What diaper are you wearing right now?

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Abena L4
I'm wearing a stackup of three Sweet Iris cloth baby diapers (excellent on adults! :thumbsup:) with a pair of vintage Curity prefolds as stuffers. Quite waddly.

inpampers said:
Homemade Luvs frankendiaper... Basically, took a case of Luvs diapers (I love the smell!!!) and made adult sized diapers from them.

Some hot-glue, a sharp razor, a cutting board, and a template I made years ago. Depending on how absorbent I want them, I can use between eight and twelve diapers to make one adult diaper...

Here are a few photos of a diaper a made a few months ago. It was way too big, but lasted for an entire night and then well into the afternoon before it started to leak.

Nice Frankendiapers! I strongly approve!!

Clearly, a labor of Luvs. (Wakka-wakka-wakka :giggles:)

I've made quite a few Frankendiapers over the years--not in precisely this way, but same basic idea. Getting the crotch area to be watertight was the tricky bit. Peeling back the cloth-like covers, applying wide double-sided tape, then laying the covers back down seemed to work for a while, but seepage was inevitable. I'll have to give hot glue a try next time.
Kiddo medium and nice and soggy!!!!
iD Expert Slip Maxi
Northshore supreme
Seni brief medium Quarto v2 feels verty nice for a cloth back.
Just woke up in a wet pampers easyups :p
dryper said:
Just woke up in a wet pampers easyups :p

You must have a very small waist size then!

Those pampers easy ups are smaller than drynites/goodnites XL.
Rearz princess medium, a tad bit on the big side as I normally wear rearz in small.
ConfiDry 24/7 (again).
Drynites XL boys and rather soggy hehe
None atm, I'm " adulting " today

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Abu paws
A thick terry cloth diaper with cute dino plastic pants
Abuniverse Space getting ready to fight the alien's

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Cottontail said:
Clearly, a labor of Luvs. (Wakka-wakka-wakka :giggles:)

As someone who is pretty sarcastic and snarky, this one actually took me by surprise. How did I miss this...

Indeed, a labor of Luvs; I've Huggied myself and Pampered the skin I'm in, too. I want to tackle pull-up style diapers, too; but these are a bit harder to get the geometry right and not have them slip off.

Cottontail said:
I've made quite a few Frankendiapers over the years--not in precisely this way, but same basic idea. Getting the crotch area to be watertight was the tricky bit. Peeling back the cloth-like covers, applying wide double-sided tape, then laying the covers back down seemed to work for a while, but seepage was inevitable. I'll have to give hot glue a try next time.

Double-sided tape always failed for me, save for a few brands and then only when using a baby diaper as a stuffer. They just don't hold up on the stretch and pull when wearing the diaper. I wore my last frankendiaper for 21 hours. I put it on at midnight, slept all night, and then kept going all day, including a short nap in the afternoon. I took it off when I wanted to poop and then take a bath before bedtime.

When I weighed it after taking it off, there was almost 10 liters of fluid over the day. Using hotglue is a necessity, and I typically make double seals along the seams. For instance, placing the two interior diapers next to each other, I will push the padding as close together as I can, then run a glue bead along the seam; then, on the other side, I will check that seam by separating each edge of the diaper and making sure it is sealed. If not, I will fill the holes.

Then, I will make a wavy bead on one side of the two edges and press them together with a warm roller (enough to keep the glue malleable, but not melt the diaper - usually I keep a rubber roller on top of a pot with boiling water).

I will make a third and very thin bead on the resulting flap to close it against the body of the diaper.

Over time, I've probably made about twenty of these. To deal with the middle, once it is all assembled, I will tack the middle together in a way that is similar to Pampers from the 1970's. This creates a low hanging channel, if you will, that ensures any urine not held in the front runs down into the material and not out the edges (at least, when standing or sitting).

It takes a long time to make even one diaper. Start to finish, it can take me 2 hours per diaper, easily. If I ever decide to make myself some frankendiapers in bulk, I will setup an assembly line style workbench, get an easy-flowing powered glue gun, and make a better jig than the cardboard forms I use now.

I will say this, though; I'm not much of an AB, mostly just a DL; but I like authenticity, and nothing has ever come as close as waking up in the morning in a soaked Luvs frankendiaper and pulling back the sheets to the smell wet Luvs has...
inpampers said:
I will say this, though; I'm not much of an AB, mostly just a DL; but I like authenticity, and nothing has ever come as close as waking up in the morning in a soaked Luvs frankendiaper and pulling back the sheets to the smell wet Luvs has...
Yeah, I'm with ya there. I haven't quite acclimated to the adult kind, though I haven't got much AB in me either.

And I haven't made a frankendiaper along these lines in a few years, but you may have inspired me to give it another go. If/when I do, I'll post my results. It's tempting to keep playing with tape, if only because I now work as an engineer for a printed electronics company, which has introduced me to a lot of the 3M VHB adhesives--much better stuff than I've previously used for diaper-modding. The double-sided membrane spacer tapes look particularly applicable, but damn! Are they ever expensive!

All of my more-recent frankendiapering is with cloth diapers. Which, fortunately, just requires a few extra diaper pins.
Northshore supreme
Abena Abriflex Premium M3
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