning of the relationship, but what happens when the endelss droning of Everyday hits? After five years? Ten? Fifteen? Will you be able to handle it then? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't.

I will argue, that if your kink is a big and important part of you, and a person cannot accept that, then that person is not a potential partner for you. Please! Save yourself from future misery.
A most excellent post. I truly hope people heed your advice. I wish you could have reached 20 year old Subtlerustle. I would add that some leniency is warranted at your first “mistake” and mine for not owning your kink. One must become comfortable in their own skin/diaper in order to assert themselves vis a vis a long term relationship. I know I simply wasn’t there. Once I discovered diapers and the internet it foolishly wasn’t to help me become comfortable with myself as a DL. It went straight to the recreational side of AB/DL. I think self growth would have saved some strife in my marriage and the role diapers played in it. Lucky for me @BobbiSueEllen’s theory of women changing helped us rather than the opposite. Her initial opposition turned to support but only after I ditched the shame.
In your case I’d say the same thing happened but with a different partner. You grew to love your whole self and with it came the comfort of knowing that if a potential girlfriend wasn’t onboard you could survive as an individual just fine. So yes, absolutely do not withhold from a partner and also find the sweet spot in time to reveal such that a if they are telling it’s unacceptable (to be you) then you can just say “cool, have a nice life” and move on. Don’t bank on luck.
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Subtlerustle said:
A most excellent post. I truly hope people heed your advice. I wish you could have reached 20 year old Subtlerustle.
Indeed. I wish that I could have reached myself back then...

Thank you for your kind words. 😊
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I've shared it before but I will again here. Telling my wife about my ABDL side early is why we are still together. I knew she was the one when she made an account on DailyDiapers just to ask other ABDL's about where to buy diapers for me, and how to ask what I liked. We have found her comfort zone and it has opened up ways for us to explore other things in the bedroom together, to the point now where we're exploring some of the things I saw on the internet 20 years ago and said "nah I'll never be into that" The road has been rocky for sure and that's where good therapy comes in. In my opinion EVERYONE could benefit from it.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
Well, I sure don't know how it all started; I sure don't wanna play. It never ends and nobody wins.

That goes the same for war. Even if you win the battle... then at what cost? You think people would get it buy now,
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I told my soon to be wife about it several months into the relationship. We connected on many levels and does help we aren’t very Christian or similar religious groups, so generally very open minded. Much later in the relationship, we were able to expand a little more to my needs. She isn’t involved in it, but we have different code words and such for when I need to change my diaper so she gives me space. She is okay with me wearing around her as long as it is covered. She doesn’t mind the diaper bulge or crinkles. She is aware that I like pats and comments about the diaper, once in a while she might oblige. She finds some of my Abdl clothes like onesies (with shorts on bottom half) or like the little tot long sleeve pjs cute as well. I recommend as well to tell your other half when you can. Especially if they are open minded, my wife is open minded but extremely vanilla with no kinks. Having open honest communication helps a lot as well, we have had that since the beginning. If you don’t communicate, it’s likely going to cause other things unsaid as well and not just the Abdl thing being a potential issue but just not being on the same page can create distance.
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LittleTyke said:
I was just inspired to write this. Some will probably guess where the inspiration came from.

By now, even though I haven't been on board for very long, I have seen a multitude of posts along the line of "I waited XX years before telling my spouse...". And, more often than not, the post author is now in a dilemma, in trouble, divorced, or whatever not-so-positive situation. So I want to share my own experience, hopefully to help a few people who are not yet married with children. Can I save just one person from a very unhappy future, then this hasn't been in vain.

First of all: DO NOT get married (or get kids) before telling your partner about your kink(s). Some people might argue, that doing so would be immoral, because your partner would unknowingly be pulled into something they might not agree with. But that is not my point. This is for your own sake. What happens when they enventually find out, because you (finally) tell about it, or because they accidentally find your hidden stash? Are you willing to go through the crapstorm and flood of tears that is likely to erupt? And are you ready to lose a relationship that supposedly means something to you?

Granted, some partners turn out to be open-minded, which is a good thing. Or maybe it isn't really great if your partner sees it as a sort of sacrifice to let you diaper yourself, play baby, or whatver your kink is about. Maybe the partner only acts okay with it, to save the relationship. People are different.

Now, why do I write about this? Because I've been there myself, that's why.

My background: Mainly due to bullying in school, my self-esteem was between "low" and "zero" when I was a teen, as weel as in my twenties. I was awkwardly inconfident around women. I got my first girlfriend in my late twenties (!), and ended up marrying her a few years later. As soon as we began dating more seriously (before marriage), I told her about my fetish. I had been into diapers all my life, so it wasn't a new thing to me at all. Having a girlfriend was a new experience.

She flat out rejected my fetish, and would not hear of it. I wasn't allowed to indulge myself in my fetish. At all. I accepted this, because I didn't want to lose the only girlfriend I'd ever had. At times, I hate myself for this. I should have ended it, but I didn't know any better. And I can't change my past.

The first half decade, or so, went relatively fine. I could more or less keep my kink away in good times. But then things began to change. I don't know what happened "chemically", but when my wife got pregnant, she began to change. Just a little. When she had given birth, she changed more. And, years later, when our child began going to school, she had changed a lot more.

Before, we had an easy-going life. Now there were rules and schedules. Unspoken expectations, that resulted in scoldings when they weren't met. My still fragile self-esteem was shattered, and I was a complete push-over. Under the thumb. As an example, I was once scolded for not waking up by myself early enough (to her liking) in a weekend, when the alarm clocks weren't set, and we had no appointments. I was constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to say or do something wrong. Or even to do the correct things in the wrong order. And my fetish – my best coping mechanism – was no-go.

Needless to say, I was miserable. And I began revisiting my kink "under-cover", when I had the chance to do so. Did it feel good? Yeah, but not great, because I had to keep things hidden, so I couldn't really relax, even when trying to live out my kink. And at times I hated myself for being different.

To cut the painfully long story short, it ended in a divorce. Not because of my kink (I don't think that she ever discovered anything), but because neither of us could handle the hostility anymore. The main reason that I had kept going for far too long, was that I didn't believe that I was able to live on my own. That's how low my confidence had become. But some nice people I confided in gave me sufficient nudges to get out of the crappy and toxic marriage. I am forever grateful to them. 🙏

After I had moved to a new place, I immediately began looking for a girlfriend, as I still didn't believe that I could function on my own. Fun fact: Being desperate is not helpful on the dating scene. A few years went by, and my confidence grew. Slowly, but steadily. At one point, it had grown enough to be self-sustaining, self-strengthening, or whatever makes more sense. I got to know people, with and without kinks. I had sex with other women than my now ex-wife, which was an altogether new experience. All the women I was intimate with were told about my kink in advance. I didn't want to hide that anymore. A few saw me in diapers and baby clothes.

Eventually, it got to the point were I stopped searching. It occurred to me that I was living happily on my own, and it worked out fine! 👍

Half a year, or so, after I decided to quit searching for a partner, I began communicating with a woman, that eventually became my current girlfriend. I wasn't actually trying to date – I just commented on something she had written in a post somewhere. Three weeks after first contact, we met IRL. But most importantly: I told her about my kink before we even met!

We have now been together for nearly five years, and I've never felt better. My kink is no longer hidden (from my GF, that is), and nearly all my fetish stuff – diapers, baby clothes, toys and such – are neatly stored, and readily available, in a closet in the bedroom. Not hidden away in boxes in the attic or the basement. My wonderful GF expects me to live my kink as much as I feel like, and she occasionally participates in various ways.

This became much longer than I intended. Sorry about that.

I urge you to tell about your kinks in advance. Maybe not before the first IRL meeting, but at least well before you begin planning a wedding, or try to have kids. If they cannot accept your kink, then you must think long and hard about whether or not you can live without it. Do not get fooled by love (or what you might think is love, if you are as inexperienced as I was). It may be easier to ignore your special needs in the butterfly-woozey beginning of the relationship, but what happens when the endelss droning of Everyday hits? After five years? Ten? Fifteen? Will you be able to handle it then? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't.

I will argue, that if your kink is a big and important part of you, and a person cannot accept that, then that person is not a potential partner for you. Please! Save yourself from future misery.
That's such a fantastic post and a great insight to everything you've been through and how you came out the other side. You certainly speak a lot of truth. I could never hide it either, although I did try to banish it and pretend this wasn't a part of my life any longer. Thankfully I was able to make my wife understand why I didn't tell her for the 18 years we've been together.

It's not an easy process coming out after so long and certainly wouldn't advise anyone to do that on the sly or for the wrong reasons. My reasons were due to embarrassment, shame and feeling disgusting about it. That's why I rid myself of it for all those years. We all finally come to the realisation though that we have to face those demons, learn to accept ourselves completely to be able to live a full and happy life.

Thanks for your story. I'm glad you're in your happy place now 😀
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ItsTimmyTime said:
My reasons were due to embarrassment, shame and feeling disgusting about it. That's why I rid myself of it for all those years. We all finally come to the realisation though that we have to face those demons, learn to accept ourselves completely to be able to live a full and happy life.
Yes, I believe that this is by far the most common reason for keeping it a secret. Many of us have been taught from childhood, that firring in with "the norm" is of great importance. And in some societies, not fitting in can have dire consequences. So of course we have been embarrassed or worse.

Until the arrival of the Internet, I thought I was the only one...
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LittleTyke said:
Yes, I believe that this is by far the most common reason for keeping it a secret. Many of us have been taught from childhood, that firring in with "the norm" is of great importance. And in some societies, not fitting in can have dire consequences. So of course we have been embarrassed or worse.

Until the arrival of the Internet, I thought I was the only one...
Yes I have the same experience as you as I'm in my fourties. I remember back in 97', when I first got access to the internet on a family PC, nerve-rackingly typing into the AOL search bar "adult wearing diapers" and it brought back searches such as dpf and deekers. It was quite the revelation to realise you were not the only one.

Of course it's still weird so I never felt able to disclose this information to my wife until I learned to accept it myself. I mean if I found it weird and shameful how could I expect her to feel any different?
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ItsTimmyTime said:
Of course it's still weird so I never felt able to disclose this information to my wife until I learned to accept it myself. I mean if I found it weird and shameful how could I expect her to feel any different?
So true! Self-acceptance may sometimes be the greatest hurdle of them all.
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LittleTyke said:
I was just inspired to write this. Some will probably guess where the inspiration came from.

By now, even though I haven't been on board for very long, I have seen a multitude of posts along the line of "I waited XX years before telling my spouse...". And, more often than not, the post author is now in a dilemma, in trouble, divorced, or whatever not-so-positive situation. So I want to share my own experience, hopefully to help a few people who are not yet married with children. Can I save just one person from a very unhappy future, then this hasn't been in vain.

First of all: DO NOT get married (or get kids) before telling your partner about your kink(s). Some people might argue, that doing so would be immoral, because your partner would unknowingly be pulled into something they might not agree with. But that is not my point. This is for your own sake. What happens when they enventually find out, because you (finally) tell about it, or because they accidentally find your hidden stash? Are you willing to go through the crapstorm and flood of tears that is likely to erupt? And are you ready to lose a relationship that supposedly means something to you?

Granted, some partners turn out to be open-minded, which is a good thing. Or maybe it isn't really great if your partner sees it as a sort of sacrifice to let you diaper yourself, play baby, or whatver your kink is about. Maybe the partner only acts okay with it, to save the relationship. People are different.

Now, why do I write about this? Because I've been there myself, that's why.

My background: Mainly due to bullying in school, my self-esteem was between "low" and "zero" when I was a teen, as weel as in my twenties. I was awkwardly inconfident around women. I got my first girlfriend in my late twenties (!), and ended up marrying her a few years later. As soon as we began dating more seriously (before marriage), I told her about my fetish. I had been into diapers all my life, so it wasn't a new thing to me at all. Having a girlfriend was a new experience.

She flat out rejected my fetish, and would not hear of it. I wasn't allowed to indulge myself in my fetish. At all. I accepted this, because I didn't want to lose the only girlfriend I'd ever had. At times, I hate myself for this. I should have ended it, but I didn't know any better. And I can't change my past.

The first half decade, or so, went relatively fine. I could more or less keep my kink away in good times. But then things began to change. I don't know what happened "chemically", but when my wife got pregnant, she began to change. Just a little. When she had given birth, she changed more. And, years later, when our child began going to school, she had changed a lot more.

Before, we had an easy-going life. Now there were rules and schedules. Unspoken expectations, that resulted in scoldings when they weren't met. My still fragile self-esteem was shattered, and I was a complete push-over. Under the thumb. As an example, I was once scolded for not waking up by myself early enough (to her liking) in a weekend, when the alarm clocks weren't set, and we had no appointments. I was constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to say or do something wrong. Or even to do the correct things in the wrong order. And my fetish – my best coping mechanism – was no-go.

Needless to say, I was miserable. And I began revisiting my kink "under-cover", when I had the chance to do so. Did it feel good? Yeah, but not great, because I had to keep things hidden, so I couldn't really relax, even when trying to live out my kink. And at times I hated myself for being different.

To cut the painfully long story short, it ended in a divorce. Not because of my kink (I don't think that she ever discovered anything), but because neither of us could handle the hostility anymore. The main reason that I had kept going for far too long, was that I didn't believe that I was able to live on my own. That's how low my confidence had become. But some nice people I confided in gave me sufficient nudges to get out of the crappy and toxic marriage. I am forever grateful to them. 🙏

After I had moved to a new place, I immediately began looking for a girlfriend, as I still didn't believe that I could function on my own. Fun fact: Being desperate is not helpful on the dating scene. A few years went by, and my confidence grew. Slowly, but steadily. At one point, it had grown enough to be self-sustaining, self-strengthening, or whatever makes more sense. I got to know people, with and without kinks. I had sex with other women than my now ex-wife, which was an altogether new experience. All the women I was intimate with were told about my kink in advance. I didn't want to hide that anymore. A few saw me in diapers and baby clothes.

Eventually, it got to the point were I stopped searching. It occurred to me that I was living happily on my own, and it worked out fine! 👍

Half a year, or so, after I decided to quit searching for a partner, I began communicating with a woman, that eventually became my current girlfriend. I wasn't actually trying to date – I just commented on something she had written in a post somewhere. Three weeks after first contact, we met IRL. But most importantly: I told her about my kink before we even met!

We have now been together for nearly five years, and I've never felt better. My kink is no longer hidden (from my GF, that is), and nearly all my fetish stuff – diapers, baby clothes, toys and such – are neatly stored, and readily available, in a closet in the bedroom. Not hidden away in boxes in the attic or the basement. My wonderful GF expects me to live my kink as much as I feel like, and she occasionally participates in various ways.

This became much longer than I intended. Sorry about that.

I urge you to tell about your kinks in advance. Maybe not before the first IRL meeting, but at least well before you begin planning a wedding, or try to have kids. If they cannot accept your kink, then you must think long and hard about whether or not you can live without it. Do not get fooled by love (or what you might think is love, if you are as inexperienced as I was). It may be easier to ignore your special needs in the butterfly-woozey beginning of the relationship, but what happens when the endelss droning of Everyday hits? After five years? Ten? Fifteen? Will you be able to handle it then? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't.

I will argue, that if your kink is a big and important part of you, and a person cannot accept that, then that person is not a potential partner for you. Please! Save yourself from future misery.
I told my wife practically the day I first started my relationship with her (to this day I have no clue why I told so much so soon), and 29 years later (27 of those being married), she has shown an absolute disgust for my "kinks". She says she figured it "was a phase" and I'd "eventually grow out of it". She thought it was funny at first, but for several years has flipped out at me any time she sees me looking at the products in a store... And on many occasions has threatened to "out" me to everyone in her family and all her friends (many of whose kids I helped babysit when they were younger, and who I had done diaper changes for)... I fear some of those people would seek "backwoods country justice" against me on assumption that I was a P(you-know-what)...

So I disagree with the OP... Gauge your partner's potential reaction BEFORE flat-out telling them, telling them may be worse than not...
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artemisenterri said:
I told my wife practically the day I first started my relationship with her (to this day I have no clue why I told so much so soon), and 29 years later (27 of those being married), she has shown an absolute disgust for my "kinks". She says she figured it "was a phase" and I'd "eventually grow out of it". She thought it was funny at first, but for several years has flipped out at me any time she sees me looking at the products in a store... And on many occasions has threatened to "out" me to everyone in her family and all her friends (many of whose kids I helped babysit when they were younger, and who I had done diaper changes for)... I fear some of those people would seek "backwoods country justice" against me on assumption that I was a P(you-know-what)...

So I disagree with the OP... Gauge your partner's potential reaction BEFORE flat-out telling them, telling them may be worse than not...
All that and more is why I refuse to remarry. You simply never, ever know the evil the other person is capable of. Life is both too short and too long for that--pardon me--bullshit.

My daughter wanted me to remarry. My family wanted me to remarry. I will say this once: my opinion of marriage is that it is a business contract: a blend of government institution and social contract, compelled upon us by extreme pressure from all sides, made for only two reasons: finances and children. That's it. Add the so-called 'Church's' so-called biblical admonition of "no sex until marriage" and the dagger is thrust in deeper. Again, life is both too short and too long for that. Plus, I've seen families with non-married parents do better and last longer. #AntiMarriage
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LittleTyke said:
I was just inspired to write this. Some will probably guess where the inspiration came from.

By now, even though I haven't been on board for very long, I have seen a multitude of posts along the line of "I waited XX years before telling my spouse...". And, more often than not, the post author is now in a dilemma, in trouble, divorced, or whatever not-so-positive situation. So I want to share my own experience, hopefully to help a few people who are not yet married with children. Can I save just one person from a very unhappy future, then this hasn't been in vain.

First of all: DO NOT get married (or get kids) before telling your partner about your kink(s). Some people might argue, that doing so would be immoral, because your partner would unknowingly be pulled into something they might not agree with. But that is not my point. This is for your own sake. What happens when they enventually find out, because you (finally) tell about it, or because they accidentally find your hidden stash? Are you willing to go through the crapstorm and flood of tears that is likely to erupt? And are you ready to lose a relationship that supposedly means something to you?

Granted, some partners turn out to be open-minded, which is a good thing. Or maybe it isn't really great if your partner sees it as a sort of sacrifice to let you diaper yourself, play baby, or whatver your kink is about. Maybe the partner only acts okay with it, to save the relationship. People are different.

Now, why do I write about this? Because I've been there myself, that's why.

My background: Mainly due to bullying in school, my self-esteem was between "low" and "zero" when I was a teen, as weel as in my twenties. I was awkwardly inconfident around women. I got my first girlfriend in my late twenties (!), and ended up marrying her a few years later. As soon as we began dating more seriously (before marriage), I told her about my fetish. I had been into diapers all my life, so it wasn't a new thing to me at all. Having a girlfriend was a new experience.

She flat out rejected my fetish, and would not hear of it. I wasn't allowed to indulge myself in my fetish. At all. I accepted this, because I didn't want to lose the only girlfriend I'd ever had. At times, I hate myself for this. I should have ended it, but I didn't know any better. And I can't change my past.

The first half decade, or so, went relatively fine. I could more or less keep my kink away in good times. But then things began to change. I don't know what happened "chemically", but when my wife got pregnant, she began to change. Just a little. When she had given birth, she changed more. And, years later, when our child began going to school, she had changed a lot more.

Before, we had an easy-going life. Now there were rules and schedules. Unspoken expectations, that resulted in scoldings when they weren't met. My still fragile self-esteem was shattered, and I was a complete push-over. Under the thumb. As an example, I was once scolded for not waking up by myself early enough (to her liking) in a weekend, when the alarm clocks weren't set, and we had no appointments. I was constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to say or do something wrong. Or even to do the correct things in the wrong order. And my fetish – my best coping mechanism – was no-go.

Needless to say, I was miserable. And I began revisiting my kink "under-cover", when I had the chance to do so. Did it feel good? Yeah, but not great, because I had to keep things hidden, so I couldn't really relax, even when trying to live out my kink. And at times I hated myself for being different.

To cut the painfully long story short, it ended in a divorce. Not because of my kink (I don't think that she ever discovered anything), but because neither of us could handle the hostility anymore. The main reason that I had kept going for far too long, was that I didn't believe that I was able to live on my own. That's how low my confidence had become. But some nice people I confided in gave me sufficient nudges to get out of the crappy and toxic marriage. I am forever grateful to them. 🙏

After I had moved to a new place, I immediately began looking for a girlfriend, as I still didn't believe that I could function on my own. Fun fact: Being desperate is not helpful on the dating scene. A few years went by, and my confidence grew. Slowly, but steadily. At one point, it had grown enough to be self-sustaining, self-strengthening, or whatever makes more sense. I got to know people, with and without kinks. I had sex with other women than my now ex-wife, which was an altogether new experience. All the women I was intimate with were told about my kink in advance. I didn't want to hide that anymore. A few saw me in diapers and baby clothes.

Eventually, it got to the point were I stopped searching. It occurred to me that I was living happily on my own, and it worked out fine! 👍

Half a year, or so, after I decided to quit searching for a partner, I began communicating with a woman, that eventually became my current girlfriend. I wasn't actually trying to date – I just commented on something she had written in a post somewhere. Three weeks after first contact, we met IRL. But most importantly: I told her about my kink before we even met!

We have now been together for nearly five years, and I've never felt better. My kink is no longer hidden (from my GF, that is), and nearly all my fetish stuff – diapers, baby clothes, toys and such – are neatly stored, and readily available, in a closet in the bedroom. Not hidden away in boxes in the attic or the basement. My wonderful GF expects me to live my kink as much as I feel like, and she occasionally participates in various ways.

This became much longer than I intended. Sorry about that.

I urge you to tell about your kinks in advance. Maybe not before the first IRL meeting, but at least well before you begin planning a wedding, or try to have kids. If they cannot accept your kink, then you must think long and hard about whether or not you can live without it. Do not get fooled by love (or what you might think is love, if you are as inexperienced as I was). It may be easier to ignore your special needs in the butterfly-woozey beginning of the relationship, but what happens when the endelss droning of Everyday hits? After five years? Ten? Fifteen? Will you be able to handle it then? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't.

I will argue, that if your kink is a big and important part of you, and a person cannot accept that, then that person is not a potential partner for you. Please! Save yourself from future misery.
Great aside from it being a lifestyle and not a kink.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
All that and more is why I refuse to remarry. You simply never, ever know the evil the other person is capable of. Life is both too short and too long for that--pardon me--bullshit.

My daughter wanted me to remarry. My family wanted me to remarry. I will say this once: my opinion of marriage is that it is a business contract: a blend of government institution and social contract, compelled upon us by extreme pressure from all sides, made for only two reasons: finances and children. That's it. Add the so-called 'Church's' so-called biblical admonition of "no sex until marriage" and the dagger is thrust in deeper. Again, life is both too short and too long for that. Plus, I've seen families with non-married parents do better and last longer. #AntiMarriage
I have been telling people (outside my family, and who have no direct interaction with any of my family members) that if this marriage ever ended, I would NEVER marry again. I might try dating and possibly (but not guaranteed) having an LTR if I found the right person, but totally not marrying.
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artemisenterri said:
I have been telling people (outside my family, and who have no direct interaction with any of my family members) that if this marriage ever ended, I would NEVER marry again. I might try dating and possibly (but not guaranteed) having an LTR if I found the right person, but totally not marrying.
Friends are good enough for me. We have our own living spaces, clothes, food, possessions and styles that we all go home to at the end of the day. Nobody has the right to come in and threaten to violate my space, let alone do it. I am 100% for the destruction of "American Christianity" and its death-grip on the mores of any society. Let 'em Focus on Their Own Families...leave the rest of us alone.
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ItsTimmyTime said:
Yes I have the same experience as you as I'm in my fourties. I remember back in 97', when I first got access to the internet on a family PC, nerve-rackingly typing into the AOL search bar "adult wearing diapers" and it brought back searches such as dpf and deekers. It was quite the revelation to realise you were not the only one.

Of course it's still weird so I never felt able to disclose this information to my wife until I learned to accept it myself. I mean if I found it weird and shameful how could I expect her to feel any different?
Wow. I had a similar experience. Those websites you note didn’t help me remove any shame. Some would disagree but they lasted a few seconds on my screen and I immediately got creeped out. The people who posted original content like Brock and Melysa put me more at ease as they were like the couple next door. They got the wheels turning for me to tell my wife. Still, I wasn’t ready to properly explain. I’d need a day here to document all my zigs when I should’ve zagged. Epic face palm friends.
The 11th commandment should read: if thy is of AB/DL ilk, come to love thee self before expressing thyself.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
Friends are good enough for me. We have our own living spaces, clothes, food, possessions and styles that we all go home to at the end of the day. Nobody has the right to come in and threaten to violate my space, let alone do it. I am 100% for the destruction of "American Christianity" and its death-grip on the mores of any society. Let 'em Focus on Their Own Families...leave the rest of us alone.
It's not ALL of Christianity that is the problem (I am a Christian and try to be a "live and let live" person as long as no one is getting in my face and pushing their lifestyle choices on me). The problem is the ones that think they are better than everyone else around them, and who think they have some "God-given authority" to enforce their beliefs on others...

Historically speaking, laws against theft and murder are based on the Ten Commandments... Should those laws be repealed and nullified, just because they are religion-based?
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artemisenterri said:
It's not ALL of Christianity that is the problem (I am a Christian and try to be a "live and let live" person as long as no one is getting in my face and pushing their lifestyle choices on me). The problem is the ones that think they are better than everyone else around them, and who think they have some "God-given authority" to enforce their beliefs on others...

Historically speaking, laws against theft and murder are based on the Ten Commandments... Should those laws be repealed and nullified, just because they are religion-based?
Christianity in America is an institution, and a dangerous one at that: it has, until now, influenced lifestyles (and punishments for nonconformity), influenced voting, influenced governments. Look extremely carefully at history before Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses at Wittenburg: he challenged the very things the Catholic Church was doing in Europe...which is now going on in America as we speak. Look around...I know you are intelligent. It's Animal Farm come full-circle. And let's not forget the Spanish Inquisition..."under God".

Belief is a personal thing, never one for the masses under the aegis of powers-that-be. It was never meant to be that way...but here we are. I am a Believer, too, oddly enough...but the pragmata of daily life has made me wiser over time.

I was even watching The Right Stuff a few nights ago and a reporter asked the astronauts at a press conference if any of them attended church regularly...as if that was a social death-sentence to say "No" to. They all caved in...except Shepard, who lied and said he attended regularly (in spite).

Truth be told, we are living in socially-volatile times. Very volatile.
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As a Catholic, a marred male and a 24/7, U-IC, my marriage to a truly wonderful women has brought me much and I consider myself to be blessed. We all live different lives and as a result of different experiences we are where we are today.

Entering a relationship with honestly assures 'your' solid foundation. Clearly, the other member has the same responsibilities for a balance to exist. Our personal acceptance of who we are has to come first! Which, includes a Love of ourself.

The 'Life Stories' that have come as part of this Thread have great lessons provided. Including much pain and much loss. With hope others will read and learn.

I strongly believe that each of us have much to offer and can learn from each other and with hope, find happiness with excepting the differences we each bring.
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Subtlerustle said:
Wow. I had a similar experience. Those websites you note didn’t help me remove any shame. Some would disagree but they lasted a few seconds on my screen and I immediately got creeped out. The people who posted original content like Brock and Melysa put me more at ease as they were like the couple next door. They got the wheels turning for me to tell my wife. Still, I wasn’t ready to properly explain. I’d need a day here to document all my zigs when I should’ve zagged. Epic face palm friends.
The 11th commandment should read: if thy is of AB/DL ilk, come to love thee self before expressing thyself.
No you're right, compared to the information available today, those websites really only served to enlighten me that I wasn't the only one in the world with these feelings. I agree they were quite creepy! Compare that to the community we have now; the information and work people have put out there in podcasts, books and websites like these - it really is night and day.

It must be so much easier to reach that point of self acceptance these days.
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artemisenterri said:
I told my wife practically the day I first started my relationship with her (to this day I have no clue why I told so much so soon), and 29 years later (27 of those being married), she has shown an absolute disgust for my "kinks". She says she figured it "was a phase" and I'd "eventually grow out of it". She thought it was funny at first, but for several years has flipped out at me any time she sees me looking at the products in a store... And on many occasions has threatened to "out" me to everyone in her family and all her friends (many of whose kids I helped babysit when they were younger, and who I had done diaper changes for)... I fear some of those people would seek "backwoods country justice" against me on assumption that I was a P(you-know-what)...

So I disagree with the OP... Gauge your partner's potential reaction BEFORE flat-out telling them, telling them may be worse than not...
I truly hope that your story is a rare one.

However, I stand by my advice. NOT telling, but still advancing the relationship, is not a good option. I'm not saying "on day one", but waiting decades is definitely not great.

Of course you need to have some idea about what your potential prtner is like before you blurt out your innermost secrets. But of course people are different. Some apparently experience love at first sight. For me, that has never been a thing. I need to get to knoe people first, which takes time
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