Recent content by Bailedacademic

  1. Bailedacademic

    Partner ashamed of me

    You've massively misread the context here
  2. Bailedacademic


    Hi Cami! I'm also in Illinois!
  3. Bailedacademic

    Partner ashamed of me

    I don't personally think these are red flags. The average person doesn't understand IC issues. Even when they do, they will look to avoid having clear signs of it around their house. Hell, I avoid having clear signs of it around my house. I'd suggest having an earnest conversation with her...
  4. Bailedacademic

    Diapers and neurodiversity

    With the way that PTSD essentially rewires the brain, I would argue it is at the very least adjacent to neurodivergence.
  5. Bailedacademic

    Becoming a bedwetter as an adult

    30s, started up fairly recently. Don't recall having a history of bed wetting, but my childhood memory is unreliable at best. I've got urge UI and it's gotten worse gradually over the last decade. Over last year I went from getting up twice a night for the bathroom and maybe not always making it...
  6. Bailedacademic

    Transgender Question

    I'll add: see a therapist that includes some variety of trans-affirming in their bio. The first mental health professional I saw and mentioned those feelings was super shitty and blatantly transphobic, which led to a . That aside, you are completely valid for not immediately identifying as a...
  7. Bailedacademic

    Urgency incontinence

    Thank you @Diaperman95 and @hbic60, y'all have no idea how incredibly validating it is to hear y'all agree that I'm moving in the right direction. And yes, my underhydrating for the last few years was very, very stupid and unhealthy. Anyone reading, don't do that!
  8. Bailedacademic

    Urgency incontinence

    Urge here too, multiple times a day now. Started a decade ago as just the clock shortening over time. A couple years ago it became a problem of a couple minutes and started putting in pads just in case. Then got even shorter. What was a bit dripping before a quick clinch has grown as it become...
  9. Bailedacademic

    Found out I’m autistic. I guess that explains the diapers...

    Canada, Australia, and a few other countries have rules against naturalization for autistic individuals (and same for ADHD). I agree with the move away from Asperger's, but said airforce service member was correct that it could negatively impact their career; the US military doesn't accept...
  10. Bailedacademic

    Found out I’m autistic. I guess that explains the diapers...

    All throughout my 20s I had people ask if I was autistic, yet I always waved it off until I was in grad school and started interacting with fellow brainy autistics, and then I did the deep dive and of course came to the conclusion that I'm very likely a high masking autistic person. Not...
  11. Bailedacademic

    Building an AB Wardrobe

    Looking for stuff not from speciality sites and/or able to be dual purpose for day-to-day needs? My go-to's: Duluth Trading Co. Lots of great, fun prints, overalls, and great color combos. Excellent quality materials that hold up. Land's End Fun prints here and there. L.L. Bean A little...
  12. Bailedacademic

    I'm back, again

    Hi! Formerly know as TheHorrorProf, I'm once again posting an "I'm back" intro. I'm now in my 30s, use they/them and she/her pronouns, and living the greater Chicago area. So what have I been up to in the last few years? I quit academia after 5+ years teaching and being all but dissertation...
  13. Bailedacademic

    Transition MtF

  14. Bailedacademic

    Transition MtF

    You do you, but the nuances of sex is far less static than “male and female.” I know lots of folks (trans and otherwise) who’ve discovered that assigned “female” at birth is just as false as assigned “woman” at birth. Putting aside the question of gender, sex is a lot more than just what’s in...
  15. Bailedacademic

    Transition MtF

    I’ve voiced this in the past, but anyone considering transitioning needs to seek the help of an experienced mental health professional with experience working with the trans community. Transitioning has been a massive blessing to me and my life. I also didn’t do all the things listed in lists...