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  1. Adult Baby
I have pink bunny footie pajamas and want to know what else I need to be a baby girl for holloween if I am a guy
Jsnjones21 said:
I have pink bunny footie pajamas and want to know what else I need to be a baby girl for holloween if I am a guy

Double or triple up your diaper to make it pretty obvious even under the pajamas. Also carry around a some kind of girly bag/purse for any candy you get or hand out. Maybe put on some makeup too, but make it look somewhat obvious yet still pretty.
The "little girls" I have seen come to our door have little freckles on their cheeks and nose, a paci either in their mouth or hanging from their jammies, a stuffed animal and maybe a blanket. If you don't have long hair, maybe wear a wig for long hair as they usually have pig tails, too.
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