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    i will do my best to be entertaining, true and never disappoint
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    Reactions: onecho
    I love Cold War-related history... Were you alive when the Berlin Wall fell? Do you recall much?
    Hi onecho, I took this over from GermanDL's intro because I didn't want to capture his thread.
    I'm another german DL, and I was 16 in 1989. Although I didn't witness that particular night personally but only on TV, I was in Berlin a few days later when the "wallpeckers" ran their business.
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    Reactions: onecho
    Neat. :) I hear the party lasted for days in Berlin. Amazing time in history.
    It was. And it was somewhat bizarre when the party had subsided, life went on, but instead of VoPos (Volkspolizisten, i.e. "people's police" of the GDR) preventing their own people from escaping, there were policemen from the FRG guarding the wall from wallpeckers - that was before they decided to take it down completely.
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    Reactions: onecho
    Personally, I would have kept some colorful part near the city centre as a memorial. There is a dull grey fragment standing around somewhere in the suburbs that just isn't visible enough imo.
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    Reactions: onecho
    A properly done lobster roll is one of the most delicious things on Earth. I don't think I could ever live on the East Coast; I'm too much of a Westerner. If a lobster roll was delivered to my theoretical office in Boston at lunch every day, I could make it.
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    Reactions: MeDisneyBaby
    Depression isn't measured by the depth of your own misery; it's reflected in the anxiety and apprehension of those around you.
    Happiness is discovering a piece of little clothing you forgot you had stowed safely away AND it fits perfectly.
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    Reactions: MeDisneyBaby, NooNoo and BobbiSueEllen
    Love is the greatest weapon of mass destruction for the simple reason that someone will willingly turn it on themselves and seal their own fate without any hesitation; the other party doesn’t need to lift a finger.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Adult love is nothing but fleeting promise and lurking anguish. Undoubtedly, it is either conditional and toothless - crumbling at the smallest tremor - or it truly is genuine, lasting until one watches the keeper of their soul slip from their mortal coil and leave them to be.
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    Reactions: DippyDawg, LilxFawn, NooNoo and 1 other person
    Given that we have the topic of padding well-covered, I’ll often go the other direction and provide something completely outside the realm for your consideration. You’ve been warned.

    Food takes:
    1. Pickles are gross
    2. Peanut butter should be peanuts and salt. That’s it.
    3. Ranch should be runny and very cold
    4. Indian > Thai
    5. Pico de Gallo > Salsa
    6. Figs on a pizza are tasty
    7. Sourdough is the best bread
    Cashews are delicious on pizza. True.

    For the sake of civility, I’ll pretend you didn’t say that about ranch.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and NooNoo
    Fair 'nuff. Half the dressing in this town's store is ranch, different varieties. I may be 'Russian' to judgment, so I better rejoin my daughter before I 'caesar' pick out any other dressing. We now return you to James Garner in The Roquefort Files. 🤭
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    Reactions: onecho
    I love sourdough bread.
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    Reactions: NooNoo and BobbiSueEllen
    Doing slightly better today. The sunshine does wonders for one’s spirit, even if spring is my least favorite season.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and NooNoo
    In response to my prior status, life is really miserable at the moment. On top of the crap happening around us all, I’m going through a divorce and trying to sell a house at the same time. When you’re already on four meds for anxiety and bipolar II, and you get these headwinds, all you can pray for is an end to the slide, one way or the other. Either it gets better or it doesn’t matter. It’s the limbo I can’t stand.
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    Reactions: BigBlueBear, DippyDawg, KitsuneFox and 2 others
    I hope you’re staying with family or somebody else you can talk to.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    I have a family to take care of: plenty of folks around me. Got two therapists and oodles of meds. Nothing much more to say, really. Just trying to keep one foot in front of the other.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Hoping to hit rock bottom soon
    • Wow
    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Improve in what sense
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    If hitting rock bottom is a prerequisite for improvement, then I guess a hope you hit it. Otherwise, may things improve before then! Sorry to hear you're going through...stuff. :-/
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    Reactions: Mommyhannahsandy and BobbiSueEllen
    I'm really sorry about that... 😟 I figured it was silly to ask if 'everything is all right' when clearly they are not. I guess I just wanted you to know that someone was listening. I hope things get better real soon. Until then, we are here for you!
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    Reactions: Mommyhannahsandy
    umm.. hello? im an old member becore I had to be 18 umm.. are amy friends list suppost to be empty?
    I just wanted to tell you, that you did a great job in your time as a staff member & that I am sorry, that the change that happened, made you feel you had to step down. I hope as you move forward, things will be ok for you.
    You know, I just might come back some day. ;)
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    Reactions: Cottontail
    Onecho... is a baaaaaaaaby fops :>

    -Rainier, the totally BIG and not LITTLE hyena! :3
    I'm confused. If you don't mind me asking, why do you say you couldn't save adisc? Although i couldn't agree more on how adisc has saved my life, along with your's and many others.

    "I weep for you, ADISC. You saved my life, but I couldn't save yours.

    You will always be in my thoughts.

    Rest in peace, old friend"
    Just wanted to praise the general high quality and depth of your posts. There doesn't seem the be a day goes by when I don't find myself either agreeing or provoked into thought by something you've written :hug:
    Not bad, studying at Uni, 2nd year, can't indulge with two flat mates, which is a bit of a headache but ill have to deal with it
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