Unexpected Return of Bedwetting


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  1. Diaper Lover
Did you ever have a bedwetting episode after being reliably dry? What were the circumstances? How humiliating was it?
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iampadded said:
Did you ever have a bedwetting episode after being reliably dry? What were the circumstances? How humiliating was it?
It's happened to me a couple of times after I'd been drinking. On one occasion I'd been out on New Years eve with some friends and we were sharing a hotel room. When we got back I was struggling to stay awake whereas my friends were still wide awake. I was scared that if I stayed awake that my friends would do something to me.

I inevitable couldn't stay awake but when I woke up I felt wet. Surely not I thought, I knew what it felt like to wet the bed as I'd done it until I was 13 but to me horror when I lifted up the duvet the boxer shorts I had worn to bed were soaked and I had been sleeping in a puddle of wee. There I was 20 years old and waking up in a wet bed and to make things worse 3 of my friends knew and weren't going to let my forget about it.

Luckily the other time it happened I was at home so only my family knew but it was still really embarrassing.
I hate to admit it but at 45 I am still an ocassional bed wetter. When I am really stressed or if I have been drinking a lot, I will sometimes wet the bed. We were in Vegas a few months ago and had a really fun night. I am so thankful that my wife made me put a diaper on because sure enough, I was soaked when I woke up the next day. Yes, I am an ABDL bu5 I also believe there are times that diapers are truly useful to us adults.
Oh yes, my so called “bedwetting episode after being reliably dry” was a game changer. Following roughly ten dry years, it took place after a night of beer drinking while living at home between my freshman and sophomore years of college. Waking my first though was sweat. Checking further, it can’t be, I wet the bed! Humiliation, tell me about it. Pajamas wet head to foot with a huge stain in the bed there was no way to hide it from mom’s prying eyes while away at work. At the last second I told her as I left for the day.

And it wasn’t a one-off. To mom’s dismay, before returning to college I wet two more times. Additionally, into the shame and sensations, I decided to try to induce one last sleep wetting before returning to college. Choosing a night where I’d have the house to myself in the morning, I downed a few beers before going to bed. It worked, I woke up soaked. (Got to believe hundreds if not thousands of youthful bed wettings made me susceptible as an adult.)

Closing the loop, the so called bedwetting episode was a game changer in that it served as the catalyst for my return to regular bedwetting a few years later.
iampadded said:
Did you ever have a bedwetting episode after being reliably dry? What were the circumstances? How humiliating was it?
How about you? Were you ever reliably dry? If so was there a memorable episode that broke the streak?
I was at scout camp and sharing a tent with a kid I barely new. I was 13 and it had been several years since I last wet the bed. I was so embarrassed waking up in my tent soaked. It was the middle of the night and I was a little delirious so I walked to the bathrooms were there were other kids who clearly saw my wet pants. So embarassing.
Had several times as a kid that I stopped wetting my bed at night and was abled to sleep in regular underwear and my mom would give my diapers and goodnites to her friends. After a few months of being dry I would start wetting myself again day and night and was put back in pullups during the day and diapers at night. But I always had a plastic sheet on my bed
What is the time limit for reliably dry...a month? 6 months? a year? 10 years? I failed at all those time restraints, but yes unexpected wettings have always happened at some point, wetting on overnight stays with friends has to the hardest whatever your age.
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chamberpot said:
What is the time limit for reliably dry...a month? 6 months? a year? 10 years? I failed at all those time restraints, but yes unexpected wettings have always happened at some point, wetting on overnight stays with friends has to the hardest whatever your age.
true, though I always wondered, when you're not having a wet night every night, but do wear a diaper just to be sure every night, what od you do when you wake up dry?
Toss a dry diaper away or just go in it in the morning and toss it away then? (both considering when you're either a child or adult,so regardless of age). It's not exactly a good idea to put a worn dry diaper away for another night because of possible sweat and the material is moved around so it'd leak faster if you' reuse if even if it were to be clean and dry
(this is just my mind overthinking, being curious ;) )
winterheart01 said:
true, though I always wondered, when you're not having a wet night every night, but do wear a diaper just to be sure every night, what od you do when you wake up dry?
Toss a dry diaper away or just go in it in the morning and toss it away then? (both considering when you're either a child or adult,so regardless of age). It's not exactly a good idea to put a worn dry diaper away for another night because of possible sweat and the material is moved around so it'd leak faster if you' reuse if even if it were to be clean and dry
(this is just my mind overthinking, being curious ;) )
I would say if you are not going wear a dry diaper again the next night then just use it when you wake up. Lay in bed and let it go and enjoy the feeling of not having to get up to use the bathroom right away. Then you wont be wasting a diaper.
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oreobaby89 said:
I would say if you are not going wear a dry diaper again the next night then just use it when you wake up. Lay in bed and let it go and enjoy the feeling of not having to get up to use the bathroom right away. Then you wont be wasting a diaper.
That's actually what I do when I do not have any obligations for the day coming up.
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I do the same thing, because I am wearing a diaper i just use it :rolleyes: several times a night and well into the morning after breakfast and coffee
The only times I have ever wet past age 5 was after a work injury, mixing heavy drinking and benzos. Happend maybe 3 or 4 times before I figured it out and stopped. Only once I was diapered. The worst time I passed out on the couch and soaked it. I came to a couple of hours later and in my stuper had to wash, dry the couch covers, put it all back before morning without waking my roommate.
WBxx said:
How about you? Were you ever reliably dry? If so was there a memorable episode that broke the streak?
Reliably no. Between ages of 14-22 intermittent bedwetting. Washed a lot of sheets, played “diaper roulette”. Wore to bed when convenient, but no diapers when not. alhough I had many humiliating episodes-peed the bed on a couple of occasions at hotel with teammates at club basketball tournament- the worst one was Thanksgiving of my sophomore year in college. I went to my girl friend’s parents house for the long weekend and totally peed the bed in her guest room. There was no hiding it, so I owned it. She had 2 younger brothers , a 10th and 12 grader who teased me ruthlessly.
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Both of my parents were late adolescent bedwetters, so it's not exactly unexpected that I am too. The only time I've been mostly dry was during my junior and senior years of high school. Bedwetting came back quickly in college, which sucks, and that's where I am now…

On the bright side, managing it is pretty easy, since I'm a shrimp. Bedwetting pull-ups have always worked fine.
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i think the last time i really truly wet the bed asleep was when i was 5 or 6 year old. I did have a fascination with diapers when younger - and it persist till today somewhat. I wet my bed on purpose when I was about 10 or 11 and I did have an accident after my car crash - was like totally out of it after the crash and on tons of meds.
iampadded said:
Reliably no. Between ages of 14-22 intermittent bedwetting. Washed a lot of sheets, played “diaper roulette”. Wore to bed when convenient, but no diapers when not. alhough I had many humiliating episodes-peed the bed on a couple of occasions at hotel with teammates at club basketball tournament- the worst one was Thanksgiving of my sophomore year in college. I went to my girl friend’s parents house for the long weekend and totally peed the bed in her guest room. There was no hiding it, so I owned it. She had 2 younger brothers , a 10th and 12 grader who teased me ruthlessly.
That must have been super embarrassing to do that at you girlfriends house. Though a part of me thinks I would enjoy it while also being mortified. Are you still with that girl?
oreobaby89 said:
That must have been super embarrassing to do that at you girlfriends house. Though a part of me thinks I would enjoy it while also being mortified. Are you still with that girl?
Sadly not. That relationship ended about 8 months later.
iampadded said:
Sadly not. That relationship ended about 8 months later.
Yeah that is too bad. Just curious did any part of you enjoy the fact that her younger brothers found out.