Why do furries act like assholes to other furries?

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It's an odd phenomenon and definitely not one limited to Furries. People are so possessive of any identity and group they belong to, especially if it's a marginalised one, that they are often more unpleasant to other people within that particular community than towards outsiders.

Different example but I used to be strongly involved with Socialist marches, groups, demonstrations etc. (and still am, to an extent). And there was more infighting and hostility between these different groups and political parties who were very alike than with the mainstream political landscape, whose beliefs were anathema to all of them.

What I'm saying is that the more personal and marginalised a movement is, the more individuals can be aggressive about imposing what they think it should be like. There's no excuse for being an obnoxious A-hole to someone, but I get why some Furries (and members of other niche communities) have members who are very conscious about wanting to mould that concept in their own image.
Experiment626 said:
I'm not sure if I worded that right but I thought The furry fandom is like a one big family all nice to each other and supportive and have each other's backs blah blah but I uploaded a picture of a brand new training pant to FA so other folks could use it as a reference for drawing and I get this comment "what the hell is this shit. Fucking hell Pedo" now it's only the diaper no piss,poop or being worn but it's the second time it's happened to me and it makes me furious that supposed like minded people do that and how/why would someone assume your a pedo by a single picture?

Yeah, I've heard that too, from a few (the key word there-a few), most of the furrys I've encountered, were either confused, but not hostile, some were neutral and yes, I did meet some that, although not a DF/BF, they were supportive. So, didn't let the few assholes, who are showing their ignorance (and maybe their stupidly??), sway you from posting any other pix. They are probably into vore pix any way? I'll take a anything diaper related pix/vids, any day, over gore vore.
Dude... The problem isn't the fandom (or is it "furdrom"? I don't remember)... The problem is people. Most precisely haters.
It's circular knowledge: "You posted a picture of a diaper, and you are a pedophile for that?", it doesn't make sense at all.

If that's the case, Pampers channel in You Tube should be over by now.
I am very new to the fandom but I've already experienced hater like attitudes and tensions from both outside and inside influences. Just human nature I guess. After all, furries are interested in anthropomorphic animals, which is still human in part...perhaps.

I want to offer a tool to help deal with this. Dale Carnegie in his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (highly recommended read btw) he gives this important principle:

"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to."

This is commonly used in situations to be an encouraging leader. If we wish to be persons and furries of decency we need to show it in our actions. If people are harassing you deal with it maturely as possible. One recommendation is to not respond to hater comments with similar attitude.

I was blocked from an artist's DA account because he or she reeeeealy hates the furries. I want to reach out to the person and clarify the reason behind the block but I've decided not to be immature about it and let it be. If the artist wishes to come back to me and reconnect...well all and good. If not, so be it. I did not block the artist and I never will. (Btw, this is a real shame because the artwork is superb.) I will not release the name of this individual.

In short, be yourself of better character to the haters. This world certainly doesn't care for such:


Experiment626 said:
I'm not sure if I worded that right but I thought The furry fandom is like a one big family all nice to each other and supportive and have each other's backs blah blah but I uploaded a picture of a brand new training pant to FA so other folks could use it as a reference for drawing and I get this comment "what the hell is this shit. Fucking hell Pedo" now it's only the diaper no piss,poop or being worn but it's the second time it's happened to me and it makes me furious that supposed like minded people do that and how/why would someone assume your a pedo by a single picture?

I'm verry sorry that this has happend to you I've dealt with my fair share of assholes the best way I've found to deal with them is to kill them with kindness it shuts them down and encourages everyone around you to rally against them and that shuts them down even more.
Because too many Baby and Diaperfurs flaunt their fetish. Plus people are just assholes. You get used to it.
Some can't get passed the diaper aspect. Some think we all love cub porn. Some people are just douchebags. Babyfurs dont always have the best rep. So their easy targets. But a lot of curries surprisingly are okay with us.
Like many, I first started in my diaper interests extremely early in life - 5 or so. Later, some ABDL friends of mine introduced me to the Furry/Babyfur community. The Babyfur community (and the Furry community for the most part) expressed a real tight-knit and supportive vibe that really resonated with me and gave me such hope for self-acceptance. However, it wasn't long before I felt the backlash from some of the non-Babyfurs and the very vocal disapproval of "Babyfurs being pervs and making Furries look bad." This had a devastating effect on me. That feeling of community and tight-knit suport suddenly turned into feeling very segregated. I was suddenly scared again to share that I was an ABDL/Babyfur. I was very selective with who I shared that information with and suddenly was living two lives again. It honestly drove me away from large events and I haven't attended a con in years. I held on to a few close friends, but essentially removed myself from the community at large. I'm currently weighing how much I'd like to renter the Babyfur/Furry community and to what degree.

But I was always confused as to why a (very select) group of a community would pick on and put down a different subgroup of their own community, knowing first-hand what it is like to struggle with their own fursona having struggles being validated without persecution from others.
I would think because, evolution has taught animals to be cautious by instinct to evade being eaten by a predator. I would imagine that furries, since they anthropomorphize animalistic characteristics both physically and mentally, that they are merely displaying the same kind of behaviours an animal displays when another animal trespasses on the first animals territory.
The best answer that I can give to this is probably that a lot of furries become bitter and angry because of the way that they get treated on the internet.

Being called furfags and receiving all of that hate from places like 4Chan, etc probably leave them (because most furries are younger) super jaded.

And then the same people who made them that way in the first place for berating them use their behavior as a reason to pidgeonhole all furries as this not only weird and tabboo group but also as intolerant and rude.
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