baby brained

  1. sassypigtailz

    Post your baby babbles here! A sample of diapered babygirl Babbles in little>>>>> space @;.;&)&$ trauma and being bent & broken

    Please share your baby babbles here. I keep editing…..Respond if you understand and share your baby babbles padded friend. Didi oh um I say fe go fo fun Hehe 😜 Barton and his team of experts yoda 678910 well as the other ?:;(/;)!’kt ihh h bbnbnb. Baby baby talk talk baby baby poop baby girl...
  2. Poofybutt

    When You're Tired

    So, I pulled an all nighter yesterday and suffice it to say, when I got home at around noon, I was pooched. All the way home, I felt groggy and little, like I couldn't wait to be diapered and in AB-zone. As soon as I entered the door, my AB side struck. I collapsed on my bed and just sucked...