What are your thoughts on the vaccine?

OriginalWetone said:
Try using an ordinary dictionary. If you can follow that, move on to medical dictionary - it gets a bit more specific as to the three types of real vaccines. If you don't have access, let me know and I'll let you pick which one I'll quote for you. I have three in my library. The experimental drug being distributed as a vaccine is something entirely different that they HOPE will have vaccine like properties. In previous attempts to produce this type of vaccine substitute, they were never able to get past the animal testing phase because in some cases it worked as they'd hoped but a large number had their immune system begin to attack itself resulting in death. When they jumped the gun to call it a pandemic I knew where we were headed. Many of the restraints usually in place on producing an experimental drug are lifted in the case of a pandemic.
Depending on which medical dictionary you are using, it responds in one of several ways. The older medical dictionaries describe it as:
Collins Dictionary of Medicine said:
A suspension of microorganisms of one particular type that have been killed or modified so as to be safe, given to promote the production of specific ANTIBODIES to the organism for purposes of future protection against infection.
While newer ones have updated their language:
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary said:
Originally, the live vaccine (vaccinia, cowpox) virus inoculated in the skin as prophylaxis against smallpox and obtained from the skin of calves inoculated with seed virus. Usage has extended the meaning to include essentially any preparation intended for active immunologic prophylaxis; for example, preparations of killed microbes of virulent strains or living microbes of attenuated (variant or mutant) strains; or microbial, fungal, plant, protozoal, or metazoan derivatives or products. Method of administration varies according to the vaccine, inoculation being the most common, but ingestion is preferred in some instances and nasal spray is used occasionally.
The American Heritage Medical Dictionary said:
a. A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.
b. A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox when administered to an individual."
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing said:
Any preparation intended for active immunologic prophylaxis, e.g., preparations of killed microbes of virulent strains or living microbes of attenuated (variant or mutant) strains, or microbial, fungal, plant, protozoal, or metazoan derivatives or product.
[L. vaccinus, relating to a cow, vacca]
(bold added by me)

In short, your medical dictionaries may be out of date. With that said, all clinical trials have been passed and Pfizer and Moderna versions have been submitted for full FDA approval. Either way, previous incarnations of the vaccine failing in animal trials certainly do not indicate that this version will show the same results. After all, we have hundreds of millions of doses administered here in the U.S. as evidence.
MakABDL said:
My thoughts are and will stand as: As it is now, it makes no difference because Supposedly even thought you have the "Vaccine" you're still able to catch the virus and still have it develop Really bad.
Every vaccine is not 100% effective. Please review a collegiate level class in statistics and another in biology. Additionally, review the data that shows that breakthrough cases result in highly decreased hospitalization rates as well as much milder symptoms.
Someone wants to say that those Unvaccinated will just cause the virus to keep mutating got it all wrong there....It doesn't mutate that way, a Virus mutates in response to something like the vaccine it sees "Oh it's using Us against Us Alright we'll just change our nature" (To put it into perspective)
As pointed out by blaincorrous, mutations are random changes in the genetic code, some of which are disastrous to reproduction while others may help the virus gain a better foothold and reproduce easier. Again, review college level biology courses.
Honestly I'm in Great health enough to skip it I don't see a reason for Me to get the vaccine, If i end up getting Covid then Oh Well it'll have a fight on its hands because I take care to boost my already very strong immune system. The more you Worry about it, the worse off you're going to be, your body acts So differently when under stress that Not everything will be working correctly and THATS when it hits you the worst. And if someone says "That's now how that works!" Alright, then why is Stress so dangerous? Why could your hair turn grey Early from stress? Your body does not function in the same way when you are under stress, and the more you stress out the more your body reacts negatively to Everything.
There are old and infirm people who have fought off COVID with virtually no after effects. There are young and healthy people who get it and end up in ICU within a day or two of first symptoms and they later pass away. The truth is that a whole host of factors come to bear when someone gets infected and you're gambling with your own life in this regard. Again, most college level biology courses can cover this sort of information.
My Final Thought: If you feel like you need it Cool more power to you, but please do not assume EVERYONE needs the vaccine because if it wasn't for people getting the virus and fighting it off, you wouldn't even have the ability to study the virus for the vaccine in the first place. I personally think I'm not going to need it and that's that, There is no changing my mind There is no Guilt Trip or Threat that will make me change my mind someone who stoops so low as to Guilt Trip or Threaten someone like "DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU!!!" Shut the fuck up or the "Oh I can't wait for you to get it and Die because YOU'RE SO IGNIORANT!!" Shut the fuck up, You're not changing everyone's mind, you're showing them you're a piece of shit. Other people are not Your responsibility, You are your own responsibility.
I've not tried to guilt trip or threaten. I've tried to educate and let people make up their minds from there. There is a simple fact I want to point out--if you want to be part of modern society you will need to play by the rules or accept the consequences of not doing so. You don't want to get the vaccine? Fine. Don't bitch when you get fired from your job or get saddled with a fine from your local municipality for your choice. Accept the consequences for your decision, I've laid out before how we have case law and precedent for both of these, all the way up to Supreme Court decisions on the matter. Other people are not my responsibility until they decide to affect me. Someone decides that they want to try to spread a deadly disease to me? Fuck them. To me, I'll treat them the same as if they blindly discharged a firearm into my house.
Let me be very clear, I am not Anti-Vaxx, Science has proven vaccines are the way to go. What I am saying is, As this "Vaccine" is now, It's not done and ready to be considered the be all end all for covid. It needs development time and it was pushed too soon so Right now, Unvaccinated is the control group while the vaccinated are the Observed subjects of this Vaccine. Seems to be going both ways. I personally believe it's Asinine they make you get 2 shots, back when Swine Flu was a big deal You only needed ONE shot or to eat it with eggs or get the Nasal stuff sprayed into your nose. To me this "You need 2" System is absolutely ridiculous You're meant to get the vaccine once and your body Learns to fight off the virus by processing that vaccine throughout the body Getting a second one doesn't make much of a difference and I don't know why they thought it needed more than one.
And you have ignored the multiple people and places where it has been said that development was not rushed and how most clinical trials are run sequentially instead of concurrently. As for the dual shot method, you obviously are not following the science that has shown that the two shot method provides better results, or even considering that there are already many vaccines that require more than one dose to achieve full effect or require regular boosters to provide a good immunoresponse. Look at childhood immunizations like DTP and HiB immunizations given to children that require five doses, or Hep B that requires three, MMR requires two.... those are just a few, and if you don't get the vaccines until you're an adult, the requirements can be different.

Your claims fall flat when compared to existing protocols for other vaccines.
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AnalogRTO said:
Depending on which medical dictionary you are using, it responds in one of several ways. The older medical dictionaries describe it as:

While newer ones have updated their language:



(bold added by me)

In short, your medical dictionaries may be out of date. With that said, all clinical trials have been passed and Pfizer and Moderna versions have been submitted for full FDA approval. Either way, previous incarnations of the vaccine failing in animal trials certainly do not indicate that this version will show the same results. After all, we have hundreds of millions of doses administered here in the U.S. as evidence.

Every vaccine is not 100% effective. Please review a collegiate level class in statistics and another in biology. Additionally, review the data that shows that breakthrough cases result in highly decreased hospitalization rates as well as much milder symptoms.

As pointed out by blaincorrous, mutations are random changes in the genetic code, some of which are disastrous to reproduction while others may help the virus gain a better foothold and reproduce easier. Again, review college level biology courses.

There are old and infirm people who have fought off COVID with virtually no after effects. There are young and healthy people who get it and end up in ICU within a day or two of first symptoms and they later pass away. The truth is that a whole host of factors come to bear when someone gets infected and you're gambling with your own life in this regard. Again, most college level biology courses can cover this sort of information.

I've not tried to guilt trip or threaten. I've tried to educate and let people make up their minds from there. There is a simple fact I want to point out--if you want to be part of modern society you will need to play by the rules or accept the consequences of not doing so. You don't want to get the vaccine? Fine. Don't bitch when you get fired from your job or get saddled with a fine from your local municipality for your choice. Accept the consequences for your decision, I've laid out before how we have case law and precedent for both of these, all the way up to Supreme Court decisions on the matter. Other people are not my responsibility until they decide to affect me. Someone decides that they want to try to spread a deadly disease to me? Fuck them. To me, I'll treat them the same as if they blindly discharged a firearm into my house.

And you have ignored the multiple people and places where it has been said that development was not rushed and how most clinical trials are run sequentially instead of concurrently. As for the dual shot method, you obviously are not following the science that has shown that the two shot method provides better results, or even considering that there are already many vaccines that require more than one dose to achieve full effect or require regular boosters to provide a good immunoresponse. Look at childhood immunizations like DTP and HiB immunizations given to children that require five doses, or Hep B that requires three, MMR requires two.... those are just a few, and if you don't get the vaccines until you're an adult, the requirements can be different.

Your claims fall flat when compared to existing protocols for other vaccines.
This isn't a post to go "UM ACTUALLY!!!"

To just be a dick with this edit: Under No circumstances may a workplace fire you for not having a vaccine if you opted to not get it, That violates HIPPA laws and the company could be sued to pay that employee their salary until they retire, they can not Legally fire you for anything to do with your health HIPPA and Discrimination laws make that Abundantly clear and anyone who Has been fired for something like that should go see a lawyer.
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MakABDL said:
This isn't a post to go "UM ACTUALLY!!!"
So, what you're saying is that we cannot correct misinformation you put forward? Sorry, but don't expect to freely put forward your side and be free from debate when the information you have is either out of date or incorrect.
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AnalogRTO said:
So, what you're saying is that we cannot correct misinformation you put forward? Sorry, but don't expect to freely put forward your side and be free from debate when the information you have is either out of date or incorrect.
The initial post is about what people Think of the vaccine, It's not a post to just go "UM ACTUALLY!" to everyone else just because some information doesn't match information you have, It doesn't pertain to YOUR view of it

These are Others views and if you don't see it then post yours and Move On let people think for themselves.
Zeke said:
It’s amazing how all that defines “science” is handily set aside when it becomes politicized. Politicians have corrupted science, through their control of grants, funding and academia, but this is the nature of far to many politicians, seeking to grasp control of power. The truly sad part is when those that consider themselves to be scientists become participants in this corruption of their fields of inquiry.
That’s a sweeping generalization. It has elements of truth in it that are worthy of good conversation.

But what is happening right now in circles of deep ignorance and “alternative facts” is it used to dismiss the very idea of scientific work, evidence-based policymaking and expertise.

And then, as has just happened in this thread above, someone is pointing you to someone’s Instagram feed as a source of knowledge your safety may depend on during a pandemic.

The questions you’re asking are worth asking. What are the biases, influences and conflicts of interest that may influence the process. Science is self-correcting, and never perfectly self-corrected.

But in this situation, the disagreements are NOT about large questions. There is, absolutely literally, not a single reputable scientific or medical organization in the world arguing against the safety or efficacy of the vaccines.

So if you want that to be untrue, or think that’s untrue, or your preferred sources are saying something different, you need to tune your antennae to a frequency inside consensus reality.

You can still ask all these questions there, and you should, but they belong on the margins of that consensus reality and not as a dismissal of it.
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MakABDL said:
The initial post is about what people Think of the vaccine, It's not a post to just go "UM ACTUALLY!" to everyone else just because some information doesn't match information you have, It doesn't pertain to YOUR view of it

These are Others views and if you don't see it then post yours and Move On let people think for themselves.
Yes, the initial post is about what people think of the vaccine. However, this post was put forward and people are responding to it.
OriginalWetone said:
Would the 'vaccine' not being a real vaccine be reason enough? Asking for a friend.
The response was incredulous as to saying this was not a real vaccine and the reply was:
OriginalWetone said:
Try using an ordinary dictionary. If you can follow that, move on to medical dictionary - it gets a bit more specific as to the three types of real vaccines. If you don't have access, let me know and I'll let you pick which one I'll quote for you. I have three in my library. The experimental drug being distributed as a vaccine is something entirely different that they HOPE will have vaccine like properties. In previous attempts to produce this type of vaccine substitute, they were never able to get past the animal testing phase because in some cases it worked as they'd hoped but a large number had their immune system begin to attack itself resulting in death. When they jumped the gun to call it a pandemic I knew where we were headed. Many of the restraints usually in place on producing an experimental drug are lifted in the case of a pandemic.
So, here it appears they made a post to just go "UM ACTUALLY!" to everyone else just because some information doesn't match information they have. This information apparently pertains to their view of the vaccine as much as the information I put forward pertains to my view of it.

I posted my views in response to yours much the same as you posted your views in response to someone else. If you don't see it then move on and let people think for themselves.
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MakABDL said:
My thoughts are and will stand as: As it is now, it makes no difference because Supposedly even thought you have the "Vaccine" you're still able to catch the virus and still have it develop Really bad.

Blaincorrus' 6 year old daughter managed to figure out why this is untrue... Can you not follow her logic...?

Virtually all people dying from Covid-19 were unvaccinated. This fact has been very widely publicised.

MakABDL said:
Someone wants to say that those Unvaccinated will just cause the virus to keep mutating got it all wrong there....It doesn't mutate that way, a Virus mutates in response to something like the vaccine it sees "Oh it's using Us against Us Alright we'll just change our nature" (To put it into perspective)

The more infected people there are, and the weaker (unvaccinated) their immune systems, the more times the virus will replicate, and thus the faster the virus will evolve. Surely you've seen the news reports?

MakABDL said:
Honestly I'm in Great health enough to skip it I don't see a reason for Me to get the vaccine, If i end up getting Covid then Oh Well it'll have a fight on its hands because I take care to boost my already very strong immune system.

MakABDL said:
The more you Worry about it, the worse off you're going to be, your body acts So differently when under stress that Not everything will be working correctly and THATS when it hits you the worst. And if someone says "That's now how that works!" Alright, then why is Stress so dangerous? Why could your hair turn grey Early from stress? Your body does not function in the same way when you are under stress, and the more you stress out the more your body reacts negatively to Everything.
Stress puts you in an elevated "flight or fight" mode. It weakens your immune system. Getting rid of stress won't protect you from Covid-19. This guy didn't worry about it:

MakABDL said:
My Final Thought: If you feel like you need it Cool more power to you, but please do not assume EVERYONE needs the vaccine because if it wasn't for people getting the virus and fighting it off, you wouldn't even have the ability to study the virus for the vaccine in the first place. I personally think I'm not going to need it and that's that, There is no changing my mind There is no Guilt Trip or Threat that will make me change my mind someone who stoops so low as to Guilt Trip or Threaten someone like "DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU!!!" Shut the fuck up or the "Oh I can't wait for you to get it and Die because YOU'RE SO IGNIORANT!!" Shut the fuck up, You're not changing everyone's mind, you're showing them you're a piece of shit. Other people are not Your responsibility, You are your own responsibility.

You ARE your own responsibility. But you are also responsible for others in society. Your actions affect others.

We arrest drunk motorists because they put others at risk...

MakABDL said:
Let me be very clear, I am not Anti-Vaxx, Science has proven vaccines are the way to go. What I am saying is, As this "Vaccine" is now, It's not done and ready to be considered the be all end all for covid.

So, you ARE anti-vax when it comes to Covid vaccines.

MakABDL said:
It needs development time and it was pushed too soon so Right now, Unvaccinated is the control group while the vaccinated are the Observed subjects of this Vaccine. Seems to be going both ways.

In a worldwide pandemic, where people were dying, a vaccine couldn't come soon enough. Vaccines have saved countless lives so far, and saved many more from permanent organ damage.

With so many people working together, the sheer number of man-hours involved led to rapid vaccine development. Strict restrictions on drug testing were waived, allowing early tests (in lab cultures, animals) to be run in parallel (rather than waiting for results of the first before proceeding). Governments supported focussed collaboration between drug manufacturers and academic experts.

I had the AstraZenica vacccine. Medicine has advanced at an incredible rate since we began the Human Genome Project. mRNA therapeutics are fairly new, but were trialled successfully before Covid-19.

Around 10% of your DNA is fragments of viral genetic material. Viruses can alter your DNA, whilst mRNA vaccines don't integrate into the genome or need to enter the cell nucleus.

With so many people having been vaccinated, and hardly anyone (statistically) with clinically-significant side-effects (whether with an mRNA vaccine or not)... I think its shows that the vaccines are safe. It's not like they're experimental drugs; they're targetted vaccines.

MakABDL said:
I personally believe it's Asinine they make you get 2 shots, back when Swine Flu was a big deal You only needed ONE shot or to eat it with eggs or get the Nasal stuff sprayed into your nose. To me this "You need 2" System is absolutely ridiculous You're meant to get the vaccine once and your body Learns to fight off the virus by processing that vaccine throughout the body Getting a second one doesn't make much of a difference and I don't know why they thought it needed more than one.

Wow. What part of the science do you not understand? What part of the testing do you think disproves the benefits of two vaccine doses? What data do you have that contradicts the experts?
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MakABDL said:
To just be a dick with this edit: Under No circumstances may a workplace fire you for not having a vaccine if you opted to not get it, That violates HIPPA laws and the company could be sued to pay that employee their salary until they retire, they can not Legally fire you for anything to do with your health HIPPA and Discrimination laws make that Abundantly clear and anyone who Has been fired for something like that should go see a lawyer.
Just to be a dick in responding: HIPAA laws do not prevent an employer from firing you for not getting a vaccine. From the CDC website on HIPAA laws, the second paragraph reads:
The Centers for Disease Control said:
The Privacy Rule standards address the use and disclosure of individuals’ health information (known as “protected health information”) by entities subject to the Privacy Rule. These individuals and organizations are called “covered entities.” The Privacy Rule also contains standards for individuals’ rights to understand and control how their health information is used. A major goal of the Privacy Rule is to ensure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health care and to protect the public’s health and well-being. The Privacy Rule strikes a balance that permits important uses of information while protecting the privacy of people who seek care and healing.
The following types of individuals and organizations are subject to the Privacy Rule and considered covered entities:
Healthcare providers
Health plans
Healthcare clearinghouses

Business associates:
A person or organization (other than a member of a covered entity’s workforce) using or disclosing individually identifiable health information to perform or provide functions, activities, or services for a covered entity. These functions, activities, or services include claims processing, data analysis, utilization review, and billing.

There are permitted disclosures under HIPAA as follows:
Public interest and benefit activities—The Privacy Rule permits use and disclosure of protected health information, without an individual’s authorization or permission, for 12 national priority purposes:
  1. When required by law
  2. Public health activities
  3. Victims of abuse or neglect or domestic violence
  4. Health oversight activities
  5. Judicial and administrative proceedings
  6. Law enforcement
  7. Functions (such as identification) concerning deceased persons
  8. Cadaveric organ, eye, or tissue donation
  9. Research, under certain conditions
  10. To prevent or lessen a serious threat to health or safety
  11. Essential government functions
  12. Workers compensation
As you said, I shouldn't be doing "UM ACTUALLY!" posts, but, since you seem to think that rule doesn't apply to you, I figure it shouldn't apply to me either...
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I should have been a dick and done an edit, but I'll put it in a new post instead. Discrimination laws DO NOT protect you from termination due to failure to get a vaccine. From the U.S. Department of Labor:
The United States Department of Labor said:
1. What is employment discrimination?
Employment discrimination generally exists where
an employer treats an applicant or employee less
favorably merely because of a person’s race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
national origin, disability or status as a protected
veteran. It may also occur if an employer disciplines,
terminates, or takes unfavorable actions against an
employee or job applicant for discussing, disclosing
or asking about pay. Employment discrimination
can be against a single person or a group.
2. What are my rights?
You have the right to work in an environment free of
discrimination. You cannot be denied employment,
harassed, demoted, terminated, paid less, or treated
less favorably because of your race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national
origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.
You also have the right to discuss, disclose or
inquire about your pay, the pay of your co-workers,
and the pay or offered to job applicants.
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AnalogRTO said:
Just to be a dick in responding: ...
May I request we respect the person we are arguing with. This is why I hide Mature Topics, because it’s anything but. This topic should really be in there.
blaincorrous said:
May I request we respect the person we are arguing with. This is why I hide Mature Topics, because it’s anything but. This topic should really be in there.
I understand the position, and agree that this thread should be in the MT forum, but I do not feel I have shown any disrespect to the other forum members we are arguing with here. I used that derogatory term to point at myself, not another person.
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ade said:
Because any, even the most trivial, claim against the makers could ruin them and thus prevent and/or deter any or all future developments.
It's generally referred to as 'being in the public interest'; yes, the idea and practice is abused regularly by many in the business, legal and political world, but it's still a necessary concept for the continuance of technology and operating systems.

The aforementioned abuses have played a fundamental part in the degradation of trust in our 'betters' and which led us down this road of paranoid hysteria, but we don't truly have much choice in any of how we're ruled (we're born into circumstances not of our choosing) and we have to have some trust in the system which governs our lives because having that trust is what makes the system work, be it for better or for worse.
Fostering distrust in the mechanisms of governance and the concept of 'in the public interest' by the abuse of the privilege of law, the wrongful judging thereof and political swaying is a crime against both the state and the people.

It's part of the reason why, as part of the bigger picture, I call for an end to corporate accountability in law and for the individuals within the management structure of a violating company to be held accountable, individually and collectively and, where their remunerations are above a certain amount, financial penalties be substituted for corporal punishment in order to avoid passing the financial buck onto others.
Unacceptable answer. They hurt me, then they need to pay, its pretty simple. If the vaccine is as safe they claim they dont need immunity to liability.
Aby said:
Unacceptable answer. They hurt me, then they need to pay, its pretty simple. If the vaccine is as safe they claim they dont need immunity to liability.
All of this falls under the National VICP program. As I posted earlier:
AnalogRTO said:
Have you never looked up the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? It is a program that pays anyone injured by a vaccine regardless of the manufacturer and it is funded by all the vaccine manufacturers. There is liability there, just that in the interest of public health it has been put under the stewardship of a different program.
Again, the manufacturers ALL pay into this program and they ALL share in the liability. Our legislators are the ones who set this up decades ago, so if you have an issue with it, they are the ones you should be talking to in order to enact a change. You can read up on a lot of the history and reasoning of it on Wikipedia if you like.
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MakABDL said:
That violates HIPPA laws
While yes I could argue myself in terms of not actually liking it (Yes I am all for the vaccine, but also privacy, as you should be able to tell from previous posts) as of right now - this is just plain factually incorrect.
And I see plenty of posts before this one pointing to info to prove that...
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Here's my research on ivermectin:
People are poisoning themselves trying to treat or prevent COVID-19 with a horse de-worming drug
ABC News reported an uptick in calls to poison control centers linked to the drug. The Missouri Poison Center alone has seen a 40 to 50 call increase in the regular amount of messages they would receive a day prior to the pandemic.

Experts are urging people to avoid the lure of fake "cures," which could cause health problems as bad or worse than a COVID-19 infection.

National Institute of Health information about Ivermectin use to prevent COVID
  • There are insufficient data for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Results from adequately powered, well-designed, and well-conducted clinical trials are needed to provide more specific, evidence-based guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not buy ivermectin to treat COVID. Do not buy HORSE ivermectin for any reason involving use in humans. Encouraging others to do their own research on ivermectin will result in more poisonings and there is no reason to believe it will prevent COVID.