• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Longtime lurker, first time poster


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
So, the forum tells me this is a popular title to use for your introduction post, haha.

My story is, to me, surprisingly normal for this forum. A few years ago I was diagnosed with overflow/urge incontinence, and after fighting it on and off and wetting my pants a few times, I turned to diapers to manage it. I tried cheaper ones and it was always a high-stress situation, worrying about the inevitable wet spots on my pants, and waking up having leaked in the bed at night. I did what every person does nowadays when they have a problem, they search the internet for answers - and the internet took me here (and Tumblr).

After a while of reading up, I learned how to manage my IC better, and limit leaks. Slowly I became more comfortable with it, and then a strange thing happened - I started to get into the DL side. This made me uneasy at first, but I slowly accepted it and even enjoy it now! I spent more time on Tumblr with the community, and never created an account here (despite reading it relatively regularly), but now that Tumblr is going away, I figured it'd be a good idea to engage here more. Since I came into ABDL in a sort of sideways manner, I don't particularly have any AB/little side to me at all, my interest is strictly with the diapers.

Outside of ABDL, I enjoy technology, automobiles, food, travel, and spending time with family and friends. Those at least are my main hobbies, I have so many others I don't have time for them all haha.
Hello eastcoastdl and welcome to the group.

Very nice introduction.

eastcoastdl said:
So, the forum tells me this is a popular title to use for your introduction post, haha.

My story is, to me, surprisingly normal for this forum. A few years ago I was diagnosed with overflow/urge incontinence, and after fighting it on and off and wetting my pants a few times, I turned to diapers to manage it. I tried cheaper ones and it was always a high-stress situation, worrying about the inevitable wet spots on my pants, and waking up having leaked in the bed at night. I did what every person does nowadays when they have a problem, they search the internet for answers - and the internet took me here (and Tumblr).

After a while of reading up, I learned how to manage my IC better, and limit leaks. Slowly I became more comfortable with it, and then a strange thing happened - I started to get into the DL side. This made me uneasy at first, but I slowly accepted it and even enjoy it now! I spent more time on Tumblr with the community, and never created an account here (despite reading it relatively regularly), but now that Tumblr is going away, I figured it'd be a good idea to engage here more. Since I came into ABDL in a sort of sideways manner, I don't particularly have any AB/little side to me at all, my interest is strictly with the diapers.

Outside of ABDL, I enjoy technology, automobiles, food, travel, and spending time with family and friends. Those at least are my main hobbies, I have so many others I don't have time for them all haha.

Nice job. Sad that Tumblr is going. :(
Wow. Good introduction East Cost
Welcome to the :grouphug:
Thanks everyone :)