Genuine accident (#2)


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
I just want to share my experience from this morning.

I knew I would have the house to myself all day today, so I decided to hold it yesterday after getting home late. I ignored a light urge to go #2 and went to sleep.

After waking this morning, I got out of my night diaper and decided to adult up to run some errands. I had wanted to spend the day diapered today, but given that I had to drive my spouse to work and then go for an haircut, I decided against. Fast forward an hour or so, I went to the grocery store. While strolling the alleys, I started getting BM cramps, bad. I quelched with all my will and powered through. I managed to hold it in by fidgeting around. After failing to find a public bathroom (typical grocery store...), I decided to stop my shopping half-way and go through check out. While I was waiting in line, the cramps subsided. I contemplated going back for a few items I needed, but decided to play it safe and simply pay and head home.

As I walked back to my car the cramps came back with a vengeance. I quickly tossed the groceries in the back and put a towel on my seat as a precaution before driving away. Mere seconds after sitting down in my car, it happened... Once I started failing at holding it in, my muscles simply gave up and let everything out. The towel saved my car seat, but the underwear and jeans weren't spared. I quietly drove away, only to be hit by a second wave a minute later. I will spare the graphic details, but it was very messy.

It was a humbling, embarrassing, but also slightly exciting experience. I should have diapered up before leaving, but I am also glad I had this genuine experience today, which made me feel little.