What diaper are you wearing right now?

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I'm wearing a medium Euro brief. I don't know if many of you tried them, but they are one of the best diapers you can buy. Really thick absorb a lot have a great fit and are a nice blue color :)
a super wet pampers cruisers size 7
Waking up this Sunday in a medium Dry24/7. I'm really getting to like these. When worn over time, they clump a lot less than bambino, wet or dry, and don't require a stuffer. (either for capacity or bulk)
lying in bed in nothing but a goodnite. I'll fall asleep eventually!
Mmm...chilling in a fresh Bambino and a new snuggly pink onesie. Wish I knew where my paci was :(
None right now, got no diapers left in my stash >.<
Kyatto said:
None right now, got no diapers left in my stash >.<

''Wow that's serious diaper drought'' . Will be very shortly wearing a tena flex diaper. Hopefully that will last til bedtime.:thumbsup:
Louise said:
''Wow that's serious diaper drought'' . Will be very shortly wearing a tena flex diaper. Hopefully that will last til bedtime.:thumbsup:

I know T.T, well hope yours does last til bedtime :D
Today I'm wearing a Bambino Teddy stuffed with a Wellness brief.
Cushies from ABU
sounds like a "bambino Monday" from the looks of the above? I'm on a short vacation for the next few days and changed into a nice dry bianco large with a totaldry for bulk. nice and comfy way to relax the afternoon away...
bambinod said:
sounds like a "bambino Monday" from the looks of the above?

Nay, every day should be Bambino day. My new case of medium Biancos came in today, JUST in time as I thought I was going to have to downgrade to icky Depends until they got here, lol.
Though, I've been losing weight, so I've been having to tighten the tapes quite a bit, so I think it's time for me to sample the smalls...
sorry, they discontinued the smalls! maybe you can find some on ebay tho
no they didn't. They're still available in Biancos. I JUST ordered a sample, lol...unless they are LYING to me! :O lol :p
oh, right you are!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH!!! Rai-chan wins again :D
Pampers baby dry size 6

:) I love the look and feel of this one too much, too bad it doesn't work for practical use.
"Time for a change..." hmm, I wonder if THAT is what Obama meant in that little speech of his...*hides to avoid being shot*
BabyRaimuneko said:
"Time for a change..." hmm, I wonder if THAT is what Obama meant in that little speech of his...*hides to avoid being shot*

Good thing I'm wearing my Bambino, that made me laugh THAT hard.
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