Staying asleep through the night.

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Other

Hi everyone.

I hope you can help me.

Just lately I've been going 24/7 dipered as at the moment I just feel happer, all padded up.

Any way during the day I just wet and carry on with what ever I am doing, I know I am wetting but it ok.

During the night though I wack up needing to wee and i find it hard to just wet my self and go back to sleep.

I don't won't to get up and use the toilet, as that wake me up, even more, and my sleep, I need, being a Little.

About 8 to 9 hours seep, i need, especially if through the day I have to do adulting.

Not so much sleep, if I have had Little space time.

But if I don't have enough sleep I'm a very grumpy baby and i find adulting even more hard to do.

Is there a way i can get my silly grown up body to stay asleep through the night and just wet so i don't get wocken up?

Any Suggestions welcome.


First of all, I think you really need to sit down and think through your decision. I'm not trying to discourage you at all, but wetting yourself at night is a huge change for you and your body, and it's not the easiest process to reverse should you choose to go through with it. It could also have effects on your daytime control as well because you'd basically be unpotty training yourself. Before you do anything, I really advise you to fully weigh out the positives and negatives of doing something like this.

With that being said, I'm not exactly the expert to talk to about how to start bedwetting again. I can give you a little advice on relieving yourself without disturbing your sleep as much however. What I do if I have to go while I'm sleeping is I just relax and let it go. Yes, it wakes me up, but I'm usually still half asleep, and I still do have control over my bladder otherwise. This comes from years of training my body to be more relaxed when diapered. I think in your case, you have to go about doing something similar, but for a much longer period of time to achieve the result you're looking for.

Again, I'd really sit down and think about the choice before you make it, but ultimately, I'm not you, and it's your decision to make. Whichever choice you make, I wish you the best.
I wish I could help you, but I've been waking up to wet for 20 years now. I too have desperately wanted to sleep for a change, and just wake up wet. It would be so much better than my interrupted sleep, but my problems are neurogenic disassociative so there is no overcoming it for me.

All I can say for now, is to just go to bed earlier. Give yourself 9+ hours for sleep, and waking to pee will subtract from that. Hopefully still leaving you with 8 hours of total rest.

Also, when you wake do not move. Concentrate on relaxing to pee in what ever position you're in. When you finally go, then try to go back to sleep. If your diaper leaks, or you're afraid it will leak, then you already need better diapers. If you consciously can't let go, then your subconscious never will either.
siysiy said:

Hi everyone.

I hope you can help me.

Just lately I've been going 24/7 dipered as at the moment I just feel happer, all padded up.

Any way during the day I just wet and carry on with what ever I am doing, I know I am wetting but it ok.

During the night though I wack up needing to wee and i find it hard to just wet my self and go back to sleep.

I don't won't to get up and use the toilet, as that wake me up, even more, and my sleep, I need, being a Little.

About 8 to 9 hours seep, i need, especially if through the day I have to do adulting.

Not so much sleep, if I have had Little space time.

But if I don't have enough sleep I'm a very grumpy baby and i find adulting even more hard to do.

Is there a way i can get my silly grown up body to stay asleep through the night and just wet so i don't get wocken up?

Any Suggestions welcome.



I'm gonna keep it short. Urinating while laying down is extremely hard, why you may ask?

Well we as a young child where potty trained and so your mind is pretty much hard wired. I've tried but never urinated while in bed....only before I realized I was AB. Anyways I'm off.
never understood the idea of forfeiting control, guess I never will, I don't sleep a solid sleep anymore either, part to pee, part because of chronic phlegm issues with my throat. Wetting in bed is kind of like using a bent hose... that you can feel, in the end its generally not that much of a connivence.
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