What did you get last Christmas?

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I've been thinking about Christmas, trying to see what possible I'd want as a present that'd be reasonable (people complain that I'm a pain in the ass to shop for). Part of me doesn't want to just have a random gift for the sole purpose of just having a gift to open on Christmas.

I tried thinking about what I got last Christmas, and a lot of it, I forgot was even a Christmas present. Then I thought about the fact that it seems like after each Christmas, whatever that present people wanted and got, they almost immediately adjust to it, and they pretty much just move on from that present.

I'm not sure if anyone has ever asked this, but I figured I might give it a try. What did you get last Christmas? How has that Christmas gift held up over the past year? Mainly wanted to see if what people wanted and got last year made a difference in how the following year was for them.
I got a handful of Star Wars shirts. They were sold out by the time I was given them, so that was cool. I also got a few new games, tickets for Episode VII's first showing.
Last Christmas she gave me her heart, but the very next day I gave it away.
A crib to be broken down for a playpen, clothes, a Hello Kitty chia pet, and plushies. ^^
I don't remember a single thing I got last Christmas, so I guess that sums up how excited I was about whatever I got!
last Christmas me and my family played secret santa and when my number got called got to choose any gift I wanted and when I opened it I ended up getting a curling iron and I wanted to trade it for another chance of getting something else but nobody wanted to trade with me so I ended up giving it to my mom and I also got a $75.00 gift card to amazon and a $25.00 gift card to subway
2 8GB sticks of RAM.
I got some clothes and gift cards along with some CDs and DVDs. My wife got me a cute babyish sippy cup and a moose plushie. This year, the piano I got in July goes toward both Birthday and Christmas. I guess I'll have no trouble remembering that.
Last Christmas I received gift cards to Xbox one, Starbucks and a few visa gift cards most important was time with family. I am sad this year I won't be able to spend with family due to work and such.
Gsmax said:
What did you get last Christmas? How has that Christmas gift held up over the past year? Mainly wanted to see if what people wanted and got last year made a difference in how the following year was for them.

i can't remember, but it's probably on here , somewhere.
the year, though, has been pretty shit, to put it mildly: a case of bumping from one death or at death's door to another, and illnesses and visiting relatives who only get in the way and sponge and cause stress.
i'm currently stricken with the usual and the only smile-worthy thing about that was the 'acute' note i got to give to the chemist for my antibiotics, so that i got them there and then; never had one of those notes before.
'course, it could always have been worse.

as with most years, if there's any happy treats, they're what i've teated myself to (got my Star Trek TNG to watch, a gammon steak to have once my tablets have gone down, lamb shank for xmas day, special xmas sausages, chocolates, biscuits and ethiopian coffee. what more could anyone want?).
to be honest, i don't usually like other people buying me stuff because they usually buy crap. and not that i'm just being a spolit brat, for if 'it's the thought that counts', where's the thought in buying some adventure day thing for someone who's go two knackered shoulders? and i'm pretty sure that i'm not the only who's had those stale, out of date After Eight Mints from the bargain-bucket shop.
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