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  • Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Hi Everyone

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
Hi everyone, I’m Pika123 (obviously this isn’t my real name lol)

Hopefully will be able to help with questions and start new conversations :)

A bit about my diapers:

I wear diapers 24/7 and use them whenever i need to
But am not incontinenet

I change them twice a day
In the morning after breakfast and before dinner (so I can sleep messy or wet if I want)

Enjoy messy diapers more than wet ones but like the feeling for both

Outside of diapers, I enjoy guitar, Leage of Legends, and walking with my dog.

Thanks for reading and I hope I’ll see everyone in another post :)
Hello Pika123 and welcome to the group.

Very nice introduction.

Tee hee. I don't mind my wet and/or messy diapers either. I wears very think Rearz Safari diapers. They never leak. I don't has a Mommy or Daddy to check my diaper, so I haves to wait for Big Me to take it off or change me. I is new here too. I is 2 years old. We can be friends if you like. I promise I'm always nice, and won't do or say naughty things to you.
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