Do Formula Bottles cause soft BMs?


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
My query for today is the above. I'm not ashamed to say that I like drinking baby bottles of formula, at least one 300ml bottle per night. My current formula of choice is the Aptamil Gold Level 3, which is for 1yo and up.

Since changing to this formula, I've noticed my BMs get a bit soft. If I have multiple bottles over multiple days, my BMs get a bit softer.

Now, I've been consulting with a Continence Nurse about my IC and chronic constipation, and the nurse put me onto a bladder training program. At first, my wettings went up, and my BMs didnt change.

Then I changed formula to the Aptamil 3 one day (as the shops had run out of the Level 4), and noticed soon after my BM get soft. Ive not told the nurse I'm AB and having formula at night.

Looking on the tin, in tiny letters, it has fructose as an ingredient. I had been using a lactilose solution for my constipation, but havent used it in a while now. I thought that fructose was similar (indigestible sugar, so passes through and softens stool theough attracting water to it)

It makes sense to me that thered be a tiny amount of laxative like ingredients, to help a bub pass stools, and avoids constipation.

Am I right?

(Mind you, I'm not complaining)
So I coincidentally happen to be sitting here in a messy diaper in my car. It's the rare occasion that I do that but I really had go to the bathroom!

Anyhow, baby formula is fortified with iron, and iron is constipating often. I would also check with your doctor to find out if it's okay to get that extra iron. I I seem to recall that iron can have some pretty significant negative health effects in men, I can't remember what the cases for women.

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As teddytugger has mentioned, formula is very high in iron and iron is usually very hard on ones digestive tract, it frequently causes constipation and also, gas and bloating. Not sure how formula effects an actual infant, but I know it gives them essential nutrients that they might be lacking.

As an Adult-Baby, I avoid formulas because of the iron content. I tried formula once and I clearly got too much iron, I was cramping, bloated and I was constipated for a little while. So, if I have to answer honestly, there is probably no correlation between formula and your BM consistency.

Diet and fibre intake, however, could be causing this. If you are eating a lot of fruits, lean meats (chicken/fish) and antioxidant rich foods regularly, those will get your digestive tract working. If you are taking fibre, fibre tends to build bulk and soften stool making it easier to pass.
Infant and toddlers Formula contains a lot of Iron, and you can be a victim of Iron Poisoning which can cause death, Iron is good for babies and toddlers, but not for healthy adults, don't touch another bottle of formula, its very dangerous for your health. I wouldn't be surprised that one day, they will have to display a warning on the formula cans that it is very very dangerous for adults to drink it because someone would have died from it and someone would sue the company, like we see caution contain is hot on every single coffee cup today.
As others have said, I would be very concerned with the amount of iron you are getting by drinking 300ml every day.

Check the nutrition label for Aptamil Gold Level 3 & 4 to see what you are getting.

I see no problem with occasional drinking of a bottle of formula but I would not drink it in quantity.
I don't think i'm drinking it in quantity - 300ml is one normal bottle.

I'm not worried about the level of iron in baby formula, as the last Endocrinologist visit I had, we ran through my blood tests, and I was a bit iron deficient. I was quite iron deficient when I was a child too. I think if I was having 5 bottles a day, that'd be a bit of a different story. One a day, or a few days apart is ok.