Trying on an Always Ultra Plus pad as a little boy...sticky side up.

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Curiosity led me to a pack under the bathroom counter when I was 9. Instinct...intuition...tells me this is like a mini diaper! I could not help it. I just had to know what this was all about.

The year was 1989. Not 100% sure of the product name but I believe it was Always Ultra Plus Overnight With Wings. To me it was enticing. No diapers in the house. Could this be something to ease that burden? I quickly snuck one to my bedroom and hid it under my mattress...tonight we shall get aquainted.

Bedtime. Heart rate started to increase as I unwrapped it. I unfold this pocket diaper and behold...a smooth white plastic. Diaper like. Now the realization hits. It is sticky. Would this feel good upside down...down there?

I lay the pad flat on the bed and took off my Fruit of the Looms. I then slowly sit down just right. Right onto this sticky surface and it fits so good...right where I have felt a warm poop before. The sensation was wonderful. I just had to wear it all night. I put my briefs on. I climbed into bed and went to such pleasant dreams. I do miss those pads. Nowadays they just aren't the same. Always had a great product back then. A lone tear falls...
I was waiting for a twist at the end of your story: "And then it was time to remove it. Oh the pain."

I started with pads as well as a substitute for diapers. I remember trying to sneak a few out of the closet without parents noticing them missing.
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