Why don't they say something?

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It's a mystery...why don't family members say anything when it's evident you wear diapers? I've had a couple of situations where diapers were seen but nothing was ever said? Have you had the same experience? Why doesn't anyone question us when it's evident we have them?
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For me when I started wearing for fun during the daytime (nocturnal enuresis) if my SO just ignored it, it didn’t exist. She has became more accepted about my little side and diapers but still doesn’t want to know I’m wearing them even when it’s evident that I have one on.
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to be honest my family doesn't know how to handle many situations when it comes to the emotions of an experience so we all just tend to pretend its not there if we can get away with it
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I think it's an embarrassing subject to many people who don't wear them. The world has become very sensitive about feelings.
Why should they say anything about your choice of underwear?
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Exactly! Why should they say anything about it. It's your choice. I think if they seen me wearing white it would be far more accepted than when I have my pink princesses on. That might raise some flags!
My roommate knows I won't talk about it and my foster parents probably think it would scare me away if they asked about it.
Because it’s awkward. People avoid awkward.
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Not sure I put that much thought into it. They probably just assume it's a medical reason and leave it at that. No need to bring it up not knowing how you would react about it.
Clothforever said:
It's a mystery...why don't family members say anything when it's evident you wear diapers? I've had a couple of situations where diapers were seen but nothing was ever said? Have you had the same experience? Why doesn't anyone question us when it's evident we have them?
Pantyman said:
Exactly! Why should they say anything about it. It's your choice. I think if they seen me wearing white it would be far more accepted than when I have my pink princesses on. That might raise some flags!
How do you like the pink princesses?
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because it isnt necessarily something that is required to be addressed the moment anything comes up. underwear is already somewhat of a private thing and so wearing diapers is probably even more. they probably figure the fact that you havent just come out with it means that you dont really want to share it with them.
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And maybe they didn't want to embarrass you.
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Family, friend, or complete stranger, the same rule usually applies: It’s really none of your business what goes on in somebody else’s pants. Unless you’re that person’s caretaker, spouse, or are in some other special relationship with that person that requires or entities you to be concerned with or interested in that part of their body, you’re really better off feigning ignorance. It’s just polite.

So, to the OP: It’s no mystery at all. Your family doesn’t want to invade your privacy. Good on them, I say!
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I know my mother found my stash of goodnites when I was about 15, but nothing was said.
I’m sure they do say something, just not to you. They probably talk about it with everyone, like when people know someone is cheating. They’ll tell everyone but the person who is being cheated on.
My parents never said anything since I wet my bed until I was 17 and my mom diapered be every night. Later when I was on my own I was too afraid to let anyone know I liked to wear diapers and wet in them even I had no medical need. But later still I found I wanted to wear more often and started telling those I wanted to know much better, told a girl who became my wife and now all of my family knows I wear diapers and rubber pants by preference.
It's none of their business. Why? You trying to get them to say something? Are you just surprised no one has asked if you're okay medically? Even that isn't their business. You're grown.
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It's probably the same for when a lot of people realize it, both with family members or complete strangers. Cause it can be an awkward and embarrassing thing to talk about for everyone involved and it's often a pretty private thing. When I was in my teens I had about 5-6 packs of Goodnites, I think they had little yellow atv's on them? hidden under a blanket under my bed. One day when I got home the blanket and all of them were pulled out and and on the floor next to my bed. I felt pretty mortified and awkward for days after and to this day don't know who it could've been, whether it was my mom or bother (or potentially anyone else).

I'm glad it was never brought up, but I still wish whoever saw it coulda just could been like "I found your stuff" and never bring it up again
Can be they think you need to wear, and out of courtesy they don’t confront you with it?
my SO obviously knows I’m wearing and using diapers, and she never ever talks about it, or mention anything containing the D word. Only if I have a leak does she say my pants are wet. But never that my diaper has leaked.
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