What diaper are you wearing right now?

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Showered and in a fresh Bambino Classico now. Happiness ensues. :)

A homemade cloth diaper with an old T-Shirt and a pair of briefs.
Diapers are just all-around amazing. They feel awesome dirty, but when you take it off and get a clean one on, it's just as amazing.

I'm currently wearing a Walgreen's Certainty Fitted with Pampers size 7 stuffed. (GAWD THEY SMELL GOOD)
A crummy Wellness Unique Brief NASA diaper whatever. I bought a case so I'm trying to learn to like them. Avoid these!
A Depend Maximum Protection stuffed with a Tena pull on brief. I like the look of the Depends, but it's not very thick or absorbent, but the Tena one is quite absorbent and gets thick, but I don't like how it's pull on, so I combined them :3
im wearing a wings diaper.its quit comfy
A small/medium adult pullup from dollar general.
Abri air x-plus... doing the marshmallow trick.
vintage plastic covered luvs size 6...soaked and luv'n it!
Abena X-plus with Abri-let liner and Ultra Flex polyurethane panties from Fetware.

abriform extra, in my big fleassy sleeper,

nice and warm
I am wearing a banbino. i have tryed just about every diaper on the market and i prefeer the secure and banbino because of the tape zone
At the moment, Bambino Bianco (my last sample) and my fleece footed PJs. Very cozy and secure. :)

Should be getting my case order of Bambinos early next week. These are wonderful diapers! :smile1:

Tranquility ATN with two doublers inside. If necessary I'll put on another ATN over that, but as a last resort. Reason being? That's my last ATN.
Pampers baby dry size 6
thick abu over night diapers with soft cloud blue plastic pants over them in case I leak
Abena X-plus which I wear 23/7....gotta take it off to shower ;)
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