if you needed work from a outside agency in the room you keep all your IC nappies and supplies?


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
For me it's my bedroom, they are coming next Wednesday and will have to look very thoroughly at the plug sockets in my bedroom. I literally have IC nappies stacked up from floor to ceiling in all corners of my room. I have to let them in my room. What would you do?
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I was a little confused by the subject line at first, which effectively made me click through.

One quick solution would be to rent a small storage unit for one month. Or you could get some storage totes to put them temporarily. Just a few thoughts!
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Is it possible to just move them temporarily into other places where they are more hidden and the contractors won't need to look? Stash them in a garage/shed/boot of the car, attic, inside/under furniture etc.

Another possibility (I don't know you living arrangements) if the weather is good could be to just stack them up in the garden and cover them with a sheet, if that's a no go then even just stack them inside somewhere and cover them, they won't need to look there and it could be anything underneath. Downside to this (especially if doing it inside not a garden) is that if anyone does take a peek (unlikely) or the cover falls off is that it will be obvious you are trying to hide them which immediately makes it suspicious. If they are out in the open at least it makes a statement that you are not ashamed of having/needing them, Similar to how walking confidently even with an obvious nappy bulge will get you completely overlooked by passers by because it's just a normal thing.

If it is simply plain nappies and not blatant ABDL printed packs I would personally probably just leave them stacked tidily out of the way of any space they might need to access, They have quite probably had to visit many homes where IC people live and have possibly seen it before. If they do say anything it's also none of their business why you have nappies stacked up. Unless the person coming is someone who is likely to be known/met in your friend/family circle and potentially out you then why worry what some random stranger sees.

I would hide any ABDL style packs though just cause that would be more eye catching and harder to explain away.

A long long time ago I used to work with a couple friends on and off doing building/maintenance/decorating work on peoples homes (was one of my buddies own business), I remember working on a couple places where adult nappies were out in the open, none of us ever mentioned it not to the clients or even to each other, it was just not important enough to really even be noticed. Granted there were never stacks of them that might draw a bit more attention but still none of their business unless the packs happen to be in their way.

For all they know you could be simply running a home supply business and that is your stock (hide any open packets if you try this route).
Leave them where you keep them. Our housekeepers go into my closet each week to vacuum, etc....and there are literally hundreds of diapers in there. I could not care less about what they see or think.
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Do not worry. I have a full nursery with everything out and visible. I have had electricians, carpenters, window installers, and cleaning ladies in that room to work. None of them said anything about what I have, except the cleaning ladies, who said I need to work at picking up better in the nursery. Diapers are not illegal, so do not worry about them being seen. Enjoy life; it is too short not to.
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Of course you could always pad up and then fill your bathroom with them as you wont need to go in there and neither should they ( in theory anyway) hope you resolve the issue.
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Napincolove said:
Of course you could always pad up and then fill your bathroom with them as you wont need to go in there and neither should they ( in theory anyway) hope you resolve the issue.
Thing is I live in a shared house. I'm just going to not be bothered by it. I'm living an incontinent lifestyle and I need to remember these things happen.
This sort of thing generally doesn’t bother me at all, the only time I get a little embarrassed is when someone needs to go in the cupboard where the fuse box is as that is where I keep the unopened packs of nappies but weirdly it wouldn’t phase me as much if they have to go in my bedroom and saw the opened bags although it’s easier now as my nappies go in the bin instead of clinical waste, when I used to have clinical waste I could have up to a weeks worth of waste in my bedroom which wasn’t nice
I really wouldn't worry about it. I work for a HA in the UK, when I was field based and doing inspections of flats/houses/shared houses (HMOs), you would be shocked at some of the things I've seen. Incontinence supplies is no-where near the list.

I have my IC supplies in the bathroom drawers and a few cases boxed in my office at home, I've had electricians/builders/plumbers..etc no-one has said a thing in 10 years now that I've had these issues.

We've had the same cleaner come twice a week now for about five years, she's never said a word about it, and I know she will have seen when cleaning my office or the bathroom.

People working in other people's homes usually have lots of discretion. Please try not to worry.
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RojasPuraVida said:
I really wouldn't worry about it. I work for a HA in the UK, when I was field based and doing inspections of flats/houses/shared houses (HMOs), you would be shocked at some of the things I've seen. Incontinence supplies is no-where near the list.

I have my IC supplies in the bathroom drawers and a few cases boxed in my office at home, I've had electricians/builders/plumbers..etc no-one has said a thing in 10 years now that I've had these issues.

We've had the same cleaner come twice a week now for about five years, she's never said a word about it, and I know she will have seen when cleaning my office or the bathroom.

People working in other people's homes usually have lots of discretion. Please try not to worry.
You're post really means a lot @RojasPuraVida Thank you.

they came out today to check the electrical things in my room. I live in a HMO and and I didn't have chance to clean my bedroom because I thought they were coming on Wednesday. I had a few used nappies in a black bin liner and all my nappies on display, and the electrician didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all.
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bobbilly said:
You're post really means a lot @RojasPuraVida Thank you.

they came out today to check the electrical things in my room. I live in a HMO and and I didn't have chance to clean my bedroom because I thought they were coming on Wednesday. I had a few used nappies in a black bin liner and all my nappies on display, and the electrician didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all.
No worries at all, always happy to help an East Midlands neighbour :)