urine burn

  1. PaddedShooterBooty27

    Spicy Food and Pee...

    Serious question 🤣 Has anyone had the issue with their pee burning after having spicy food? My skin is super sensitive so maybe thats why but ive legit had issues where ive had a curry and peed my nappy and my skin gets burned quite bad to the point where the tip of my staff comes out in a...
  2. PaddedShooterBooty27

    Rash Even Though I Creamed and Powdered and Wash Almost Every Day?

    I thought it would be appropriate to post here as I'm sure you guys deal with this way more than I do. I was wondering if you can give me some advice on what I'm potentially doing wrong. I have nocturia so often I make use of nappies at night. I'm well hydrated so my urine isn't super...