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  • R
    Hey, it's good to hear from you! I'm doing OK, back home in Ireland for a bit. How are things with you? Hope your studies are going well!
    I'm going to Charlies home town (not uni town) which im not allowed to say on the forum publicly :p on saturday! after that im not sure tbh! I'm hoping sometime soon! ill be in leciester sometime before xmas for sure!

    I'm good though, how're you?? When do you get back to the good old U of K?
    Haha you reckon? We'll see ;)

    Welcome back to the forums!!

    Seeya Saturday :D Can't wait!! :)
    Hello, how are you? Congrats on the dummy! Did you order a Nuk 5? I'm still wanting too.

    Things are good with me. I got engaged recently! :)
    Ah, sorry, man. Much to the admonishment of pretty much everyone I know I never actually joined Facebook. And I'm too stubborn to do it now.

    Dissertation is coming along, thanks. I've still got about a month before it's in but lots to do. How are you finding the last couple of months in uni land? Got exams coming up?
    Indeed! It's interesting to see how it's shaping up. However, no one has uncovered the elephant in the room: of COURSE it is preferable to let 5--or a million--strangers die. This is a disaster. However, permitting people you know to die ... now that is a soul-crushing tragedy.
    I'm doing okay, ta. Got all the stresses of the last term of uni as well as worrying about next year and getting everything sorted and...adult life in general, I suppose, but it's kinda fun at the same time.

    Let me know on here or send me a text about the pint-getting. And If we can't do May there's always the summer?
    Oh, I pretty much always fancy a pint, mate. Provided it's not right bang in the middle of dissertation handing-in or exam season then I'd love to take you to a couple of the real ale pubs in the Old Town. Let me know when you have an idea of the date.

    And good luck with the final push over the weekend. I'm half envious (that you're going to be done so soon) and half pitying (that you have to be done so soon). You're going to feel amazing on Monday, though!
    Urk. It's coming (slowly) along. I've done loads of reading and preparation and made a decent start of the writing, but there's still a long way to go. It's such a slog!

    If I remember rightly though, yours is due a couple of months earlier than mine. How's that going?
    You were totally right about Up, man. Saw it last night and loved it. Was really quite touching.

    Good recommendation!
    Hey, just about to go to bed, but miss chatting to you! Have been really busy with innumerable animals dumped upon me. I love Howl's Moving Castle! :) I've been spending lots of time bothering my ferret and also playing with my new Sylvanian Families house my gf got me for christmas. It sounds like you were having a good evening!
    I'm doing okay. You know, season come, season go. Thanks for asking. ;)
    Hey man,

    Sorry I didn't reply to your text yesterday. I would have done except a) I was working to help set up what turned out to be a really disappointing production of 1984 in an old factory and didn't have my phone and b) I need to get some credit.

    Starting arguments with strangers in bars, eh? Well, I can't see the harm. Not like Israel is an issue that tends to invite controversy, heat and emotion, right? ;)
    ..and after roughly one more aeon, hello again!

    I've been a bit exiled as I've not had working internet access at home for bloomin' ages but I should hopefully be around a bit more now. Hope all is well with you.
    Grrr. Nearly twice over limit. PM's on its way.
    Glad you could make it in to the bunny-cloister.

    I'm pleased to see the conversation that has emerged in the House Bill 443 thread; obscenity, "let's think of the children!," and legislation that runs rough-shod over people all combine to make this a great topic for exploration.
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