Out of stock on my diapers?!

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Abu is out of stock on there Preschool Mediums, and idk what to do! Should I get the smalls? I have a waist 33. I'm pretty sure thats not gonna work out for me... I have 2 left in my stash and I'm afraid to use them then have to wait a month before I can diaper up again... :(
Use another type of diaper, there are a lot of medium about there! Unlike the small sizes!
well you could get some medium cushies or space in the meantime
I recommend the Simple, Space, or LittlePawz - they're all the same shell, and I find myself wearing them far more than the Preschools now. That being said, they're thicker and plastic, so if you do a lot of wearing incognito you may want to look somewhere else.
rennecfox said:
well you could get some medium cushies or space in the meantime

I'm wearing one of my sample cushies right now. I don't know I kinda like it and kinda don't at the sametime. I haven't gotten to wear my Preschools for awhile now so I'm forgetting how these compare... but I feel like cushies mediums might happen in the mean time?
Umm.... Try a different type of diaper?

There really are an amazing amount of alternatives out there. In a pinch, a towel and a trash-bag for an improvised set of plastic pants will do. But in all sincerity, just go online an search and you will be amazed at the alternatives available to you.
TeddyBearCowboy said:
Umm.... Try a different type of diaper?

There really are an amazing amount of alternatives out there. In a pinch, a towel and a trash-bag for an improvised set of plastic pants will do. But in all sincerity, just go online an search and you will be amazed at the alternatives available to you.

Do you know of any good alternatives to the Preschool? I'm a big cloth backed fan and that market is pretty small. Not only that I can't have things delivered to my house, because I don't live alone. So it makes who I buy from pretty limited :\
So, the cloth backed Pre-School are meant to be more "stealthy" in that they are not very noticable under your clothes. Well, there is a trade-off between being discrete and effective wetness protection. It does no good to wear a discrete diaper if it leaks and is way less than being discrete from the wetting of one's clothes.

How much of a need for wetness protection do you have? If you have only minimal need, then something as simple as Depends Real Fit or Sillouttes may work for you. But if you have substantial wetness needs, then you have to go to a superior product, such as any of the online adult diapers or ABDL diapers.

I wear the aww so cute diapers which are plastic backed regularly under my clothes and I have never gotten so much as a second look.... ever! and these are pretty crinkly and bulky diapers.

There are others including the XP medical Xplus and others that are less crinkly that are good substitutes which don't crinkle a lot.

But the bottom line (your bottom line) is that if you don't wear clothing where it is going to be easily noticed, I dont care if you have on one of the more bulky and crinkly diapers such as dry 24/7 or another industrial diaper, people just aren't looking for this and they are not likely to notice you wearing the diaper.

But again, if stealth is what you are after, ever the Depends fitted briefs that have the cloth backing (while absorption and leakage can be an issue) they are not a bad and inexpensive alternative till you can get resupplied through your provider.

Good luck and may you be happily padded wherever you go.


Teddy Bear Cowboy
BabyLink9 said:
Do you know of any good alternatives to the Preschool? I'm a big cloth backed fan and that market is pretty small.

I thought the problem was the opposite? Everyone going clothlike? (well, not in the ABDL world, but in "general purpose common" diapers)
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