How did you manage to get comfortable peeing in diapers?


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It's like I have a mental block..! I've heard about the same from everyone, that I should try using a diaper on the toilet to become accustomed to it, but it sort of defeats the point in my mind to wear a diaper and go to the toilet anyways. It ruins the magic, so to speak..? I woud really love to hear some advice, because as of now, I can only convince myself to wet my diapers when I am either doing the dishes in the kitchen (???) Or on the toilet. I'd love to get to where I can wet them in bed without really thinking about it. It seems that it's way easier for me to do when I am smoking weed or drunk, but of course, I do not wish to rely on either of those, nor do I like drinking at all anymore..!

I don't think I'm afraid of leaks. I was when I was in Goodnites, but now that I use ABDL diapers, I know for a fact I won't leak on my first or second wetting. Maybe it's just the conditioning of having to use a toilet, and only a toilet, with nothing else really being acceptable in common society..

I'm not asking to be un-potty trained, i just want to get over the mental block / psychological aspect of not being able to use my diaper when I want to, to clarify!
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I love this question. It is a good one. I don’t have the answer. When my wife was out of the country for 3 weeks I wore diapers to bed every night with a goal of wetting during the night and before I got out of bed in the morning. I was unable to do it, just could not peek while in a prone position. I ended up standing by the side of my bed to wet my diaper, then returned to bed. I did manage to go to a couple fast food restaurants I a couple evenings where I sat in a booth and consumed my dinner and drank lots of pop, and managed to wet while sitting in the booth. And, I worked outside in the yard and wet while I was working and stayed in my wet diaper until I wet a 2nd time. It was wonderful!
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I also have trouble peeing in bed but no problem today cutting the front lawn, pee just flowed like no tomorrow. It felt good and I really enjoyed it.
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I'm not asking to be un-potty trained, i just want to get over the mental block / psychological aspect of not being able to use my diaper when I want to, to clarify!
I don't know if it works, but since coming back to diapers, well, goodnites, since first trying them, I just tell myself "It's okay" or "I'm a baby," insert other mantras in place of those, potentially? x) works every time to varying speeds but usually pretty fast. Practice makes peefect? I mean perfect. In bed, walking, standing, all works as long as I'm not afraid of leaks, personally
Good luck!
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BabyNancy said:
I ended up standing by the side of my bed to wet my diaper, then returned to bed.
I think this is normal for people when they first start wearing nappies. I had a hard time wetting in bed or anywhere really, I had to be standing in statue like position before wetting. This lasted for some years.

In 2016 I went 24/7 for 8 months. At first my wetting abilities were large flooding's which I had again done for many years and this pretty much ruins your nappies as the front of the nappy gets saturated rather quickly with no wetness going to the back and you need to change. I worked really hard on going at the slightest urge, this was difficult at first but over time I could do it but had many sphincter spams which closed my sphincter off so technically exercising it which I didn't want.

I don't exactly remember where things changed but them 8 months wearing 24/7 really made it easy for me to wet in any position. I wet at the slightest urge now without clenching or spasms. Any position in bed I can wet, infect when I wake up during the night I wet and fall straight back to sleep. My nappies now last ages, 5/6 hours off content little dribbles and gushes. My nappy hardly leaks when I'm in bed. Only when drinking alcohol is can leak, I don't even notice I'm wearing a nappy.

I would be careful though if you do wear 24/7 I wouldn't recommend you wet at the slightest urge if you don't want continence issues as from my experience my bladder is super sensitive, I need the toilet when not wearing every 1 hour, because I desperately need a pee but its only a medium gush. I have post void dribble. I now have a psychological dependence on nappies now.
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bobbilly said:
I have post void dribble. I now have a psychological dependence on nappies now.
Can I ask if you had dribble before going 24/7 or wearing more often? Cause I've had a pretty annoying case that's been getting worse as I get older.
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lilcamper said:
Can I ask if you had dribble before going 24/7 or wearing more often? Cause I've had a pretty annoying case that's been getting worse as I get older.
I had no continence problems before going 24/7, Its only recently since they've gotten worse, I have binges and purges going 24/7 and I'm not recovering my continence back from each binge like I did in 2016. If I'm not wearing a nappy I'm constantly using the toilet, can't. fully watch a film without needing the toilet, and I have a constant urge to pee after a few minutes of just peeing. Also the post void dribbling when I use the toilet and I can feel it in my nappy as well.
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It's all conditioning. You have been trained not to pee except on the toilet, and learning that it's ok to pee elsewhere when wearing a diaper can take practice. The key is not to push..... The key is to relax. Pushing can clench all the wrong things. Just relax and let it flow out on its own. It will.

A big part of it is trusting your padding. Once you know it can handle what you're about to give it, giving it becomes effortless.
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I tried to find ways to relax as much as I could, including keeping my mind off the diaper. Video games are amazing attention-suckers, so I would listen to hypno, play Zelda, drink water and just lie in a reclined position and chill. When i had to pee I tried to focus on the game but relax my bladder muscles and it worked like a charm. And once my diaper was wet it got even easier.
Several years later, and it really doesn't take much thought to just release and enjoy; I don't even wear that often but I find it relatively easy in lots of positions. Though, I don't try to pee lying down much at all, so I can't attest to that specifically.
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It's like I have a mental block..! I've heard about the same from everyone, that I should try using a diaper on the toilet to become accustomed to it, but it sort of defeats the point in my mind to wear a diaper and go to the toilet anyways. It ruins the magic, so to speak..? I woud really love to hear some advice, because as of now, I can only convince myself to wet my diapers when I am either doing the dishes in the kitchen (???) Or on the toilet.
This is really common and you're not alone. Practice practice practice gets you past this.

You being able to use your diaper while doing dishes makes sense. Running water is often a trigger for people to want to pee. I didn't believe it until I consistently wore diapers and had the freedom to wet whenever, but it does actually happen. The toilet makes sense too. You're conditioned to release there. You have to prove to your brain that everywhere else is a fine place to release as well, as long as you're in diapers.

One way or the other you have to convince your subconscious that you won't see any negative consequences to wetting, whether that's on the couch, in bed, in a car, or wherever. You can only do that by actually peeing your diaper in those places, and doing it multiple (read, many) times. Catch-22, I know.

If you're having trouble, you could give your bladder a little mechanical encouragement to get it started if you need to, but don't force it.

Take baby steps from where you can wet to places where you can't. It might be challenging for a while to get a flow going even in the spots you've started training, but if you wear and wet enough, you'll eventually get comfortable with it.
I'd love to get to where I can wet them in bed without really thinking about it.
This will take time, if you're like me. Laying down in bed was one of the harder spots.

I don't think I'm afraid of leaks. I was when I was in Goodnites, but now that I use ABDL diapers, I know for a fact I won't leak on my first or second wetting. Maybe it's just the conditioning of having to use a toilet, and only a toilet, with nothing else really being acceptable in common society..

Your conscious mind might know it but your subconscious might not believe it (due to potty training), which is why you need to train.
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It is difficult to go back to using a diaper and at first it takes real effort and pressure topped standing up. However it does get easier. After a year of fairly frequent wearing I pee freely when wearing. Having confidence in your diaper and plastics helps. I love that as soon as I put my diaper on I pee straight away like y body saying it’s okay.
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Kind of an update, ended up getting kicked out of my dad’s (abusive) home last night so now I’m elsewhere, at another family member’s. Overall a plus I guess but my point is I may have to take a break from wearing since there’s a child here and I wouldn’t feel very comfortable wearing around them (even if I always wear clothes over everything, of course). It’s not really much of a fetish for me as it is a genuine therapeutic comfort though. Dunno. Kind of anxious to be potentially giving it up but keep posting here if you have anything to add / feel so inclined! Thank you all so much for your responses :3
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I just got used to it. At first it was hard but when you do it for a while you get used to it and can do it easily
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ChristianDiaperLover said:
I just got used to it. At first it was hard but when you do it for a while you get used to it and can do it easily
When I first started using diapers it was hard for me as well but after wearing for a while I got use to going in my diaper. The one thing I did do to help me was I held my pee until I really had to go and couldn’t hold it anymore and it would eventually trickle out. You can also try to just turn a faucet on and maybe the sound of running water might help you go.
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goodniteswearer89 said:
When I first started using diapers it was hard for me as well but after wearing for a while I got use to going in my diaper. The one thing I did do to help me was I held my pee until I really had to go and couldn’t hold it anymore and it would eventually trickle out. You can also try to just turn a faucet on and maybe the sound of running water might help you go.
Waiting until your body can't hold it anymore can be damaging. What you say is true, but repeatedly doing that can cause injury. Don't hurt yourself.
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PadPhilosopher said:
Waiting until your body can't hold it anymore can be damaging. What you say is true, but repeatedly doing that can cause injury. Don't hurt yourself.
I don’t do it repeatedly. I just do it occasionally mainly if I’m busy doing something and can’t go to the bathroom at the moment or whenever I have a diaper on I might do it.
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I didn't really have any choice as My bladder control became weaker. At first I was always sure I would overflow my nappy and have visibly wet pants.
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Being that I have always wet my pants, wetting in a diaper was the easiest thing for me to start doing the first time I began wearing them, I had decades of wetting my pants whenever I had the urge to go, never have had a problem. as I have said in response to many of the "how to wet" threads.. Practice Practice Practice it will become as easy as and natural breathing with little need to think about starting the flow
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chamberpot said:
Being that I have always wet my pants, wetting in a diaper was the easiest thing for me to start doing the first time I began wearing them, I had decades of wetting my pants whenever I had the urge to go, never have had a problem. as I have said in response to many of the "how to wet" threads.. Practice Practice Practice it will become as easy as and natural breathing with little need to think about starting the flow
I used to wet my pants a lot as a kid.
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Wetshisbed said:
I used to wet my pants a lot as a kid.
Yes, but the question is, was it intentional or accidental? It sounds like @chamberpot meant to do it, but maybe you didn't.
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