I get annoyed

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tykeboy123 said:
Sometimes with my adhd I get wrapped up in the emotions I’m feeling associated to whatever I’m writting and it doesn’t come out as well as it could have which causes misunderstandings I can admit that it happens to me in social situations sometimes also and that really bugs me because Iv alway considered myself to be a really open minded laid back and accepting guy had I took the time to really think things out and write more specifically it would have maybe came out better Iv never been the best writer anyhow , But yeah it’s completely circumstantial like anything in life. Thanks for taking the time to write back

Don't mention it, I can tell when you cleared things up that you're an accepting, open-minded AB :)

It's clear now where you are coming from and I have no doubt others may even agree.

Sometimes I get like that too, where I get so involved or passionate about something I'm writing to the point that the ideas I want to communicate get a bit lost. No worries, happens to the best of us :)
Schwanensee said:
It's sweet you're apologizing, but you really don't need to, I'm fine. I realize that I have it easier than most, and occasionally I'll ask myself what I am doing on a support site when I don't need support, but it would take more than one thread to make me shy away from this awesome community.

I can see where the notion is coming from, most people have a hard time accepting themselves for being an ABDL and when they see someone who seemingly decided on a whim that this is who they are, it makes them uncomfortable. I just wish people weren't so quick to judge, just because those new ABDLs don't give you their whole backstory doesn't mean they're not sincere. (I'm using "you" as a general term here, Trevor, you seem like a pretty accepting person in my eyes)

I'm glad it didn't bother you. I hope it didn't dismay anyone else. I try to be accepting and I think part of that is a belief that in the grand scheme, many of the things we think are important aren't that big a deal. I have a harder time separating from ABDL stuff because it's so personal to me and it took so much effort to get to a good place with it. That sense of importance I have doesn't really hold up well under scrutiny, though. I already don't care about crass commercial exploitation. People have been doing that for ages and not just with ABDL things. Identification with a lack of apparent sincerity is probably my last barrier but as you say, it might just be a lack of information or insecurity over sharing. I will try to be less judgy about it.
Hi everyone,

My two cents, for what they're worth. This past year I finally met ABDLs in real life. I've met quite a number of people and they come from all walks of life, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, etc. For many of them, it is something that began in childhood, and many would in various ways describe this as something ingrained and part of them as being gay. Then there others who swear it is simply age-play or a kink and that in their day to day existence they don't feel like a child trapped inside an adult. And there are others who feel they are little and that sex and being little shouldn't mix.

For me, which is not everybody, this is something that is a part of me and part of my sexuality - and for me, I see nothing wrong with sex and ABDL being combined. So I can very much identify with those who say they have felt little and trapped in an adult body -- I very much have those feelings. But, I can also identify with those who are sexually gratified by being ABDL and I guess what some people would call a kink or fetish.

For me, what I would like to see is simply more acceptance of one another in this community, however you arrived at where you are with ABDL. For many of us, it has been a struggle. I honor that. If it hasn't been a struggle for you but you respect the members of this community, again, welcome. I think it's hard enough to find acceptance with this wherever you come from on the beautiful spectrum that is ABDL, and I hate to see us squabble internally about who is and who isn't a real ABDL.

And to the OP, I 100% agree that there are people who fake this or for that matter being gay or whatever it may be to get more hits, and that can be very frustrating. I don't know that you will ever change that, but I think most of us know who is genuinely part of this community and who is just trying get hits.

Much love and support to you all, however you got here.

Hugs and be well,

Instant abdl is incredibly real.

However the logic behind them is actually more common then we may believe. Do you wake up in a diaper and poof you are an abdl wanting a nursery? Uh. No. BUT there can be events leading up to it that OVER TIME may be able to influence a decision. Let me use an example

I used to like the idea of baby cartoon characters and would print off cute pictures (and when I was younger had ONE diapering experience when I was about 5 or 6) but it wasn't until high school before school began when a girl (teasingly sadly) sang to me rock a bye baby when I was trying to get rest before homeroom. I jumped off the ground and bolted and she and her friend laughed but about half way down the hall I got chills I looked back and she was gone. I spent the rest of the day thinking to myself why it was so calming. Eventually lullabies became my favorite abdl activity....and it still is
I believe it takes two parts to make someone abdl, regardless of how long they have been this way. The first, is to be born this way. That is, we need to "primed" to become abdl. Second, is a triggering event and the availabily of diapers around us. For some that trigger could happen when we are babies/toddlers, maybe even before we can recall. This is the goup we recognize as having been born this way.

For some others, that trigger may not happen untill later in life. Maybe they never had access to diapers before, were never around babies, or even knew people could wear diapers after the age of three. They were already primed to be DL, but never even realized it for whatever reason. That is untill that trigger even does happen, and boom "instant" abdl.
CuddleWoozle said:
That and there's also something weird about seeing baby accoutrements with words like "Daddy's Little Slut" on them. O_O Maybe I don't get the attraction being asexual?
This is called ddlg too. In practise it's (bd)sm where daddy is domina and little is sub instead of slave/master :) Bdsm is one of the most popular fetishes and being treated like child and even getting diapered are perfect ways to get humiliated. So I guess this is one reason why some people get interested of abdl, ddlg etc. later as adults.
Never had I ever thought of that, but still, I have to see the funny side of it... Funny world, here I am, me who would love nothing more than to be rid of this part of myself (like that's even possible) and some people get into this because they think ''that seems fun''. We should either trade places or mentalities, I guess... Funny world... :laugh:
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