What are some things you tell yourself to deal with fecal incontinence?


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  1. Adult Baby
Like do you have some thoughts that make it easier for you mentally?
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Part of being a "survivor" is learning to cope with the unpleasant aspects of incontinence. Over time you will become more "hardened" and will learn to bounce back more quickly emotionally.

At one time a bowel accident left me emotionally depressed and even feeling "guilty" of somehow having failed. However, over time I learned not to feel embarrassed for a medical condition that I cannot control. I accepted that I was doing a lot of things "right" for my incontinence and to take pride in that. Now, I just clean up after an accident, recover emotionally, and get on with "living."

Don't underestimate the importance of the emotional side of incontinence. Allow for it and be good to yourself emotionally. Stay physically and socially active. Stay off of drugs and alcohol. The worse thing one can do is self-isolate.

You do not list yourself as being incontinent. However, if you are, use this forum to vent, when you feel the need. Feel free to send me a personal message.

(double incontinent)
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Trying to figure out what happened and how to avoid in the future (of course not always possible) seems to be the most cathartic. Just knowing that it might not happen the same way again helps.
For me my dual IC has been becoming quite predictable which has made it much easier to manage. When I was getting off the heavy doses of opioids, and other meds that I was taking it wasn’t so predictable and far more likely to be a diarrhea blowout so it has been a welcome change. The one thing that I like to remind myself is how fortunate I am to live in a time when IC is far more socially acceptable than it was when I was an adolescent. This combined with the vast number of products that are available today to facilitate dealing with my IC makes me feel fortunate to be experiencing it now rather than 50 years ago.
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Some thoughts that normally help me are
"At least I still have control of my urinary functions!"
"I am disabled, therefore I have a say in how im treated. I can be an example for other incontinent people."
"Whats happening is not my fault, and even if it was, I can still deal with this."
"Hey......... Diapers!"
"Now I can get on disability! Thats a plus!"
I'm thankful fecal incontinence is a condition that can be managed, and I'm thankful that my fecal IC is almost entirely nocturnal (ie: in my sleep at night).
It can be humiliating at times, but I remember to tell myself that pooping my diaper doesn't make me a baby. It shows maturity to accept myself in this condition and to deal with it without letting it get me too down.
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Kodname87 said:
Like do you have some thoughts that make it easier for you mentally?
Easier for mentally? Not really. It's the same thing. I'm IC and I'm still being IC. I suppose I know that diapers keep me from soiling my bed or clothes. And I think at some point I have accepted for wearing diapers. Being an adult means acting as an adult. It doesn't make it easier but I do accept it.
Well I have now proven shit and gravity still happens and that diapers control what I can’t , and my aide controls my diapers so now would be a good time to let her know.
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For me it's quite simple.
I tell myself if I'm going to shit my pants, than I'm going to wear diapers.
After all diapers get get tossed, underwear and pants need washed, lot easier to toss used diapers.
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I just tell myself " man up and wear a diaper ".
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There are so many things in life that can happen to us that are far worst than having to wear diapers for he rest of your life.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I am not coming on hard on you. I'm just saying that this idea, helps me to accept my situation and make the best of it. This took many years to process mentally. .(My dear wife - when she was alive - was far far WORST than I will ever be - hopefully).
These thoughts I keep in my head to help my mental health.
I will NOT allow what my body does below the belly button to interfere with my daily life, anymore than what is necessary.
Besides these days we have excellent products to help us achieve this. :)
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One of the things that helped me was developing a system for dealing with my IC. That could come from my attitude as an engineer, always trying to come up with a better way to do things, but it also helped me to direct my thoughts towards improving my management of my condition. Keep a journal, or just make mental notes of what works for you and what doesn’t. Continually refine the products and methods that you use to deal with your IC. Switching from disposables back to something that my wife and I had used for our children, cloth diapers, not only significantly decreased my costs, but also allowed for using plastic pants for their designed purpose. This was a benefit in my case because I’ve had an affinity for them for as long as I can remember. The cloth diapers brought about another challenge for me in learning how to launder them to prevent ammonia from occurring when they’re exposed to urine since we hadn’t had this problem when diapering our children. Once I figured out that I had hard water due to high lime content I used a couple of cups of white vinegar in the first rinse cycle of my laundry to eliminate it. I do have the advantage of not being required to go out of my home for much if I choose not to as I was on SSDI and now am on regular Social Security. If you have to work and deal with your IC it would be more challenging, but by no means insurmountable. Attitude can make dealing with a person or thing miserable, even unbearable, or with a change of attitude it can be acceptable, possibly even enjoyable.
Mentally for me is to know good protection keeps me from noticeable accidents. Of course it's not perfect. Humiliation and embarrassment come with being IC but it doesn't make me an infant.