What was your bedtime as a kid

My mom always complained about me not sleeping well as a child. Now, of course, I regret it. I could read books until late at night because I just didn't want to sleep. When I was even smaller, I only slept for five or six hours.
Providing I hadn't misbehaved, my bedtime routine when I was growing up was a bath around 7:30 PM and then put into a fresh diaper and plastic panties and tucked in by 8:00 PM. This was adjusted to 9:00 PM later into middle school. (And obviously even later in high school.) As I got older, my parents still made me bath at night instead of shower for a more thorough cleaning. It was nice when I was able to wear goodnites because I only needed a diaper check before bed. But when they started leaking on me and I needed proper medical diapers, the diaper changes were so embarrassing at the beginning. Was so glad when I finally was allowed to tape on my own diaper and just needed it checked before bed.
Even as a little kid I usually didn't fall asleep until after 11 pm. When I was 6 years old my bedtime was 7:30 but I'd still be awake. By the time I was 9, my bedroom was the entire attic in my parents' Cape Cod house and I had an old television so I'd stay up late and watch monster movies...haha, something my parents didn't know or chose to ignore since I was a night owl. I still am and usually stay up until midnight.
Started out at 8pm, then went to 10pm (in late primary school), then nothing because it was pointless trying to regulate my sleep cycle.

Before I started my gender transition, I would not usually be in bed before 4am, and even then, I wasn't there because I was tired (regardless of when I got up). I was there because I knew I would eventually be tired, at some point in the day, and if I didn't go to bed by 4am, I would get no sleep at all.

Turns out a considerable part of the brain which is responsible for body clock synchronisation is negatively affected by the neuroendocrine aspects of gender dysphoria. Funny how that works.
When i was a kid 9pm then when i went secondary/high school it became 9.30
Started at 9 and got later as I got older. I kept wetting my bed well into high school so my mom pinned diapers on me and rubber pants before going to bed. By the I was 16, bedtime was 11 or later and sometimes, depending on what was on tv, she’d diaper me and we’d return to the living room to watch tv until 11:30 and them would put me to bed.
Lyric said:
Started at 9 and got later as I got older. I kept wetting my bed well into high school so my mom pinned diapers on me and rubber pants before going to bed. By the I was 16, bedtime was 11 or later and sometimes, depending on what was on tv, she’d diaper me and we’d return to the living room to watch tv until 11:30 and them would put me to bed.
Your mom diaper you at 16 ? wow , mine diapered me till i was about 14 and i insisted i diaper myself after due to the embarrassment , she just checks my diaper after.
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I'm sure my bedtime changed significantly when I hit high school because I was given so much homework. I was in all advanced classes and besides homework, there were all these semester projects which involved research in our local library. There was no such thing as personal computers so all your information would be handwritten into your notebook or 3 x 5 inch cards if the teacher insisted. I would often be up late trying to get all of this completed. There also was a lot of reading as well. Ah...good times.
Aby said:
I had trouble in the 1-3rd grade, parents and teachers tried to blame it on lack of sleep, so I then had to go to bed at 8 pm, and miss all the good shows that I liked, eventually I was allowed to stay up till 9pm on school nights by the 4th grade. I think my hatred of the 8 pm bedtime screwed me up for life, I always want to stay up late now. Also I dont think my problems had anything to do with getting 1 more hour of sleep.
I think, and my therapist agrees that it was probably ADHD or autism. Not sure the testing at the time would have diagnosed me properly, it was the early 80's. I think lots of the testing focused more on hyperactivity.
Almost the same thing here except that I couldn't stay up until 9 until the 9th grade.
Mine was 7:30 until 2nd grade. Then 8 until 6th grade. 8:30 until 9th grade. Then 9 in 9th grade, 9:30 in 10th, and 10 in 11th and 12th. It remained 10 until I moved out, even when I was home from college on breaks. That was my "base" bedtime. On nights that there was no school the next day, it would be 1 hour later. If I got in trouble, it might be earlier. I always had to get ready for bed an hour before bedtime.
When I was younger it was normally tea at 6--6.30, bathing around 7, diapered for bed at 7.30 and bedtime was 8. When I was older nothing much changed apart from the 8 o'clock bed time
8:30 PM (when dragonball was on,so i never got to watch it). i stopped having one by middle school,but school was HELL for me so i was too tired to go any later until after high school. now,i'm LONG past school nights and go to bed basically whenever i want (normally by about 10:00 PM,but sometimes it's much later).