Recent content by PrincessFox

  1. PrincessFox

    So random story Time #1

    *huggles* it did again i made amsoming sticker art... so it worked out friend is a meanie but ehhh... most tease me anywayz
  2. PrincessFox

    So random story Time #1

    i recently bought a MLP coloring book for $3 was jumbo... twilight sparkle on cover... ANYWAYZ! I was coloring then a "friend" said... thats dumb and your bad at coloring.. OUTA NOWHERE!... So i gave up on it... but was pretty... I also lost my coloring stuff cause i scattered it and got lost...
  3. PrincessFox

    Hai mah name is Fox

    little sounds right... YEAH OK IMA make new friendz! *brave face*
  4. PrincessFox

    Hai mah name is Fox

    Kinda a big place for me IDK where to go next after the hellos and Hais......
  5. PrincessFox

    Hai mah name is Fox

    TES The Elder Scrolls... Like Skyrim :)
  6. PrincessFox

    Hai mah name is Fox

    I m fox I has real name too is uber secret... I play games ya... TES i is super fan know ALL lores.. I think also MLP shirts :smile1: