Does Being an ABDL Mean You're Immature?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
OK so, as an ABDL I find myself wondering if being immature comes with the territory? 🤔 Like I know we are ADULTS who like to act like Babies, but I feel like we can still act adult when we need too. Only a select few are lucky enough to be ABDL all the time, and not have to worry about having a real job. But the majority of us ABDLs have adult responsibilities and have to act grown-up still. However, does being an ABDL cause you to act more immature when not actively engaging in ABDL?

I'm 29 years old but I sure don't feel/act it lemme tell ya! And I'm trying to figure out if it's my Autism or because I'm ABDL. I mean I have a job, and drive a car, but outside of that I'm still basically just a big kid! I have things from my childhood I can't let go of that I still watch, even when I'm not Diapered and sucking a Paci, like Disney, Winnie the Pooh, and various cartoons I grew up on. I still sleep with a stuffed Pooh Bear every night, which everyone around me has just accepted at this point. I'm also tend to rant a lot on Social Media like a lot of people do, only difference is they're not ABDL, I am.

If there's some kind of pop culture news I don't like, I'll tweet my feelings about it, or comment on it through someone else's tweet. I get in a lot of fights with people on YouTube in the comments section, and there are just some things I hate a fine tooth cone to the point where I want EVERYONE to know how I feel about my hatred of something. But I'm not an internet troll. I don't bully people. I'll just saying something like "I hate this franchise so much! I don't understand why it's so popular!" Then again that could just be normal internet behavior, everyone on the internet wants to be right and tell everybody else they're wrong. But I still think it's worth examining whether or not being ABDL causes one to act more immature than a non-ABDL considering we LITERALLY like to act like babies!

So, I'm wondering if that side of us tends to come out in some way during non-ABDL activities or if we're able to keep that younger side separate from our adult side. Maybe the way I act isn't due to ABDL at all, maybe it's my Autism or something else. What do you guys think? Do you think we ABDLs are more immature than a non-ABDL adult? Or do you think ABDL has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with how mature you act as an adult? I would love to know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below. Thanks in advance ADISC community and as always...stay Diapered!🧷😊

-ABDElsa ❄️🍼
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I think most of us are immature whether or not we want to admit it. I am and that's okay because I can function just fine. It's not a problem unless it gets in the way of that.
I've noticed that a lot of us act like kids and teenagers as far as how we interact with people. Quick to make and break attachments to people, needy, dramatic, unrealistic, etc etc. That's why I find trying to date within the abdl community so frustrating. Almost all of us have various issues as well, the kind of issues that tend to make people immature. So overall I would say that yes we definitely are immature but it varies by degree from person to person
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I think mature or immature hasnt anything to do with abdl but with the way you think, do and life.
Here i learned many mature adults, who integrate their little side very good in their lifes.
And yeah you can also ask rhetorical: what is mature and what is immature.
At all it is important, that you take responsibility of yourself.
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I don't think it's abdl related that or a high percentage of customers I deal with are abdl.

I often slag myself off for being immature, partly because I wear dipers but also because I still live with my parents. I'm 27 but can't afford my own place. Not that I don't support myself and pay the bills.

I've always been told I'm very mature for my age, an old soul even so it is funny that I regress to being a child. though for me it's also tied into mental health problems.
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PassiveRenegade said:
I don't think it's abdl related that or a high percentage of customers I deal with are abdl.

I often slag myself off for being immature, partly because I wear dipers but also because I still live with my parents. I'm 27 but can't afford my own place. Not that I don't support myself and pay the bills.

I've always been told I'm very mature for my age, an old soul even so it is funny that I regress to being a child. though for me it's also tied into mental health problems.
I can't afford my own place either. I live with my Dad, but I do help with expenses.
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This one's hard for me.

On the one hand, I'd say that I can separate the two very well. When it's adult time, it's adult time. When it's little time, it's little time. I love both of them, but sometimes one is better than the other in a given situation. You don't wanna be toddler on the road at 60mph!

On the other hand, I'd also say that I don't really have a "little" and "big" side. They're both the same person, and that yes, in some situations, I'll be more big than little or vice versa, but they're not strictly separate either. I'll work on a project while listening to toddler music, or I'll suck on my paci while doing chores.
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I'm exceedingly mature to everyone else. I overthink, I get stuck in my head, and I worry pointlessly about the future. My little side is an escape from that.
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After grade k, report card said im immature. Before that, i was the youngest in my neighborhood. Um. Watched yugi oh in high school years. Fifty now and i still dont eat veggies, no coffee, no alcohol. Like kiddie cereal! Been watching jonny quest lately, haha!
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No I think it is a side of us that is just different. Weather that’s trauma or coping or just the secret side of us. We still live normal lives and jobs and what not.
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I would say the degree varies person to person but yes we are a bit but we can be serious when needed. But it's really not such a bad thing when you think about it being an adult all the time is overrated.
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mistykitty said:
I would say the degree varies person to person but yes we are a bit but we can be serious when needed. But it's really not such a bad thing when you think about it being an adult all the time is overrated.
I'm a big believer in the concept of balance and I think that one should try to balance childlike and adult qualities. If you're too childlike you're annoying and you have issues with social interaction. If you're too adult you're boring, miserable, and feel like every day is the same. The key is staying adult enough to function but childlike enough to still be able to enjoy life
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I don't think it's an either/or, and we can exercise some choice. I can be very serious during a project meeting at work, then walk away and enjoy watching a dragonfly or anole on patrol. Sometimes there's overlap, like when I see things, with a fresh/young eye, that all the adults in the room seem to miss.

Many childlike traits are good things, IMHO, like curiosity, imagination, being willing to try things, and just having fun.
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@littleFeathers @PinkyJujubean we're on the same wavelength because thats exactly along the lines of what I was trying to say when I said it varies. it occurs differently in different people it's not a problem unless you let things get to out of whack.
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I'm very childish too, but it's absolutely due to me being autistic and nothing more.
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No, but being a hater is 100% immature. 🥳
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You've stumbled onto a pretty complex question. In my experience, very few people think they are "adults". Most people feel like they are the same person they have been since they were at least an older kid.

That being said, I think littles can be broken out into two broad categories. There are littles for whom it's a personally trait. That's how they're going to act whether they are in big mode or not. Then you have those who have a very separate little side. It comes out at very specific times and is usually an escape from the adult world.

I personally fall into the second category. I grew up fast because of my disability. I figured out really young that I had to take responsibility for what I could and could not do. Even my mom who knew me best would get it wrong sometimes and either treat me like I couldn't do something when I could, or assume I could do something and I'd end up in pain. So I took on some pretty adult responsibility for myself pretty early. Then I didn't make life any easier on myself by becoming a social worker in the disability services world and having to be the responsible adult in some pretty tough situations.

Early in my career I was doing direct care work at a residential high school with teens who had combined menial health and developmental disabilities. I would get home from work and immediately turn on an episode of MLP to help me relax.
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I’m 32 and in some ways I’m mature in other ways I’m not. I am emotionally mature and I understand to live in this world I have to be a adult and do adult things a lot of the time like work, cook, handle finances, personal hygiene, house work and relationships with people who aren’t ABDL. But in other ways I’m immature that’s mainly in my likes. I like Disney, I like children’s and teens TV shows, I like books written for kids (doesn’t mean there not challenging look at Lord of the Rings) I like hugging a stuffed toy, I like sucking on something. Being a big kid is personally speaking a good thing it means I can connect with the kids in my family in a special way. It means that my mind isn’t full of the venom, vitriol, anger, glorifying of death and violence you find in a lot of adult entertainment (I do watch some adult shows) and it means I can still enjoy what I did as child even in a different way. For example as a kid I liked X-Men because it was fun and action packed now I like it because I can see the issues and moral decisions that the characters make and how the the treatment of the mutants resembles that of the black people in segregated America. If you think that’s offensive remember Charles Xavier and Magneto were inspired by Martin Luther King and Malcom X respectively.
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I can’t speak for others, only myself. But I don’t think there is a direct connection between being immature and being ABDL.

I am more mature than my roommate is because I am the one who holds a steady job and pays the bills. But I am also the one sleeping with a teddy bear 🧸 and drinking from a bottle 🍼. And he’s not.

Yet I also feel there are some people in this community that are more mature than I am and some that are less.
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i've thought about this! i'm 31, autistic, and have PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder. i was forced to mature in certain ways from a very young age due to negligent parents and a divorce that left me to totally take care of myself. i learned how to cook, clean, take care of those kinds of things for myself, but because i lacked comfort from other people, i had to find comfort in things like cartoons, soft toys, and other "childish" behaviors. i think because children's media can be so comforting, it filled in that niche for me, and as such, i stayed mentally "childish".

i've emotionally matured a lot over the years. i've been told i'm a very emotionally mature person, but when it comes to what society considers "mature," i still carry stuffed animals with me every where i go, i do not own "plain" or "boring" clothes or items, everything in my home environment has to bright and colorful, i jump up and down and squeal when excited and am not afraid to excitedly exclaim when i see things i like, even if it would be "embarrassing" for adults. i do struggle to keep up with a lot of aspects of adult life, they don't make sense to me and i just can't play along at times. i don't understand why everything including medical care requires money, i don't understand why the world has such over-complicated rules and requires jumping through so many hoops to get basic needs, i don't understand why everyone is expected to work, i don't understand why we let people go homeless instead of just giving them homes, and so on. i have never been able to wrap my head around a lot of the "real world" as they called it in high school, despite being "functional" in the sense that i make enough money to survive by selling my art and take care of my own needs, like figuring out housing, medical care, finding the right support i need (like case workers, therapists, etc.), arranging my own transportation, getting my own food, etc. i've learned how to survive, but even when i go about doing that, i'm still very much in a child's mindset throughout most of it

i would say in many regards i definitely still have a child's brain! i look at the world through a "childish" lens and no matter how hard i try, that just doesn't let up. there are many different areas that factor into what we call maturity, and i'd say i fall short of a few of them for sure!
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I think I've always been immature. I speak intelligently, I can act maturely, especially at my job, but inside my head, I'm feeling like an insecure child. My band mates and some of my choir members have commented that in many ways, I've never grown up and I'm still a kid. This is actually true. I'm still very inquisitive like a kid and I love to find and discover new things. I'm still amazed at much of the world whether it's nature or things of interest. I have no intention of ever growing up because I think then a part of you dies.
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