Recent content by kjluvs

  1. kjluvs

    Those who wore Goodnites to bed as kids, what did you call them?

    My time in goodnites was short lived because of leaking. But when I did wear them I definitely called them goodnites. My step dad still called them “Pampers” which drove me nuts for two reasons. One was that to me they weren’t “diapers” but something for older kids. The other reason it made me...
  2. kjluvs

    Do you wear a diaper to bed every night?

    I do wear a diaper to bed every night. I had a really rough time with bedwetting as a kid that lasted until I was about 15. I had a few dry years then in college it started again. Today I don’t wet quite as frequently as I did as a kid but if I drink too much alcohol or take my anxiety...
  3. kjluvs

    Little kings or daydreamers

    I find Little Kings to be very cute but not the best in terms of absorbency. If I wear them overnight and have an accident, my crotch always feels damp and soggy in the morning. It’s like the pee seeps through the cover
  4. kjluvs

    Was anyone ever told you’re in a diaper just use it or diapered after potty training as a child?

    I remember one time when I was either 5 or 6 around the holidays when we were leaving our relatives house after a Christmas party. It was sleeting and snowing on our way home and I can remember announcing from the back seat that I had to pee. My dad said there was no place to stop and I should...
  5. kjluvs

    Wearing diaper past overnight as a kid?

    I have many memories from when I was around 5 or 6 waking up very early to watch tv in the living room hours before my parents woke up. I’d always watch Sesame Street and Romper Room sitting on the floor in front of the tv still wearing my soggy diaper. Once my dad left for work, my mom would...
  6. kjluvs

    Good nites bed matts.

    I love these mats. My husband loves them too since he sleeps next to a bedwetter! Haha. He doesn’t want to sleep on those bedwetter sheets so these stay on my side of the bed. Sometimes my diapers get a little saggy from tossing and turning in bed. A saggy waist usually means a leaky diaper. I...
  7. kjluvs

    Which would be more embarrassing as an older child? Wearing Diapers or Getting Your Diapers Changed or Both.

    Getting spotted by another kid while my dad was changing my diaper in a very busy rest stop is what triggered my interest in diapers I think. I’ve shared this story on here before but it fits nicely into this post. I was about five when it happened and I only wore diapers while sleeping. This...
  8. kjluvs

    Bedwetting Diapers as a Kid

    Definitely! When my first round of bedwetting stopped at 15, I really missed wearing them to bed. I would steal a few from my little brother or even open a package in the grocery store and stuff on or two down my pants. As much as I wanted to stop wetting at night growing up, I really became...
  9. kjluvs

    Caught or almost caught from smelly diaper?

    I remember being in fourth grade and my parents had to go deal with the fallout from my great grandmother’s stroke so my parents had me spend the night at my buddy Greg’s house. We were good friends in school and had lots of daytime play dates but no sleepovers because of my bedwetting. I slept...
  10. kjluvs

    Did you ask for diapers?

    I had a tough time staying dry at night all the way up until my sophomore year of high school. I wore diapers at night but it wasn't treated as a punishment, just a solution to a problem. My parents never purposely made me feel bad about it and they worked with my pediatrician to find other...
  11. kjluvs

    Did you hate being in nappies for bedwetting ?

    Like many of you have also said, I had a love/hate relationship with the diapers I wore to bed growing up. Up until I was about 5 or 6, I really wasn't aware of the fact the other kids my age didn't have to wear diapers at night like I did. One time during a long car trip to the beach, I was...
  12. kjluvs

    Wisdom teeth- diapers?

    I had all four wisdom teeth extracted under IV sedation. It wouldn't have occurred to me to wear a diaper to the appointment but luckily I had a consultation a few days before the actual procedure.The oral surgeon walked me through the sedation process and said we always ask our patients to...
  13. kjluvs

    Seeing Santa- accidents and nappy leaks

    Hahaha...there's a picture of me on Santa's lap from the early-mid 80's with a bowl cut, red screaming crying face, and a huge wet spot on my pants. I must have been 3 or 4. No clue if I just peed in my pants or if I was wearing a leaky diaper under my pants. I was terrified of two things back...
  14. kjluvs

    Embarrassing moments after being found out?

    One time during the holidays we were visiting my new stepfather's brother and his family who lived about 2 hours away. My stepdad's brother had two sons who were both younger than me. If I remember correctly, the one son was probably around 7 and the other was maybe 3. During our visit it...
  15. kjluvs

    Christmas morning diapers as kids

    The magic of Christmas morning! The excitement of the holiday allows you to skip over your normal routine. In one of the old family photo albums at my mom's house, there's a picture of me opening up my presents on Christmas morning. I'm standing next to a tower of gifts including a Teddy Ruxpin...