Rust - Searching for one or more people to team up (EU region)


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Incontinent
Rust is a great game, I totally fell in love with it. Spending way too much time on that.
However this game is pretty hard, especially alone and even moreso on the more heavily populated servers.
If you don't know Rust, get a glimpse here:

Rust is a PVP/PVE survival game with base building, resource grinding and a tech tree.
If you are a newcomer and like to try it out, you should start off on low population servers to get to know the game a bit, because it can be quite offputting to get killed time and time again while you are naked, smashing a rock against a tree.

If you like to team up, just drop a PM or answer here.
I'm currently active on a German server called "Rentnertreff" because there is less toxicity and moronic squeakers around. Willing to give up my base and move to another server, but I will not change out of EU region (because of insane ping lags).