Yay more negative publicity!

DiaperSpa said:
Awwe, that was a smile I very much needed today. Thank you. I am very happy to be here among such genuine souls.
No problem.

I'm just suspicious of services like this by default. Not terribly long ago, one that sounded similar on the surface was essentially a front covering up child abuse that myself and other members exposed.

There's a lot of even just DL's here that are basically desperate for any kind of non-judgmental interaction. If an hour session basically boiled down to a diaper change and hang out and chat in just a shirt and diaper, I think that'd be really beneficial to them and pretty easy money for you. win/win
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Bearcatz said:
No problem.

I'm just suspicious of services like this by default. Not terribly long ago, one that sounded similar on the surface was essentially a front covering up child abuse that myself and other members exposed.

There's a lot of even just DL's here that are basically desperate for any kind of non-judgmental interaction. If an hour session basically boiled down to a diaper change and hang out and chat in just a shirt and diaper, I think that'd be really beneficial to them and pretty easy money for you. win/win
I’m so very sorry to hear about your terrible experience with that phony establishment. It is also wonderful that you found that out and were able to expose this. Beyond the profound harm they do to people directly, it is places and people like this that give the public negative opinions about us all. I am most deeply saddened for the distrust and suspicion it naturally created in you. I hope that these feelings will be able to lessen with time and positive interactions with genuine people of true heart who are authentically dedicated to the community. ❤️
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Subtlerustle said:
I am so sad and upset that you’re going through this. Your heart is in the right place and I know you weren’t going to be the next Jeff Bezos from this endeavour. Please look after yourself first. Whatever that requires. None of us in the community would want to see you suffer permanently from this.
Thank you for your kind words and support. It means a great deal. 🙏
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I saw some youtube comment other day by some "psychologist" talking bad about age regression in therapy basically claiming it was not therapeutic . That comment sounded politically bias rather than an actual psychiatric opinion after all it was a comment on a candice owens youtube on the spa.
It is indeed true that there exists a rigid definition for the term "therapy" within the medical community, driven primarily by politics and the influence of insurance. Consequently, this definition only encompasses treatments that are widely accepted as reimbursable by insurance companies and possess specific medical billing codes.

However, numerous practices have been proven to be therapeutic but fall outside the realm of reimbursable treatments, thereby evading the narrow and stringent financial definition of therapy. Examples include massage, yoga, meditation, exercise, aromatherapy, and various forms of eastern medicine.

This distinction is solely based on financial considerations, politics, and lobbying efforts, and does not necessarily align with the effectiveness of the treatments. In fact, many self-care options that are therapeutic exhibit greater success rates and fewer potential harms and side effects compared to traditional therapies.

The pharmaceutical industry promotes the notion that the best therapy is "A Pill for Every Ill," with the goal of achieving “normalization”. This desired outcome, considered a cure, aims to restore or bring all individuals to a perceived "normal" state.

Critics of immersive age regression often lack comprehension of its purpose. Some condemn it because its objective is not to conform individuals to an acceptable "normal" behavior, while others oppose it due to financial reasons, as it may not align with the interests of big pharma, insurance companies, and the medical establishment.

Over time, certain therapeutic practices do transition into recognized therapies. Examples include art therapy, music therapy, as well as physical and occupational therapy. Perhaps one day, immersive age regression may also find its place in this realm of recognized therapies.

For now, I am more than happy to provide therapeutic support and services to those who want or need it, and mutually understand the importance and value of such assistance. The people I am so blessed to work with and their experiences mean much more to me than the opinions of the narrow minded, uninformed, and financially motivated talking heads.
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DiaperSpa said:
It is indeed true that there exists a rigid definition for the term "therapy" within the medical community, driven primarily by politics and the influence of insurance. Consequently, this definition only encompasses treatments that are widely accepted as reimbursable by insurance companies and possess specific medical billing codes.
And profit. Don't forget profit. "The love of money..." and all.

DiaperSpa said:
This distinction is solely based on financial considerations, politics, and lobbying efforts, and does not necessarily align with the effectiveness of the treatments.
Good ol' American John Wayne "Fit In or Get Out" bullcrap. People worship a stilted variety of gods, especially in the corporate realm, and bleed the more-visible-than-spoken doctrine down like an infectious ooze. Like what I call "The Johns": John Wayne and John Lennon. They're dead, and they were only living for themselves anyway. We gotta think for ourselves, people...and one another. Accommodate, not dominate.

DiaperSpa said:
The pharmaceutical industry promotes the notion that the best therapy is "A Pill for Every Ill," with the goal of achieving “normalization”. This desired outcome, considered a cure, aims to restore or bring all individuals to a perceived "normal" state.
My previous statement stands here, too. "Normal" is Third-Reich-esque compliance. The Big Pharma commercials are a joke, like watching Religious Tracts on Ice, where taking a pill makes you more friends "in the right places", improves your lifestyle, puts you on a train breezing through the green Irish countryside. To paraphrase John 14:6, "I am The Way, The Pill and The Life: nobody comes unto the Betterworld except by me". And it's shown ad-nauseam on our TVs.

DiaperSpa said:
Critics of immersive age regression often lack comprehension of its purpose. Some condemn it because its objective is not to conform individuals to an acceptable "normal" behavior, while others oppose it due to financial reasons, as it may not align with the interests of big pharma, insurance companies, and the medical establishment.
Again, more Good Ol' John Wayne/John Lennon Indoc. America loves its dead gods.

DiaperSpa said:
Over time, certain therapeutic practices do transition into recognized therapies. Examples include art therapy, music therapy, as well as physical and occupational therapy. Perhaps one day, immersive age regression may also find its place in this realm of recognized therapies.
I'm not waitin'...I'm doin'. Diapers, big-baby clothes, crib, toys, bottle, you name it...I'm there.

DiaperSpa said:
For now, I am more than happy to provide therapeutic support and services to those who want or need it, and mutually understand the importance and value of such assistance. The people I am so blessed to work with and their experiences mean much more to me than the opinions of the narrow minded, uninformed, and financially motivated talking heads.
Hopefully you can do all that...and drain your swamp among the hips-deep alligators. I do hope you find your pioneering path, you have the determination. We all pioneer in our own unique ways, there's no better way.
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DiaperSpa said:
It is indeed true that there exists a rigid definition for the term "therapy" within the medical community, driven primarily by politics and the influence of insurance. Consequently, this definition only encompasses treatments that are widely accepted as reimbursable by insurance companies and possess specific medical billing codes.

However, numerous practices have been proven to be therapeutic but fall outside the realm of reimbursable treatments, thereby evading the narrow and stringent financial definition of therapy. Examples include massage, yoga, meditation, exercise, aromatherapy, and various forms of eastern medicine.

This distinction is solely based on financial considerations, politics, and lobbying efforts, and does not necessarily align with the effectiveness of the treatments. In fact, many self-care options that are therapeutic exhibit greater success rates and fewer potential harms and side effects compared to traditional therapies.

The pharmaceutical industry promotes the notion that the best therapy is "A Pill for Every Ill," with the goal of achieving “normalization”. This desired outcome, considered a cure, aims to restore or bring all individuals to a perceived "normal" state.

Critics of immersive age regression often lack comprehension of its purpose. Some condemn it because its objective is not to conform individuals to an acceptable "normal" behavior, while others oppose it due to financial reasons, as it may not align with the interests of big pharma, insurance companies, and the medical establishment.

Over time, certain therapeutic practices do transition into recognized therapies. Examples include art therapy, music therapy, as well as physical and occupational therapy. Perhaps one day, immersive age regression may also find its place in this realm of recognized therapies.

For now, I am more than happy to provide therapeutic support and services to those who want or need it, and mutually understand the importance and value of such assistance. The people I am so blessed to work with and their experiences mean much more to me than the opinions of the narrow minded, uninformed, and financially motivated talking heads.
You are welcome to our community.
Thank you for helping others.
You among friends.
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Sometimes western medicine doesn’t have the answers there are definitely more answers in eastern medicine which has a more holistic approach than the simplistic approach rather than a “cure all pill”. Being around someone with DID for instance with entirely split personalities with their own memory and character . The idea that such can be “cured “ with medicine is entirely absurd and not scientific. I have crystals for certain uses some of them psychic reasons , but also for emotional healing reasons. I’m not a doctor , in my opinion though amethyst is has a legitimate calming affect. The crystals affect the chi of the person and the chi is like bioelectrical energy . It is metaphysical and physical. The crystals basically affect this energy flow of the body. There was a crystal though I bought and within a short time period I noticed it objectively helped my stuttering so much I ended up looking it up sure enough that crystal was known to do that. I was only exposed to it for like an hour yet it had such a major affect. That said weeks later I found out that crystal was radioactive ☢️ with a radiation field around a foot in diameter or so. I had no clue kinda freaked me out since I had it sitting next to my computer practically in my face and sleeping with it sometimes for half a month for psychic reasons dream stuff. When I found out it was radioactive I took a turned on a geiger counter I have and soon as I put it near it the geiger started going off. It is about as radioactive as uranium glass . Someone else with the same rock tested it with a gamma spectrometer come to find out the radio signature was thorium 232 ☢️. It was crazy , anyway ironic because people mock the idea of crystals having energy and yet this one had a lot of it enough you wouldn’t want to be exposed too long to it. This crystal was produced loads of energy and light objectively. A light we can’t see with equipment. Long story short I ended up putting it in a jar outside because I don’t like the idea of radium in the house coming from it which is not safe.

My other crystals are fine they have energy but are not ionizing radioactive at all
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BobbiSueEllen said:
Just my .00000042 Bitcoin: in hindsight, it probably wasn't a good thing to use the word "Diaper" in the business name or signage. I'm just normally paranoid about AB/DL and the reaction of the Muggles. It's just one of those things Muggles are paranoid about, too...for all the wrong, stupid, uneducated reasons.

I have limited exposure to sexology, other than that fascist "Dr." John Money and his spearheading the "John/Joan Case" (the Reimer twins from Winnipeg, Manitoba), and the concrete rebuttals of Dr. Milton Diamond. I believe, as Diamond asserted, that "nature truimphs over nurture", no matter how much that sick pig Money denied it and crowed it was a "success", despite the obvious. It wasn't a success. Two dead brothers are proof enough.

But I digress. I was only priming the pump here. One massive problem I have with AB/DL and the psychiatric 'community' is how they label AB/DL as "paraphilic infantilism". There are too many cases here and at-large to prove that sex is not the main thrust of what we do. Muggles get college degrees, jobs, buy cars, houses, drink, gamble based on the degree of their virility. They bank their machismo/femininity on it. I recently saw Dr. Freedman on M*A*S*H tell Hawkeye how sex seems to be rooted in everything...or at least that, he says, is what he was taught to say. But I don't have diapers, dresses, toys, a rocking chair, a high-chair and a crib--or use them--to bolster my phallus or ego; it bolsters my need for comfort, security, self-assurance. Being here reinforces that. I never did well among my peers...I was always different. Not because of AB/DL (which they never found out), but because they could walk right on up to you, sniff it out...and out comes the Red X stamp. That tends to occur at puberty. There it is...

The other thing I have against the term 'paraphilic infantilism' is the abuse of the Latin: if sexuality was truly involved, it'd be "paraerotic infantilism". "Philia" is about familial ("filial"), "eros" is about sex. On that token, 'pedophilia' (an associative word we hear far too damn much by ignorant & indifferent Muggles against us) should be "pedoerotica". The academic minds ain't stayin' true to the Latin. All in all, we don't like being called "paraphilic infantilists" because that first word trips it all up.

We're all branded, no thanks to 'modern psychiatry'. This is why you, I and others won't make much world progress in AB/DL with word abuse like that...among other things, such as past news & entertainment media treatment. I've already cited the damaging examples.

When is the next DSM coming out? I wonder if we have enough time--or willingness from the 'community'--to objectively debate and change the standard, the descriptives, the definition before DSM-VI comes out. A good chunk of progress will arise from that alone...as well as discretion & tact by the AB/DL community...both rank-&-file and at-large.

Oh, and by us, when we stop handing what we do to so-called 'entertainment & news media', as if we have an ally through them. We don't. We need to both change and grow things about us, on both sides of the AB/DL fence, before we'll be considered a community worth considering, without the need for martyrs and blood, be they figurative...or literal.

Guess that's all I gotta say.
DSM is published every five years. I think the most recent was 2021 so that means 2026 is when the next edition.
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PamperedBabyBear said:
I get tired of hearing them falsely accuse us a pedos. That word is traumatic.
It truly is, it always make angry and me want to cry. Abdl's are not criminals or predator's and should not be included in that collective :mad: Even if we can just get people to stop doing that it would be a gain.
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PamperedBabyBear said:
I saw some youtube comment other day by some "psychologist" talking bad about age regression in therapy basically claiming it was not therapeutic . That comment sounded politically bias rather than an actual psychiatric opinion after all it was a comment on a candice owens youtube on the spa.
Where'd this idiot get his phd then. Age regression is defined as a mind defense mechanism to trauma so clearly they are: either a total idiot, willfully uninformed, or just spouting bs.
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Likely one of those "cereal box scientists", reads a couple papers and suddenly think they know everything about the subject :rolleyes:
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The span between the DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR was 6 years, between that and the DSM-V was 13 years...then between V and V-TR was 9 years. No telling about VI... 🫢
With so much negative news and hateful people , it is good time for black obsidian and black tourmaline crystal as they are known to protect from negative energy
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@BobbiSueEllen I was mainly utilizing search info for that so I'm only as good as what duckduckgo gave me.
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mistykitty said:
It truly is, it always make angry and me want to cry. Abdl's are not criminals or predator's and should not be included in that collective :mad: Even if we can just get people to stop doing that it would be a gain.
Makes me want to go nuclear ☢️ lol 😆 , but I contain myself. It definitely hurts what they say …
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PamperedBabyBear said:
Makes me want to go nuclear ☢️ lol 😆 , but I contain myself. It definitely hurts what they say …
Exactly, and I don't know who came up with that words don't hurt me saying but they are so so so so wrong. Sometimes words hurt worse!
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mistykitty said:
It truly is, it always make angry and me want to cry. Abdl's are not criminals or predator's and should not be included in that collective :mad: Even if we can just get people to stop doing that it would be a gain.
How lawyer acted in my divorce acted like wearing diapers was illegal. Sadly some truely do treat us like criminals
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Their conventions & publications should be more timely and regular, IMHO. Psychiatry evolves rapidly...so should they. Just my .00000039 Bitcoin.
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PamperedBabyBear said:

How lawyer acted in my divorce acted like wearing diapers was illegal. Sadly some truely do treat us like criminals
It really is unacceptable and I am just totally dumbfounded by that. So much for innocent until proven guilty. More like guilty until proven innocent :(:mad:
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