Would you be a baby 24/7?

Would you be a baby 24/7 if you could?

  • Yes

    Votes: 133 44.8%
  • No

    Votes: 117 39.4%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 47 15.8%

  • Total voters
longallsboy said:
If I could physically be a 3 year old again?.
Sure definitely yes. At least I would have child rights. Better than my existence now with Autism on my mid late 40s chronologically. I have less rights than a 3 year old. It's worse, way worse than when I was 3... I would love to ride on Power Wheels cars now and kiddie rides at amusement parks, and getting to wear long-alls and T strap shoes would be the icing on the cake. I also wouldn't get bullied (and probably wouldn't even if I were a proportional pituitary dwarf that looked like a 3 or 4 year old) by some jerks in Oregon and also my parents wouldn't be yelling at me all the time. I was their little prince back then.

I never wore long-alls / jon jons or T strap shoes as a child (I didn't live in the Deep South). Though I had cute "overalls" and these saddle oxford like burnt orange tie lace shoes.

- longallsboy
that would be awesome to have kid rights
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littleK1626 said:
that would be awesome to have kid rights

I edited and wrote more 💜

- longallsboy
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I would love to become a toddler again, but I don't think I would love to be that 24/7. The only reason I say that is because I barely have any memories of being a baby/toddler, so I would be happy if there was a temporary effect on me so I could be one for about a week or so.
littleK1626 said:
how bad is nursing home doesn't really seem that bad
As a nursing home employee, not sure an abdl would like being in a nursing home. We have rules about duration between changes. Most bed ridden patients don't do much other that lay there and watch TV. And out side of staff, not many have family that visit. If the government didn't control every aspect of the nursing home, I feel like the staff would do more to engage the patients in activities.
Bronie07 said:
As a nursing home employee, not sure an abdl would like being in a nursing home. We have rules about duration between changes. Most bed ridden patients don't do much other that lay there and watch TV. And out side of staff, not many have family that visit. If the government didn't control every aspect of the nursing home, I feel like the staff would do more to engage the patients in activities.
i am incontent for medical reasons but that would kind of suck, but i Will probley end up a home when way older
Even thought I do really like most of them cute outfits & diapers !
I do think I wouldn't !
I am an Adult Baby and yes the baby in me says yippee 24/7…..the Adult no way that’s happening. Oh the dichotomy of it. Keeps it interesting though. The thing is, that for me at least, I am AB 24/7 lol. The baby is always present, albeit under the watchful eye of the adult. (Well occasionally kids do get there way 😁)
I'm on the line with the idea. I'm already in a sub/pet lifestyle so I'm used to giving up control. I do still meet with friends, work, do my crafting and play console ect.
I am being dipred more as part of submission but I couldn't be in a little mind set 24/7. I'd also find if I did it to much it would loose its appeal as a comfort.
I couldn't give up my whole independence no but I'd try if I had some conditions included x
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I feel sexually aroused by wearing diapers, using other objects designed for babies, and behaving and being treated like a baby. So, if I could be a baby 24/7, I would love it.
No. Those lawn mowers won't fix themselves.
I’m toddler 24/7 , first I’m already finically independent so I don’t work anywhere
I have no desire to be ab 24/7. Like many comments prior to mine, I do have my adult male side of life that exists. I still work full time, have projects in my garage and home repairs/remodels going on, and a casual social life. Then there is the fact that no one in my circle of family and friends knows this side of me. I will continue my ab time as I can, when then privacy is afforded.
Maybe not a baby, but a toddler, sure. The only driving I'll be doing is in my Big Wheel bike or tricycle, which is the safest way to get around. I'd just be a slightly older rugrat. Also my food preference wouldn't really change drastically. The only major thing I'd miss from adult life would be my friends.
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Borderlands said:
If you could be regressed all the time with somebody always there to take care of your every need and no concerns about money, just like a real baby, but you'd have to give up on adult stuff like work, parties, friends, driving, high heels, etc. would you?
Personally, I wouldn't, but that's not exactly my kind of thing. I wanted to know what ABs would choose and how you would spend your time.
I'm not "AB", but i have a very close friend who is. It's an interesting question, because i think it would only apply to a very few people to be able to actually pull that off. I know that for many AB's little time is very important, whether it be limited to certain times or more of a permanent thing, as is the case with my friend.

I do understand though very much, that being AB is an excellent method for those with anxiety or who struggle to navigate the adult world, which lets face it, can be crappy at times! :ROFLMAO:

My friend introduced me to diapers, and while i am a DL, I've never wanted to be an AB myself, I do however love my little friend dearly, and am fully supportive of their lifestyle. 🫂
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LittleAndAlone said:
Would want a perfectly normal healthy actual child's body, voice, etc. And lacking in cholesterol, hormones, sweat glands, etc. Not a genetically defective failing broken adult body.

I want to look in the mirror, needing a step stool to do it, and look how I feel. 😁

Would have to be uniquely mine. Couldn't trade with a child who wants to be grown up cause it would be robbery. 🤣

Ideally I'd wish for a superpower to change my age and appearance at will. And then my 6 yr old form would be my preferred default. 🥰

Keep my job but live my life as a child with infinite resources. The dream life of actual child me. Think Disney movie Blank Check. Which is pretty much what I've been doing anyway and why I'm a little. My living room for example looks like one of those old magazine sweepstakes with the crossword puzzle I always fantasized about as a child. Remember those with the big TV and sound system and every game console and accessory? It's not a nursery because Im not a infant but it's effectively my little age appropriate play room with the bonus of not having to be secret and ABDL related.😂

But I could do without the large hairy greasy smelly creaky adult chassis. 🤣 It would be nice to climb up a step stool and see blushy chub cheeks, 1/4 moon eyes, baby tooth grin, and fluffy perfect hair in my eyes. I pretty much already time jumped into my adult body, losing track of aging and time passing as I strived to get ahead in the adult run world and right everything I hated as a child. Now that it's done I want my child body back to resume where I left off so many years ago.

Speaking of hair ever notice how a kid's natural untouched hair is so perfect the specular highlight forms a halo? 😇 🥰
So what you are actually saying here, is that you want a mirror, mirror on the wall, that tells you, that you are the fairest of them all? :ROFLMAO: 🫂
SebUK97 said:
So what you are actually saying here, is that you want a mirror, mirror on the wall, that tells you, that you are the fairest of them all? :ROFLMAO: 🫂
*In the voice of a 6 yr old with a missing teefs*

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the silliest and goofiest and smol-est of them all?"😜🤪😝😁
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I am 5’7 170 lbs and fully dependent on my aide and nurses for care , all my body is is a mouth to diaper interface . Not out of choice you play the hand your dealt , I got a lousy hand . It’s not all bad I do find great joy in some things like music and photography , no matter your level of function both of those can transport your body to places it would never go . Much the way people in prison are some of the freest people you will meet , doesn’t matter what my body will or won’t do ,my mind can’t be held or restricted except by death .
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Tetra said:
I am 5’7 170 lbs and fully dependent on my aide and nurses for care , all my body is is a mouth to diaper interface . Not out of choice you play the hand your dealt , I got a lousy hand . It’s not all bad I do find great joy in some things like music and photography , no matter your level of function both of those can transport your body to places it would never go . Much the way people in prison are some of the freest people you will meet , doesn’t matter what my body will or won’t do ,my mind can’t be held or restricted except by death .
I'm so sorry for you Tetra, I'm glad to read that you have the support you need. It's great that you find joy in photography and listening to music. 🫂
I usually regress anywhere between an older baby/toddler to a younger kid still in diapers, so maybe between 3-6. I do act babyish sometimes but not always. I wouldn't regress permanently if given the option. I enjoy adult things too and my AB side is a way of relaxing and relieving stress. I don't see them as separate things, more like two sides to the same person.

However, if I had someone to care for me and tend on me, I think a sort of "regression holiday" would be nice temporarily. Maybe regress 24/7 for a couple of days while being fed and changed, and just relax and play without any responsibilities. I wouldn't do it permanently though, even if I was offered the chance.
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